Hi Yegor,

Le 18/07/2011 09:32, Yegor Yefremov a écrit :
> Hi Albert,
>>> the serial device names have been changed from ttySx to ttyOx, so the
>>> console device name
>>> should be also changed to support the latest kernel versions.
>>> Signed-off-by: Yegor Yefremov<yegorsli...@googlemail.com>
>>> ---
>> This does not apply cleanly -- sorry, I should have pulled this earlier. Can
>> you rebase and submit a V2 of the patch? Thanks.
> What git repo are we talking about? The patch applies without problems
> against both:
> git://git.denx.de/u-boot-ti.git
> git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git


It has not been applied yet (current config file still has ttyS2) but 
does not applean cleanly on either u-boot-arm/master (which I applied it 
to in the first place), u-boot/master (which I tried then) or 
u-boot-ti/master (which I just tried). All three end up with:

Checking patch include/configs/am3517_evm.h...
error: while searching for:

        "loadaddr=0x82000000\0" \
        "console=ttyS2,115200n8\0" \
        "mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} " \
                "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw " \
                "rootfstype=ext3 rootwait\0" \

error: patch failed: include/configs/am3517_evm.h:190
Applying patch include/configs/am3517_evm.h with 1 rejects...
Rejected hunk #1.

The master branches I used are the latest ones (git fetch done just 
before applying) and their respectve commit IDs are:

u-boot-arm/master: a55d23ccf6cb90acb9667a46427670add9486aec
u-boot/master: 68d4230c3ccce96a72c5b99e48399bf1796fe3c6
u-boot-ti/master: 7b2fac7654f7420c2787f74ec3b1540fa3b343e9

> Yegor

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