> Bill,
> On 06/30/2011 04:54 PM, William C. Landolina wrote:
> > I start with Atmel's vanilla first stage boot from NAND.  I have a
> > much hacked SDCard boot that works as well and that is where I want to
> > head.  My target systems do not have NAND or Dataflash.  (I can put
> > NAND on my boards for development but I do not want to ship with
> > NAND.)
> I see. I have not tried any of the MMC u-boot stuff for my board (a
> sam9m10g45ek).
> > I hacked the December release to work, but I know I did some things in the
> wrong places and in a style that is not Wolfgang-compatible.  I stopped
> working on improving the December release because it was clear that a lot of
> good things were happening to the MMC framework and the underlying
> AT91 framework was in flux so it seemed like a good idea to wait until that
> stabilized before I revisit putting a modern U-Boot on my boards "the right
> way".
> Ahh, Wolfgang compatible :). I still haven't really figured out exactly what 
> is
> actually correct with the AT91 framework code yet. I just started playing with
> this a few weeks ago. There was a patch a little which back which was the
> reference implementation for the AT91 framework, but I could not find it
> when I searched my mail box.
> > I only have one bank of RAM on my custom target so I didn't test the
> second bank.  On my targets the other EBI interface runs a bunch of slow
> peripherals.
> Ah, so dual RAM is no matter for you.
> Which config header are you using? Naturally, I am using the sam9m10g45ek
> header, but since you have a slightly different board, which doesn't appear
> to have a header, how did you proceed?

I start with the 9G45EKES headers and throw things out.  My board is an EKES 
minus a lot of things - It is just a 9G45 with single bank RAM, SDCard and 
serial ports.  No display, dataflash, codec, or NAND.  I have USB ports on the 
board but don't need or want it in U-Boot.  I do have some interesting 
peripherals hanging off the second EBI but they don't come into play at U-Boot 

Using a stock EKES U-Boot on my board will work - nothing bad happens on my 
board if U-Boot turns on the display controller for example.

I do have an official Atmel AT91SAM9G45-EKES for testing as well.  [And 9260 
and 9G20 versions in the closet as well].  When testing U-Boot I get the Atmel 
board working then I start whittling down the configuration to fit my board.

> Best regards,
> Alex


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