The commit below causes the command "mmc part" to fail on both Seaboard and Ventana (and I assume any Tegra platform, and possibly just any platform). Reverting it solves the problem.
(this is observed in git:// master) commit deb5ca80275e8cfa74d5680b41204e08a095eca5 Author: Doug Anderson <> Date: Wed Oct 19 09:47:31 2011 +0000 disk: part_efi: fix **pgpt_pte == NULL Code was setting **pgpt_pte == NULL, which meant that the pointer to the gpt_pte would be stored at RAM address 00000000. This 'worked' on T20 (SDRAM starts @ 0x00000000), but hung gpt/EFI access on T30 (SDRAM starts @ 0x80000000). Signed-off-by: Tom Warren <> Signed-off-by: Doug Anderson <> Test steps: mmc dev 1 # Works mmcinfo # Works mmc part # Hangs, or starts spewing messages such as: Aos DebugSemiHosting Initialized Assert on hardware/tegra/core/drivers/nvrm/nvrmkernel/core/ap15/ap15rm_power.c:486 Assert on hardware/tegra/core/drivers/nvrm/nvrmkernel/core/common/nvrm_power_dfs.c:2276 (perhaps it's executing some random address, and I happen to have some copy of fastboot in RAM from when I was flashing the updated U-Boot? -- nvpublic _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list