On Oct 19, 2011, at 09:51, Kumar Gala wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> On Tuesday 18 October 2011 19:41:22 Kyle Moffett wrote:
>>> --- a/README
>>> +++ b/README
>>> - 85xx CPU Options:
>>> +
>>> +           Provide a generic gpio_request() interface to the onboard
>>> +           processor GPIOs in the MPC85XX-series chips.
>> do you really need a CONFIG knob for this ?  defining this adds no overhead 
>> that i can see.
> I agree, wasn't paying attention that this is just in a .h, so lets remove 
> the CONFIG_ option bits (both in README and in .h)

Well, I was concerned that this API could conflict with another provider
of the generic GPIO interface (IE: An I2C GPIO chip or whatever).

Looking further it appears that only 3-4 drivers implement the generic
GPIO interface, and all of those are CPU-specific, so it should not be a
problem in practice.

The reason I originally made this configurable was because I did not
want or need the generic GPIO interface; I needed an API that let me set
a large group of GPIOs simultaneously.  During an early review it was
asked why I didn't use the standard interface; so I implemented the
simple wrapper functions.

I've removed the CONFIG_* option and will be resubmitting that patch shortly.

>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpc85xx_gpio.h
>> missing #ifdef protection against multiple inclusion
> please fix.

Really?  Oops!  I have no idea how I missed that.  Fixed.

Kyle Moffett

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