Simon Glass wrote at Monday, December 26, 2011 11:12 AM:
> Add U-Boot's peripheral ID and pinmux selection to the Tegra20
> device tree file.

> diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi
>               compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-i2c";
>               reg = <0x7000C000 0x100>;
>               interrupts = < 70 >;
> +             u-boot,pinmux = <0>;

That isn't acceptable to me for the same reasons I've outline many
times before while discussing USB.

At least periph-id can be argued to be related to the HW, but the pinmux
value is a hack that really has no place in device tree.

> +             speed = <100000>;

That's already defined as "clock-frequency" in the Linux kernel.

> +             u-boot,periph-id = <12>;        // PERIPH_ID_I2C1


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