
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Albert ARIBAUD
<albert.u.b...@aribaud.net> wrote:
> On 27/09/2011 00:28, Scott Wood wrote:
>>> - users who actually wisht to limit outpout ca use either
>> You say "actually wish to limit output" as if "let it corrupt memory if
>> it's too large" is the normal thing to want.
> What I meant was "users who actually want to limit output explicitly by
> truncating it rather than implicitly by always outputting small enough text
> or crafting limitations in the format string specifiers, ..."
>> -scott
> Amicalement,
> --
> Albert.

Just to follow up this thread, I am going to drop the network patch
and resubmit the rest of it. This will make snprintf() available in

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