On 08/16/2011 02:06 AM, Simon Schwarz wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> On 08/16/2011 03:20 AM, Joe Hershberger wrote:
>> Hi u-boot,
>> What is the recommended way to handle a patch series that depends on
>> another patch series (already sent but not integrated)?
> AFAIK the recommend way is to note in the patch that it depends on 
> another - best with some kind of link from gmane or a message-ID.

A patchwork link would be ideal.

>> How about a patch that was sent, that at the time didn't depend on
>> another series, but after review and changes, now depends on those
>> changes?
> Then you have to note it in the version history that it now depends on 
> another patch - don't forget to also note it in the normal merge message.

Merge message?  If you mean the commit message (above the "---"), why?
It should not be committed before its dependencies.

>> Even a bit more generally, some of the series are getting quite long
>> due to small dependencies.  This tends to put lots of unrelated
>> content into the same series based on small dependencies.  How is this
>> supposed to be dealt with?  Is it best to make long series or just to
>> send part of it and wait for it to be integrated before sending the
>> rest?
> Hm, here U'am not really sure - I think I would send a complete series - 
> but this is best answered by a custodian.

If it's getting very long (the threshold is obviously subjective), I'd
do the "send part of it and wait" approach.  Especially if there are a
lot of respins.


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