Le 25/10/2011 09:53, Wolfgang Denk a écrit :
> Dear Graeme Russ,
> In message<4ea66869.7000...@gmail.com>  you wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong trying to sync my local x86
>> repo as per the 'new' instructions on the wiki. This is what I get:
> I did not write (and actually not even read yet) these new
> instructions, so I cannot comment on this.
>> graeme@helios:~/Source/U-Boot/x86$ git rebase ${upstream}/master
>> fatal: Needed a single revision
>> invalid upstream u-boot/master
> Albert?

(answering from my non-U-boot address)

I did write the changes, and I think I did post an announcement on the 
U-Boot list about it.

Re: Greame's problem:

I should have made it clear that '${upstream}' is just a way to 
represent the upstream tree, either u-boot or u-boot-arm. The actual 
command for x86 should thus be

        git rebase u-boot/master

(or whatever name you gave to the upstream tree remote)

Alternatively, one could do

        setenv upstream u-boot
        set upstream=u-boot

depending on the shell used.

I'll amend the Wiki pages to make that clear.

> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

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