On Tuesday 22 November 2011 21:16:50 Macpaul Lin wrote:
> 2011/11/19 Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org>
> > > +.globl       turnoff_watchdog
> > > +turnoff_watchdog:
> > > +
> > 
> > can't this be C code ?
> This is because after reset, the watchdog might be enabled if there is
> another boot loader has ran before u-boot.
> If the other boot loader enabled watchdog but didn't stop it,
> it might cause u-boot to be reset during assembly initialization phase.
> So we need to disable watchdog here.

my point is, why can't turnoff_watchdog() be written in C ?  why does this func 
need to be written in assembly ?

looking at the start.S, seems like there's a bit of logic there that should be 
in C and not a lot of asm.  *shrug* too late now i guess.

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