On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Albert ARIBAUD
<albert.u.b...@aribaud.net> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Le 16/10/2011 22:07, jonsm...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 11:37 PM, jonsm...@gmail.com<jonsm...@gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>>> I'm porting the lpc313x uboot located here, up to current uboot.  It
>>> is based on  U-boot.2009.11.1
>>> http://git.lpclinux.com/?p=uboot-2009.11-lpc313x.git;a=summary
>>> What do I do with the cpu directory?
>>> http://git.lpclinux.com/?p=uboot-2009.11-lpc313x.git;a=tree;f=cpu/lpc313x;h=5cc2c80b1ef75c729abff5ecbcaaef6c49f181b1;hb=HEAD
>>> It has a lds file in it containing symbols needs by init.c
>> If I move the lpc313x directory under the arm926ejs directory which
>> also contains a linker script, what is the normal procedure for
>> reconciling the two scripts?
> You should not need any lds besides the one for arm926ejs, and using another
> script would probably break a lot of things -- relocation, to begin with --
> and anyway it would probably not build clean.

I've been making some progress. The out of tree lpc31xx uboot code has
it's own implementation of a SPL (secondary program loader). That why
the lds file is complicated. I've slowly been trying to comprehend the
current uboot SPL support and to convert the NXP code over to the that

I'm making progress. The SPL hardware model for the lpc31xx is a
little different than the current uboot model. The lpc31xx has 32KB of
SRAM to work with and a ROM that can IPL from seven different sources.
The existing SPL implementations are trying to fit into 4KB instead of
32KB. Since I have a lot more memory I can keep the NXP code that
autodetects the boot flash type for example.

> Amicalement,
> --
> Albert.

Jon Smirl
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