On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:18:46 +0400, Alexei Ozhigov <alexei.ozhi...@gmail.com> 
> I am experiencing the same problem with SATA right now with
> v2011.06-rc2 (tried also the latest master). If MVSATA_STATUS_TIMEOUT
> in mvsata_ide_initialize_port is ignored, SATA drive is found on the
> second port and I am able to read the drive's content.

Inspired by what you say about timeouts, I thought perhaps increasing
the timeout from 10ms to 1s might make a difference -- that worked!

... except that now, it's working regardless :-(

So, I've no idea if that's really related to what's going on, because
I've now gone as far as reducing the timeout to 5ms and it's _still_
working fine, so perhaps some part of the SATA subsystem was in a state
that was somehow reset by waiting a bit longer for the startup once, and
that's somehow "fixed" it.

It is still working despite powering down the machine for a while, so
I'm guessing whatever changed is something to do with the state of the
hard drive.

Sadly that means that I've now lost the ability to test this, since
trying any of the versions that were previously failing now work.

Anyway, Alexei, try increasing the timeout (i.e. the value being
assigned to timeleft) --- if that works for you too, it seems pretty
harmless, so might be appropriate for wider adoption.


Meanwhile, the SD has reverted to being broken, so that ext2ls just
hangs in the read, by the looks of it  :-/

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
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