On 01/09/2012 12:55 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Stephen Warren <swar...@nvidia.com> wrote:
>> The Toshiba AC100 (Compal code-name Paz00, aka Dynabook AZ) is a netbook
>> derived from the NVIDIA Tegra Harmony reference board. It ships with
>> Android, but is often repurposed to run Linux. This patch adds just enough
>> support to get a U-Boot serial console, and the ability access built-in
>> eMMC and the external SD slot.
>> diff --git a/board/compal/paz00/Makefile b/board/compal/paz00/Makefile
>> +COBJS  := $(BOARD).o
>> +COBJS  += ../../nvidia/common/board.o
> I think you can drop this as the top-level Makefile should bring in
> the library from that directory.
I did try that initially, and it doesn't work. I didn't investigate very
far at all, but I assume it's because the common library is for vendor
NVIDIA, but this board is for vendor compal, and so the common library
doesn't get pulled in? Does that make sense, or should I investigate

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