... rather than open-coding the register accesses.

However, gpio_request() typically stores the "label" parameter in a global
data structure. This causes problems when called from gpio_config_uart(),
since the code is running before relocation. To solve this, pass a NULL
string to gpio_request(), and modify gpio_request() not to touch the string
if it's NULL.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swar...@nvidia.com>
I tested this on Seaboard. With the code in the patch below, the UART works.
If I comment out the body of gpio_config_uart_seaboard(), the UART does not

This patch should work with ToT U-Boot, but the context relies on the rename
of gpio_config_uart() to gpio_config_uart_seaboard() contained in:

 board/nvidia/seaboard/seaboard.c |   18 ++----------------
 drivers/gpio/tegra2_gpio.c       |    6 ++++--
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/nvidia/seaboard/seaboard.c b/board/nvidia/seaboard/seaboard.c
index 260a56d..4492c28 100644
--- a/board/nvidia/seaboard/seaboard.c
+++ b/board/nvidia/seaboard/seaboard.c
@@ -36,23 +36,9 @@
 void gpio_config_uart_seaboard(void)
-       int gp = GPIO_PI3;
-       struct gpio_ctlr *gpio = (struct gpio_ctlr *)NV_PA_GPIO_BASE;
-       struct gpio_ctlr_bank *bank = &gpio->gpio_bank[GPIO_BANK(gp)];
-       u32 val;
        /* Enable UART via GPIO_PI3 (port 8, bit 3) so serial console works */
-       val = readl(&bank->gpio_config[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
-       val |= 1 << GPIO_BIT(gp);
-       writel(val, &bank->gpio_config[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
-       val = readl(&bank->gpio_out[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
-       val &= ~(1 << GPIO_BIT(gp));
-       writel(val, &bank->gpio_out[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
-       val = readl(&bank->gpio_dir_out[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
-       val |= 1 << GPIO_BIT(gp);
-       writel(val, &bank->gpio_dir_out[GPIO_PORT(gp)]);
+       gpio_request(GPIO_PI3, NULL);
+       gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PI3, 0);
 void gpio_config_uart(void)
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/tegra2_gpio.c b/drivers/gpio/tegra2_gpio.c
index f686e80..22669b6 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/tegra2_gpio.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/tegra2_gpio.c
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ int gpio_request(int gp, const char *label)
        if (gp >= MAX_NUM_GPIOS)
                return -1;
-       strncpy(gpio_names[gp].name, label, GPIO_NAME_SIZE);
-       gpio_names[gp].name[GPIO_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+       if (label != NULL) {
+               strncpy(gpio_names[gp].name, label, GPIO_NAME_SIZE);
+               gpio_names[gp].name[GPIO_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+       }
        /* Configure as a GPIO */
        set_config(gp, 1);

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