
On 08/06/2011 01:18 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 09:23, David Wagner wrote:
>> +#include <endian.h>
> this is not portable.  include compiler.h and use the already existing
> uswap/cpu_to/to_cpu/etc... helpers.
>> +static void usage(void)
>> +{
>> +       printf("envcrc [-h] [-r] [-b] -s <envrionnment partition
size> -o <output> "
> funny, "envcrc" isnt what the filename actually is ...

ah, yes, it began as an attempt to extend envcrc but ended up fairly

> seems like this should also take a padding byte so people can use a
> more sensible 0xff rather than 0x00

Thomas told me that when padding with 0xff, his environment image
wouldn't be taken into account anymore.
I'll add the option anyway, but do you know what could be happening ?

Also, I guess this makes necessary making sure there is a \0 after the
last configuration line.

>> +       if (fwrite(dataptr, 1, datasize, bin_file) != datasize) {
> funny enough, you got the size/nemb args in the right order here ;)
> -mike

I wasn't sure whether the proper way of doing it was "read/write 1 byte,
N times" or "read/write the size of the file, 1 time".  I probably
changed my mine in between.

        Thanks for reviewing ;

David Wagner, Free Electrons
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