This patch adds basic clock definition of am33xx SoC.

Signed-off-by: Chandan Nath <>
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/Makefile               |    1 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/clock.c                |  273 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clock.h         |   24 ++
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clocks_am33xx.h |   55 +++++
 4 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/clock.c
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clock.h
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clocks_am33xx.h

diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/Makefile 
index 498df78..fc25587 100644
--- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/Makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ LIB   = $(obj)lib$(SOC).o
 SOBJS  := lowlevel_init.o
+COBJS  += clock.o
 COBJS  += sys_info.o
 SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/clock.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca6c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/am33xx/clock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * clock.c
+ *
+ * clocks for AM33XX based boards
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Texas Instruments, Incorporated -
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clock.h>
+#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#define PRCM_MOD_EN            0x2
+#define PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP      0x2
+#define PLL_BYPASS_MODE                0x4
+#define ST_MN_BYPASS           0x00000100
+#define ST_DPLL_CLK            0x00000001
+#define CLK_SEL_MASK           0x7ffff
+#define CLK_DIV_MASK           0x1f
+#define CLK_DIV2_MASK          0x7f
+#define CLK_SEL_SHIFT          0x8
+#define CLK_MODE_SEL           0x7
+#define CLK_MODE_MASK          0xfffffff8
+#define CLK_DIV_SEL            0xFFFFFFE0
+const struct cm_perpll *cmper = (struct cm_perpll *)CM_PER;
+const struct cm_wkuppll *cmwkup = (struct cm_wkuppll *)CM_WKUP;
+const struct cm_dpll *cmdpll = (struct cm_dpll *)CM_DPLL;
+static void enable_interface_clocks(void)
+       /* Enable all the Interconnect Modules */
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->l3clkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->l3clkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->l4lsclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->l4lsclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->l4fwclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->l4fwclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmwkup->wkl4wkclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->wkl4wkclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->l3instrclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->l3instrclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->l4hsclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->l4hsclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+ * Force power domain wake up transition
+ * Ensure that the corresponding interface clock is active before
+ * using the peripheral
+ */
+static void power_domain_wkup_transition(void)
+       writel(PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP, &cmper->l3clkstctrl);
+       writel(PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP, &cmper->l4lsclkstctrl);
+       writel(PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP, &cmwkup->wkclkstctrl);
+       writel(PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP, &cmper->l4fwclkstctrl);
+       writel(PRCM_FORCE_WAKEUP, &cmper->l3sclkstctrl);
+ * Enable the peripheral clock for required peripherals
+ */
+static void enable_per_clocks(void)
+       /* Enable the control module though RBL would have done it*/
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmwkup->wkctrlclkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->wkctrlclkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       /* Enable the module clock */
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->timer2clkctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmper->timer2clkctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+       /* UART0 */
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmwkup->wkup_uart0ctrl);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->wkup_uart0ctrl) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+static void mpu_pll_config(void)
+       u32 clkmode, clksel, div_m2;
+       clkmode = readl(&cmwkup->clkmoddpllmpu);
+       clksel = readl(&cmwkup->clkseldpllmpu);
+       div_m2 = readl(&cmwkup->divm2dpllmpu);
+       /* Set the PLL to bypass Mode */
+       writel(PLL_BYPASS_MODE, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllmpu);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllmpu) != ST_MN_BYPASS)
+               ;
+       clksel = clksel & (~CLK_SEL_MASK);
+       clksel = clksel | ((MPUPLL_M << CLK_SEL_SHIFT) | MPUPLL_N);
+       writel(clksel, &cmwkup->clkseldpllmpu);
+       div_m2 = div_m2 & ~CLK_DIV_MASK;
+       div_m2 = div_m2 | MPUPLL_M2;
+       writel(div_m2, &cmwkup->divm2dpllmpu);
+       clkmode = clkmode | CLK_MODE_SEL;
+       writel(clkmode, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllmpu);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllmpu) != ST_DPLL_CLK)
+               ;
+static void core_pll_config(void)
+       u32 clkmode, clksel, div_m4, div_m5, div_m6;
+       clkmode = readl(&cmwkup->clkmoddpllcore);
+       clksel = readl(&cmwkup->clkseldpllcore);
+       div_m4 = readl(&cmwkup->divm4dpllcore);
+       div_m5 = readl(&cmwkup->divm5dpllcore);
+       div_m6 = readl(&cmwkup->divm6dpllcore);
+       /* Set the PLL to bypass Mode */
+       writel(PLL_BYPASS_MODE, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllcore);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllcore) != ST_MN_BYPASS)
+               ;
+       clksel = clksel & (~CLK_SEL_MASK);
+       clksel = clksel | ((COREPLL_M << CLK_SEL_SHIFT) | COREPLL_N);
+       writel(clksel, &cmwkup->clkseldpllcore);
+       div_m4 = div_m4 & ~CLK_DIV_MASK;
+       div_m4 = div_m4 | COREPLL_M4;
+       writel(div_m4, &cmwkup->divm4dpllcore);
+       div_m5 = div_m5 & ~CLK_DIV_MASK;
+       div_m5 = div_m5 | COREPLL_M5;
+       writel(div_m5, &cmwkup->divm5dpllcore);
+       div_m6 = div_m6 & ~CLK_DIV_MASK;
+       div_m6 = div_m6 | COREPLL_M6;
+       writel(div_m6, &cmwkup->divm6dpllcore);
+       clkmode = clkmode | CLK_MODE_SEL;
+       writel(clkmode, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllcore);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllcore) != ST_DPLL_CLK)
+               ;
+static void per_pll_config(void)
+       u32 clkmode, clksel, div_m2;
+       clkmode = readl(&cmwkup->clkmoddpllper);
+       clksel = readl(&cmwkup->clkseldpllper);
+       div_m2 = readl(&cmwkup->divm2dpllper);
+       /* Set the PLL to bypass Mode */
+       writel(PLL_BYPASS_MODE, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllper);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllper) != ST_MN_BYPASS)
+               ;
+       clksel = clksel & (~CLK_SEL_MASK);
+       clksel = clksel | ((PERPLL_M << CLK_SEL_SHIFT) | PERPLL_N);
+       writel(clksel, &cmwkup->clkseldpllper);
+       div_m2 = div_m2 & ~CLK_DIV2_MASK;
+       div_m2 = div_m2 | PERPLL_M2;
+       writel(div_m2, &cmwkup->divm2dpllper);
+       clkmode = clkmode | CLK_MODE_SEL;
+       writel(clkmode, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllper);
+       while (readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllper) != ST_DPLL_CLK)
+               ;
+static void ddr_pll_config(void)
+       u32 clkmode, clksel, div_m2;
+       clkmode = readl(&cmwkup->clkmoddpllddr);
+       clksel = readl(&cmwkup->clkseldpllddr);
+       div_m2 = readl(&cmwkup->divm2dpllddr);
+       /* Set the PLL to bypass Mode */
+       clkmode = (clkmode & CLK_MODE_MASK) | PLL_BYPASS_MODE;
+       writel(clkmode, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllddr);
+       /* Wait till bypass mode is enabled */
+       while ((readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllddr) & ST_MN_BYPASS)
+                               != ST_MN_BYPASS)
+               ;
+       clksel = clksel & (~CLK_SEL_MASK);
+       clksel = clksel | ((DDRPLL_M << CLK_SEL_SHIFT) | DDRPLL_N);
+       writel(clksel, &cmwkup->clkseldpllddr);
+       div_m2 = div_m2 & CLK_DIV_SEL;
+       div_m2 = div_m2 | DDRPLL_M2;
+       writel(div_m2, &cmwkup->divm2dpllddr);
+       clkmode = (clkmode & CLK_MODE_MASK) | CLK_MODE_SEL;
+       writel(clkmode, &cmwkup->clkmoddpllddr);
+       /* Wait till dpll is locked */
+       while ((readl(&cmwkup->idlestdpllddr) & ST_DPLL_CLK) != ST_DPLL_CLK)
+               ;
+void enable_emif_clocks(void)
+       /* Enable the  EMIF_FW Functional clock */
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->emiffwclkctrl);
+       /* Enable EMIF0 Clock */
+       writel(PRCM_MOD_EN, &cmper->emifclkctrl);
+       /* Poll for emif_gclk  & L3_G clock  are active */
+       while ((readl(&cmper->l3clkstctrl) & (PRCM_EMIF_CLK_ACTIVITY |
+                       PRCM_L3_GCLK_ACTIVITY)) != (PRCM_EMIF_CLK_ACTIVITY |
+                       PRCM_L3_GCLK_ACTIVITY))
+               ;
+       /* Poll if module is functional */
+       while ((readl(&cmper->emifclkctrl)) != PRCM_MOD_EN)
+               ;
+ * Configure the PLL/PRCM for necessary peripherals
+ */
+void pll_init()
+       mpu_pll_config();
+       core_pll_config();
+       per_pll_config();
+       ddr_pll_config();
+       /* Enable the required interconnect clocks */
+       enable_interface_clocks();
+       /* Power domain wake up transition */
+       power_domain_wkup_transition();
+       /* Enable the required peripherals */
+       enable_per_clocks();
diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clock.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872ff82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * clock.h
+ *
+ * clock header
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Texas Instruments, Incorporated -
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef _CLOCKS_H_
+#define _CLOCKS_H_
+#include <asm/arch/clocks_am33xx.h>
diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clocks_am33xx.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc5b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/clocks_am33xx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * clocks_am33xx.h
+ *
+ * AM33xx clock define
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef _CLOCKS_AM33XX_H_
+#define _CLOCKS_AM33XX_H_
+#define OSC    24
+/* MAIN PLL Fdll = 550 MHZ, */
+#define MPUPLL_M       550
+#define MPUPLL_N       23
+#define MPUPLL_M2      1
+/* Core PLL Fdll = 1 GHZ, */
+#define COREPLL_M      1000
+#define COREPLL_N      23
+#define COREPLL_M4     10      /* CORE_CLKOUTM4 = 200 MHZ */
+#define COREPLL_M5     8       /* CORE_CLKOUTM5 = 250 MHZ */
+#define COREPLL_M6     4       /* CORE_CLKOUTM6 = 500 MHZ */
+ * USB PHY clock is 960 MHZ. Since, this comes directly from Fdll, Fdll
+ * frequency needs to be set to 960 MHZ. Hence,
+ * For clkout = 192 MHZ, Fdll = 960 MHZ, divider values are given below
+ */
+#define PERPLL_M       960
+#define PERPLL_N       23
+#define PERPLL_M2      5
+/* DDR Freq is 266 MHZ for now */
+/* Set Fdll = 400 MHZ , Fdll = M * 2 * CLKINP/ N + 1; clkout = Fdll /(2 * M2) 
+#define DDRPLL_M       266
+#define DDRPLL_N       23
+#define DDRPLL_M2      1
+extern void pll_init(void);
+extern void enable_emif_clocks(void);
+#endif /* endif _CLOCKS_AM33XX_H_ */

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