Hi all,
i ported with small changes/additions u-boot to a custom board with MCF5307.
Relocation into ram is done correctly, and monitor works fine except for
the timer 2 interrupt:
Once inside the assembly "_int_handler" in start.S, the "rte" cause a
vector 3 exception (instruction fetch error).
So i traced the stack/registers from inside the timer interrupt, too see
if there is something strange:
U-Boot 1.1.6 (May 27 2011 - 00:09:24)
CPU: Freescale Coldfire MCF5307 at 90 MHz
Board: Sysam AMCORE Board
Stack set to 00fa1f78
Start relocate of code from ffc00400 to 00ff2000
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 00ff2000
Vector Number: 31 Format: 04 Fault Status: 0
PC: ffffffff SR: 00002009 SP: 00fa1d9c
D0: 00000000 D1: 0000001d D2: 00000066 D3: 00fb1f90
D4: ffffbfff D5: dfffff7e D6: eff7ffef D7: 00fb1f90
A0: 00fb1f90 A1: 00ff24c0 A2: 00fa1e3e A3: 00ffd000
A4: 7ff5fbef A5: 00ffc000 A6: 00fa1de4
The strange thing is that the PC that should be the address where to
return (next instruction) is 0xffffffff, from this, probably, the
exception is generated just after the "rte".
I don't really undertsand for what reason the PC is set badly from the micro,
hope some 68k expert here can help me.
Many thanks in advance,
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