Hi Reinhard,

On 05/08/2011 13:23, Reinhard Meyer wrote:
> Dear Albert, Aneesh, Eric,
>>> We have a fundamental problem when it comes to invalidating an
>>> un-aligned buffer. Either you flush the boundary lines and corrupt your
>>> buffer at boundaries OR you invalidate without flushing and corrupt
>>> memory around your buffer. Both are not good! The only real solution is
>>> to have aligned buffers, if you want to have D-cache enabled and do DMA
>>> at the same time.
>> Plus, there should not be *heavy* modifications; DMA engines tend to use
>> essentially two types of memory-resident objects: data buffers and
>> buffer descriptors. There's only a small handful of places in the driver
>> code to look at to find where these objects are allocated and how.
>> So I stand by my opinion: since the cache invalidation routine should
>> only be called with cache-aligned objects, there is no requirement to
>> flush the first (resp. last) cache line in case of unaligned start
>> (resp.stop), and I don't want cache operations performed when they are
>> not required.
> After considering all issues, any driver that does flush OR invalidate a
> cache line that it does not fully "own" is prone to cause problems.
> At flushing: some DMA might just have put data into the partial line.
> At invalidating: some Software might have put data, but the writeback
> had not occured.
> So both flush AND invalidate functions should check for this event and
> emit a proper warning on the console.

Fully agreed.

> My 2.7 cents...
> Reinhard

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