Hi Raleigh,

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Raleigh Boulware
<r_boulw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your help.
> I have several boards I am looking at.
> One is a Pentium Main board that uses the Intel 82340LX chip set.
> Anther board is a Pentium that uses the Opti Viper Chip set.
> The third is just a Mother board that has a custom FPGA as the North and
> south bridge.

A couple of questions:
 - Are these commercially available boards?
 - Do you have model/part numbers?
 - Is this a work related port (versus a spare time personal effort)?

> I think the Intel and Opti main boards could be used down the road for
> others to port U-boot to other Later Platforms.

Yes, I would love to get bare-bones support for more x86 CPUs into U-Boot.
So far I have only done sc520 because that is all I have ready access to

Also, have you looked at Coreboot (it is a BIOS replacement project). Not
that I don't want to get more x86 U-Boot ports running, but you may find
that the board you are looking at is already supported by Coreboot
(especially if it is a commercially available motherboard)

> I have to admit my programming skills in the GNU enviroment is very limited.
> I am taken a Linux course now at work and I somewhat understand. I guess
> right now I am trying to understand and work my way through the U-boot
> source. So please excuse any questions that might seen odd or dumb.

Ask away - If you are unsure of mailing list etiquette, Wolfgang is rather
fond of these two links:


Don't forget to have a good look through the U-Boot wiki at:


And the 'U-Boot Porting Guide' found in the README:


Just so you know, U-Boot is a hobby for me (i.e. limited time, no budget).
I'm more than willing to help, but unfortunately that help is not going to
extend to buying my own development hardware

> thanks for your help.

My pleasure


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