Add macros and structures needed by Efika USB support code.
Move shared offset and bits definitions into common header file.

Signed-off-by: Jana Rapava <>
Cc: Marek Vasut <>
Cc: Remy Bohmer <>
Cc: Stefano Babic <>
Changes for v1:
  - split into patchset
Changes for v2:
    - make this the third patch in series
    - move all #define's from ehci-mxc.c to ehci-fsl.h
    - rename structures
Changes for v3:
     - rebase on top of u-boot-imx/next
      (no actual changes)
Changes for v4:
      - no changes
      - change changelog versioning from per patchset to per patch
Changes for v5:
       - whitespace changes (no actual changes)
Changes for v6:
        - no changes

 drivers/usb/host/ehci-mxc.c |   31 +--------
 include/usb/ehci-fsl.h      |  146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-mxc.c b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-mxc.c
index fde1f0f..2c1295f 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-mxc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-mxc.c
@@ -27,31 +27,6 @@
 #include <usb/ehci.h>
 #include <usb/ehci-core.h>
-#ifdef CONFIG_MX25
-#define MX25_USB_CTRL_IP_PUE_DOWN_BIT  (1<<6)
-#define MX25_USB_CTRL_HSTD_BIT         (1<<5)
-#define MX25_USB_CTRL_USBTE_BIT                (1<<4)
-#define MX25_USB_CTRL_OCPOL_OTG_BIT    (1<<3)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MX31
-#define MX31_OTG_SIC_SHIFT     29
-#define MX31_OTG_SIC_MASK      (0x3 << MX31_OTG_SIC_SHIFT)
-#define MX31_OTG_PM_BIT                (1 << 24)
-#define MX31_H2_SIC_SHIFT      21
-#define MX31_H2_SIC_MASK       (0x3 << MX31_H2_SIC_SHIFT)
-#define MX31_H2_PM_BIT         (1 << 16)
-#define MX31_H2_DT_BIT         (1 << 5)
-#define MX31_H1_SIC_SHIFT      13
-#define MX31_H1_SIC_MASK       (0x3 << MX31_H1_SIC_SHIFT)
-#define MX31_H1_PM_BIT         (1 << 8)
-#define MX31_H1_DT_BIT         (1 << 4)
 static int mxc_set_usbcontrol(int port, unsigned int flags)
        unsigned int v;
@@ -66,11 +41,11 @@ static int mxc_set_usbcontrol(int port, unsigned int flags)
                switch (port) {
                case 0: /* OTG port */
-                       v &= ~(MX31_OTG_SIC_MASK | MX31_OTG_PM_BIT);
+                       v &= ~(MXC_OTG_SIC_MASK | MXC_OTG_PM_BIT);
                        v |= (flags & MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_MASK)
-                                       << MX31_OTG_SIC_SHIFT;
+                                       << MXC_OTG_SIC_SHIFT;
                        if (!(flags & MXC_EHCI_POWER_PINS_ENABLED))
-                               v |= MX31_OTG_PM_BIT;
+                               v |= MXC_OTG_PM_BIT;
                case 1: /* H1 port */
diff --git a/include/usb/ehci-fsl.h b/include/usb/ehci-fsl.h
index 67600ed..727134f 100644
--- a/include/usb/ehci-fsl.h
+++ b/include/usb/ehci-fsl.h
@@ -169,6 +169,106 @@
+#if defined(CONFIG_MX25) || defined(CONFIG_MX31)
+#ifdef CONFIG_MX25
+#define MX25_USB_CTRL_IP_PUE_DOWN_BIT  (1<<6)
+#define MX25_USB_CTRL_HSTD_BIT         (1<<5)
+#define MX25_USB_CTRL_USBTE_BIT        (1<<4)
+#define MX25_USB_CTRL_OCPOL_OTG_BIT    (1<<3)
+#ifdef CONFIG_MX31
+#define MX31_H2_SIC_SHIFT      21
+#define MX31_H2_SIC_MASK       (0x3 << MX31_H2_SIC_SHIFT)
+#define MX31_H2_PM_BIT         (1 << 16)
+#define MX31_H2_DT_BIT         (1 << 5)
+#define MX31_H1_SIC_SHIFT      13
+#define MX31_H1_SIC_MASK       (0x3 << MX31_H1_SIC_SHIFT)
+#define MX31_H1_PM_BIT         (1 << 8)
+#define MX31_H1_DT_BIT         (1 << 4)
+#if defined(CONFIG_MX51) || defined(CONFIG_MX53)
+/* offset for first USB CTRL register */
+#define MX5_CTRL_REGS_OFFSET   0x800
+#if defined(CONFIG_MX51) || defined(CONFIG_MX31)
+/* USB_CTRL register bits of interest*/
+#define MXC_OTG_SIC_SHIFT      29
+#define MXC_OTG_SIC_MASK       (0x3 << MX31_OTG_SIC_SHIFT)
+#define MXC_OTG_WUE            (1 << 27)
+#define MXC_OTG_PM             (1 << 24)
+#ifdef CONFIG_MX51
+#define MX51_REGISTER_LAYOUT_LENGTH    0x200
+/* Register offsets for MX51 */
+#define MX51_OTG_ID    0x000
+#define MX51_UH1_ID    0x200
+#define MX51_UH2_ID    0x400
+/* USB_CTRL register bits of interest*/
+#define MX51_OTG_PM            (1 << 24)
+#define MX51_H1_ULPI_IE        (1 << 12)
+#define MX51_H1_WUE            (1 << 11)
+#define MX51_H1_PM             (1 << 8)
+/* PHY_CTRL_0 register bits of interest */
+#define MX51_OTG_OVERCURD      (1 << 8)
+#define MX51_EHCI_POWERPINSE   (1 << 5)
+/* PHY_CTRL_1 register bits of interest */
+#define MX51_SYSCLOCK_24_MHZ   (1 << 0)
+#define MX51_SYSCLOCK_MASK     (~(0xffffffff << 2))
+/* USB_CTRL_1 register bits of interest */
+#define MX51_H1_EXTCLKE        (1 << 25)
+/* USB Host 2 CTRL register bits of interest */
+#define MX51_H2_ULPI_IE        (1 << 8)
+#define MX51_H2_WUE            (1 << 7)
+#define MX51_H2_PM             (1 << 4)
+/* PORTSCx bits of interest */
+#define MX51_ULPI_MODE_MASK    (2 << 30)
+#define MX51_16BIT_UTMI        (1 << 28)
+/* USBCMD bits of interest */
+#define MX51_ITC_IMMEDIATE_MASK        (0xff << 16)
+#define ULPI_ID_REGS_COUNT     4
+#define ULPI_TEST_VALUE        0x55
+#define ULPI_TIMEOUT           1000 /* some reasonable value */
+/* ULPI viewport control bits */
+#define ULPI_WU        (1 << 31)
+#define ULPI_SS        (1 << 27)
+#define ULPI_RWRUN     (1 << 30)
+#define ULPI_RWCTRL    (1 << 29)
+/* ULPI OTG Control bits of interest */
+#define ULPI_OTG_EXT_VBUS_IND  (1 << 7)
+#define ULPI_OTG_DM_PULLDOWN   (1 << 2)
+#define ULPI_OTG_DP_PULLDOWN   (1 << 1)
+#define ULPI_OTG_DRV_VBUS      (1 << 5)
+#define ULPI_OTG_DRV_VBUS_EXT  (1 << 6)
+#define ULPI_OTG_CHRG_VBUS     (1 << 4)
+/* ULPI Function Control bits of interest */
+#define ULPI_FC_XCVR_SELECT    (1 << 0)
+#define ULPI_FC_OPMODE_NORMAL  (0 << 3)
+#define ULPI_FC_SUSPENDM_PWRED (1 << 6)
  * USB Registers
@@ -210,7 +310,7 @@ struct usb_ehci {
        u32     txfilltuning;   /* 0x164 - Host TT Transmit
                                           pre-buffer packet tuning */
        u8      res7[0x8];
-       u32     ulpi_viewpoint; /* 0x170 - ULPI Reister Access */
+       u32     ulpi_viewpoint; /* 0x170 - ULPI Register Access */
        u8      res8[0xc];
        u32     config_flag;    /* 0x180 - Configured Flag Register */
        u32     portsc;         /* 0x184 - Port status/control */
@@ -242,4 +342,48 @@ struct usb_ehci {
        u8      res13[0xafc];
+struct mx5_usb_control_regs {
+       u32     usbctrl;        /* 0x800 - USB Control */
+       u32     otgmirror;      /* 0x804 - OTG Port Mirror */
+       u32     phyctrl0;       /* 0x808 - UTMI PHY Control Register 0 */
+       u32     phyctrl1;       /* 0x80C - UTMI PHY Control Register 1 */
+       u32     usbctrl1;       /* 0x810 - USB Control Register 1 */
+       u32     uh2ctrl;        /* 0x814 - USB Host2 Control */
+       u32     uh3ctrl;        /* 0x818 - USB Host3 Control */
+struct mxc_ulpi_regs {
+       u8      vendor_id_low;          /* 0x00 - Vendor ID lower byte */
+       u8      vendor_id_high;         /* 0x01 - Vendor ID upper byte */
+       u8      product_id_low;         /* 0x02 - Product ID lower byte */
+       u8      product_id_high;        /* 0x03 - Product ID higher byte */
+       /* Function Control; 0x04 - 0x06 Read, 0x04 Write */
+       u8      function_ctrl_write;
+       u8      function_ctrl_set;      /* 0x05 Set */
+       u8      function_ctrl_clear;    /* 0x06 Clear */
+       /* Interface Control; 0x07 - 0x09 Read, 0x07 Write */
+       u8      iface_ctrl_write;
+       u8      iface_ctrl_set;         /* 0x08 Set */
+       u8      iface_ctrl_clear;       /* 0x09 Clear */
+       /* OTG Control; 0x0A - 0x0C Read, 0x0A Write */
+       u8      otg_ctrl_write;
+       u8      otg_ctrl_set;           /* 0x0B Set */
+       u8      otg_ctrl_clear;         /* 0x0C Clear */
+       /* USB Interrupt Enable Rising; 0x0D - 0x0F Read, 0x0D Write */
+       u8      usb_ie_rising_write;
+       u8      usb_ie_rising_set;      /* 0x0E Set */
+       u8      usb_ie_rising_clear;    /* 0x0F Clear */
+       /* USB Interrupt Enable Falling; 0x10 - 0x12 Read, 0x10 Write */
+       u8      usb_ie_falling_write;
+       u8      usb_ie_falling_set;     /* 0x11 Set */
+       u8      usb_ie_falling_clear;   /* 0x12 Clear */
+       u8      usb_int_status;         /* 0x13 - USB Interrupt Status */
+       u8      usb_int_latch;          /* 0x14 - USB Interrupt Latch */
+       u8      debug;                  /* 0x15 - Debug */
+       /* Scratch Register; 0x16 - 0x18 Read, 0x16 Write */
+       u8      scratch_write;
+       u8      scratch_set;            /* 0x17 Set */
+       u8      scratch_clear;          /* 0x18 Clear*/
 #endif /* _EHCI_FSL_H */

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