Hi Simon,

On Tuesday 19 July 2011 02:46 PM, Simon Schwarz wrote:
> Hi Aneesh,
> I'am not really sure about the save_boot_params() feature you added.
> May you point me where I can find this in the OMAP reference docs?

What I have done for OMAP4 will not work for OMAP3. For OMAP3 you will
get only the boot-device(eMMC, MMC/SD, nand etc) and *not* the bootmode(raw
vs FAT).

To get boot device you can don one of the following approaches.

1. What x-loader does

git://git.omapzoom.org/repo/x-loader.git - master branch


        ldr     r4, scratchpad          /* r4 <- scratchpad reg address */
        ldr     r5, [r0, #0x4]          /* r5 <- value of boot device */
        str     r5, [r4]                /* store r5 in scratchpad reg */

See the usage in lib/board.c:

Here are the device numbers:
        case 0x03:
                strcpy(boot_dev_name, "ONENAND");
        case 0x02:
                strcpy(boot_dev_name, "NAND");
        case 0x05:
                strcpy(boot_dev_name, "EMMC");
        case 0x06:
                strcpy(boot_dev_name, "MMC/SD1");

This is internal ROM code information and not documented anywhere.

You may assume FAT mode for MMC/SD1 and raw mode for the rest.

2. Read the boot device from a hw register(SYS_BOOT)

See 'chapter 26 Initialization' and look at table 26-3

best regards,
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