On Monday, September 19, 2011 20:41:20 Graeme Russ wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:57 AM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > On Sunday, September 18, 2011 09:08:35 Graeme Russ wrote:
> >> I mean, it irks me to no end that /common/serial.c, /drivers/serial.c
> >> and /include/serial.h are such an ugly mess of #ifdef's - I'm working
> >> on a new SoC at the moment, and it just plain weird that I have to
> >> touch these :(
> > 
> > well, there's two things there.  the init mess which could get fixed in
> > two diff ways: part of your larger init cleanup, or turn it into board
> > callbacks like most of the other frameworks we have atm.
> I don't think the serial mess is related to the init sequence at all (but
> I could be wrong)

the only way to register a new serial device is to add a call to it in 
common/serial.c:serial_initialize().  and the only thing that func does is 
call all the various register funcs which are simply init calls.

> > the second thing is the CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI hell.  that mess i'd like to
> > gut with a dull blade at some point.
> Or a sledgehammer!
> The big question I suppose is where we are at with the _MULTI interfaces.
> From what I can gather, these should now be the only ones in use and we
> should start to apply pressure on board maintainers (i.e. break their
> boards) to fix any depricated usage. I think the same philosophy should
> be applied to the various boards with 'flash.c' which should all be
> using CFI by now.

i dont have a problem with non-multi instances since it produces thinner code

i dont think there is anyone driving the serial core atm though ... i dont 
recall seeing any patches there other than new device drivers since ive been 
watching the list ...

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