Dear Simon

I just wanted to play around with the sandbox "arch" of u-boot maybe
adding tun/tap support. Current head compiled successfully but crashed
immediately after startup in board_init_f:

        gd = malloc(sizeof(gd_t));

        memset((void *)gd, 0, sizeof(gd_t));

The simple reason was that malloc refers to u-boots internal malloc
which is not initialized at this point. I added the following snippet

diff --git a/arch/sandbox/cpu/start.c b/arch/sandbox/cpu/start.c
index 685793e..c98ca61 100644
--- a/arch/sandbox/cpu/start.c
+++ b/arch/sandbox/cpu/start.c
@@ -21,8 +21,12 @@

 #include <common.h>

+static uint8_t malloc_area[1024*1024*256];
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    mem_malloc_init(malloc_area, sizeof(malloc_area));

and got the console working. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong when
building u-boot from current head? Wouldn't it be a better approach to
use the internal malloc of u-boot and acquire some memory from the
system using mmap?

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