Am 19.07.2011 13:19, schrieb Wolfgang Denk:
> Dear =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Matthias_Wei=DFer?=,
> In message<>  you wrote:
>> Is this really a good idea? This will break a couple of boards using
>> non-cache-aware drivers. And there are a couple of them in u-boot. I
>> think d-cache should be opt-in rather then opt-out as long as there are
>> any drivers which didn't handle cached memory regions correct. i-cache
>> is much less problematic and can be enabled by default.
> If we do this, then everybody will just be lazy, and nothing will ever
> change.

You are right. But time is a limited resource. And fixing cache related 
issues is a bit more complex then, for example, the simple changes 
needed when relocation was introduced in ARM.

>> If d-cache will be enabled by default on ARM I think I have to send a
>> patch for one of my boards :-)
> Why don't you just help identifying and fixing the problems in the
> misbehaving drivers?!?
> That would be a _much_ more helpful approach.

Well, that is what I meant. I have to fix the driver then. But this will 
interfere with the fact that time is a lim.... You know ;-)

If both of my boards are in mainline I will take a look at them and try 
to fix problematic drivers (mainly USB OHCI should be the problem)


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