I encounter some problems of u-boot porting on PandaBoard.

I’m working on modifying u-boot to verify the hardware devices working
well. Although there’s already a board configuration for PandaBoard
(omap4_panda), I would like to create another one for my own project.
The u-boot version is “U-Boot 2011.12-00046”, and I just duplicated the
item of omap4_panda of “boards.cfg” and renamed it to “panda_test”, and did
the same things as some u-boot porting guides which can be found on the web.
Finally, after compiling, I can get ‘u-boot’, ‘u-boot.bin’, ‘u-boot.img’,
‘u-boot.lds’, ‘u-boot.map’ and ‘u-boot.srec’ in the top directory, but no
MLO. There were error message prompt as below:

*u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.lds:1: syntax error
make[1]: *** [/home/qian/Desktop/u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/qian/Desktop/u-boot/spl'
make: *** [spl/u-boot-spl.bin] Error 2*

I’ve check the file ‘spl/u-boot-spl.lds’, the first line is a comment as
*// add PandaTest Configuration*

and the rest of the file are the same as defult PandaBoard build result.

But when I just build defult "omap4_panda_config", this comment would not

I guess that’s the syntax error, the *arm-none-eabi-ld* generate the
‘u-boot-spl.lds’ with a comment at first line. But it doesn’t happened when
I just build u-boot for default PandaBoard.
Is there any step I missed? Please let me know.

Thank you very much!

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