These options are required to be present in RFC 4578 compliant DHCP
requests. They give more information to DHCP servers to allow serving
different DHCP responses to different systems based on client
architecture, client capabilities, UUID, or vendor.

Signed-off-by: Jason Hobbs <>
changes for v2:
- Use common.h to get uuid_str_to_bin prototype

changes for v4:
- Ensure pxeuuid contains a valid UUID string

changes for v5:
- none

 net/bootp.c |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/net/bootp.c b/net/bootp.c
index 45eaab1..b04bb2b 100644
--- a/net/bootp.c
+++ b/net/bootp.c
@@ -370,6 +370,11 @@ static int DhcpExtended (u8 * e, int message_type, 
IPaddr_t ServerID, IPaddr_t R
        u8 *start = e;
        u8 *cnt;
+#if defined(CONFIG_BOOTP_PXE)
+       char *uuid;
+       size_t vci_strlen;
+       u16 clientarch;
        u8 *x;
@@ -424,6 +429,41 @@ static int DhcpExtended (u8 * e, int message_type, 
IPaddr_t ServerID, IPaddr_t R
+#if defined(CONFIG_BOOTP_PXE)
+       clientarch = CONFIG_BOOTP_PXE_CLIENTARCH;
+       *e++ = 93;      /* Client System Architecture */
+       *e++ = 2;
+       *e++ = (clientarch >> 8) & 0xff;
+       *e++ = clientarch & 0xff;
+       *e++ = 94;      /* Client Network Interface Identifier */
+       *e++ = 3;
+       *e++ = 1;       /* type field for UNDI */
+       *e++ = 0;       /* major revision */
+       *e++ = 0;       /* minor revision */
+       uuid = getenv("pxeuuid");
+       if (uuid) {
+               if (uuid_str_valid(uuid)) {
+                       *e++ = 97;      /* Client Machine Identifier */
+                       *e++ = 17;
+                       *e++ = 0;       /* type 0 - UUID */
+                       uuid_str_to_bin(uuid, e);
+                       e += 16;
+               } else {
+                       printf("Invalid pxeuuid: %s\n", uuid);
+               }
+       }
+       *e++ = 60;      /* Vendor Class Identifier */
+       vci_strlen = strlen(CONFIG_BOOTP_VCI_STRING);
+       *e++ = vci_strlen;
+       memcpy(e, CONFIG_BOOTP_VCI_STRING, vci_strlen);
+       e += vci_strlen;
        if ((x = dhcp_vendorex_prep (e)))
                return x - start;

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