On Monday, August 22, 2011 14:15:22 Anton Staaf wrote:

please dont top post

> Yes, this would be a much preferable approach.  The only problem that
> I encountered when attempting to do that in the Chromium U-Boot was
> that there are exposed stand alone U-Boot API's that can pass in
> pointers that make their way all the way down to the device driver.
> Two solutions occurred to me.  One was to put an Error or assert as
> high up as possible and expect violators to fix their code, the other
> was to patch things up in lower layers (right now we have a bounce
> buffer in the tegra MMC driver to deal with unaligned buffers).  My
> intent was that this would give us a functional U-Boot while we took
> the time to clean up as many of the unaligned buffers that U-Boot
> uses, and then tackle the question of stand alone applications.

could you elaborate on the code paths in question ?

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