Hi Andy,

2011/11/3 Macpaul Lin <macp...@andestech.com>:
> This patch improve the performance by spliting flag examination code
> in ftsdc010_send_cmd() into 3 functions.
> This patch also reordered the function which made better capability to
> some high performance cards against to the next version of ftsdc010
> hardware.
> Signed-off-by: Macpaul Lin <macp...@andestech.com>

If you're reviewing this patch, please stop.
I think I still need to check this drive if it will be affect by the
work I'm doing.
While I'm checking the difference of dealing with the high speed
capability between Linux and u-boot,
I'm not sure if there will affect the controller's driver in bottom.


If there is any modification, I will send a new patch.

Best regards,
Macpaul Lin
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