On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Graeme Russ <graeme.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sonny,
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Sonny Rao <sonny...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Graeme Russ <graeme.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> On 24/09/11 03:38, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> From: Sonny Rao <sonny...@chromium.org>
>>>> From: Sonny Rao <sonny...@chromium.org>
>>>> These functions are useful in U-Boot because they allow a graceful failure
>>>> rather than an unpredictable stack overflow when printf() buffers are
>>>> exceeded.
>>>> Mostly copied from the Linux kernel. I copied vscnprintf and
>>>> scnprintf so we can change printf and vprintf to use the safe
>>>> implementation but still return the correct values.
>>> Have you checked for license compatibility? U-Boot is GPLv2+ and (most) of
>>> Linux is GPLv2 - You may not be legally permitted to do this
>> According to the FSF site,  GPLv2 is compatible with GPLv3, see:
>> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html
>> So it's fine to distribute them together.
> Not so fast:
> "GPLv2 is compatible with GPLv3 if the program allows you to choose "any
> later version" of the GPL, which is the case for most software released
> under this license"
> 'most', not 'all'
> The key phrase is "any later version" - If this is not in the GPLv2
> license text for the code your copying, you cannot license the derivative
> work under GPLv3 (or GPLv2+)

I'm a bit confused here... I was talking about distribution, not re-licensing.
I'm certainly not saying U-boot should be trying to re-license GPLv2 only code.
But the fact is that U-boot is already contains GPLv2 and GPLv2+ code
and it is being distributed together.

>> In reality though, this code in U-boot was already copied from the
>> same file in an older version of the kernel.  The license (GPLv2 only)
>> hasn't changed on that file, so U-boot is already distributing what is
>> GPLv2 only code alongside GPLv2+ code -- which as I mentioned above is
>> fine.
> As long as you are not incorporating GPLv2 code into a file licensed under
> GPLv2+ and distributing the result as GPLv2+ or GPLv3.

My argument is that this code in U-boot was already GPLv2 only since
it came from a GPLv2 only file in the kernel.  I don't think that
we're applying GPLv2 code into a file licensed under GPLv2+.  Perhaps
we could add an explicit comment stating that the code in
lib/vsprintf.c is GPLv2 only so nobody gets the wrong idea.

>> The code here is derived from a later version of that same file, so I
>> don't believe integrating this patch into U-boot actually changes
>> anything with respect to licensing of this code.
> I think U-Boot will have great difficulty going past GPLv2 due to the
> large volume of Linus code already in U-Boot - We would need to either get
> the original code relicensed GPLv2+ or rewrite it
> And from the COPYING file in the Linux source:
> Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as the kernel
> is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not
> v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated.
> and linux/lib/vsprintf.c:
> /*
>  *  linux/lib/vsprintf.c
>  *
>  *  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Linus Torvalds
>  */
> /* vsprintf.c -- Lars Wirzenius & Linus Torvalds. */
> /*
>  * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-)
>  */
> /*
>  * Fri Jul 13 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant <crutcher+ker...@datastacks.com>
>  * - changed to provide snprintf and vsnprintf functions
>  * So Feb  1 16:51:32 CET 2004 Juergen Quade <qu...@hsnr.de>
>  * - scnprintf and vscnprintf
>  */
> No 'any later version'

Yes, as I said before, this code is definitely GPLv2 only.  I don't
think we're disagreeing here.

> Now U-Boot COPYING has:
> U-Boot is Free Software.  It is copyrighted by Wolfgang Denk and
> many others who contributed code (see the actual source code for
> details).  You can redistribute U-Boot and/or modify it under the
> terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
> the Free Software Foundation.  Most of it can also be distributed,
>                               -----------------------------------
> at your option, under any later version of the GNU General Public
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> License -- see individual files for exceptions.
> -----------------------------------------------
> So U-Boot is also GPLv2, but parts (like Linux) are GPLv2+
> My point was there is a long term 'vision' for U-Boot to go GPLv3, and
> part of that vision is to reject any future GPLv2 only licensed code
> submitted. If we want the vision to be realised, I think we need to
> look at how we build new GPLv2+ code in new files rather than tying new
> code into GPLv2 only files which may, potentially, lock that code down.
> Although as the writer and copyright holder of a modification you may be
> free to move it over at a later date anyway - I don't know, and I think
> that's in the 'ask a lawyer' territory.

> So yes, you are right - In terms of license compliance, we are OK as
> U-Boot is currently GPLv2 - In terms of U-Boot going to GPLv3, we are
> digging a bigger hole :)

Ok, then that's up to the U-boot community to decide if they wish to
remove all GPLv2 only code, but I think that's a separate issue from
what you originally brought up.  I think we're in agreement that there
aren't any licensing considerations with respect to maintaining the
existing license which is GPLv2 only for lib/vsprintf.c.

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