Hi Mike,

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 10 November 2011 23:49:07 Graeme Russ wrote:
>> Remember, U-Boot uses --no-builtin, so apart from the libgcc functions,
>> there are no gcc functions included.
> i don't think that's generally how gcc builtin's work.  for the vast majority,
> they're of the "optimize away with simple insns when possible" variety.  so if
> you do something like:
>        char c[4];
>        memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));
> gcc will optimize that into a single 32bit load rather than calling memcpy().
> but because we use -fno-builtins, gcc will make sure to call memcpy().

List of builtin functions not in libgcc:


> i can't think of any calls off the top of my head which would result in
> invoking a func in libgcc.a.

Any function listed here:


But we can discount any float/double routines, exception handling and
split stack which leaves just:



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