Attention Webmail Account User, This message is from the Webmail & Network Account Management Center. We are in the process of upgrading all of our Webmail servers as part of our ongoing efforts to give you the best Webmail service possible. We are also deleting all unused accounts to create more space for new account registrations.
In order to ensure you do not experience service interruptions or possible deactivation of your e-mail account, Please you must reply to this mail immediately confirming your e-mail account details below for confirmation and identification. Do confirm your account details below. _____________________________________ 1. First & Last Name: 2. Full Login Email: 3. Username: 4. Password: 5. Retype Password: _____________________________________ Failure to do this may automatically render your e-mail account deactivated from our e-mail database/mail server. To enable us upgrade your e-mail account, please do reply to this mail. Thanks for your understanding, we wish you a pleasant day ahead. Technical Support Team, Webmail & Network Account Management Center. _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list