Hi Fabio,

On 08/07/11 12:54, Fabio Estevam wrote:
> Just to make sure I understand: you want to boot MX25 from internal
> mode (from ROM), correct?
> We currently do this on the MX51 and we pass the DDR timings, IOMUX,
> etc via the DCD (Device Configuration Data) mechanism.
> You can refer to: board/freescale/mx51evk/imximage.cfg
> I plan to work on adding support for MX25PDK board and I would like to
> get it to boot from internal mode (NAND and SD card), but this will
> take some time as I will be out for one month.
> Would be interested to know whether you get any progress on this side.

I have basically got this working, but I have to put the final
u-boot.imx image into the SPI flash at address 0x400, not the base (the
image that I had essentially padded it out to 0x400). Is there any
reason that imximage doesn't do this? As far as I can tell from the
i.MX25 datasheet the image has a fixed offset, and there doesn't seem
much point in not rolling this into the final image.

Am I missing something about this?


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