On 05/27/2011 01:24 PM, Alexander Holler wrote:
> Am 27.05.2011 11:40, schrieb Christian Spielberger:
>> On 05/27/2011 09:34 AM, Alexander Holler wrote:
>>> Am 26.05.2011 17:41, schrieb Alexander Holler:
>>>> Am 26.05.2011 13:30, schrieb Christian Spielberger:
>>> ...
>>>> But even than USB doesn't seem to work on a BeagleBoard XM (at least
>>>> some people told me so). I don't have a XM, so I can't help more there.
>>>> It might be a problem with (a needed reset of) the HUB which is included
>>>> on the XM, I don't know.
>>> I forgot to mention that the PHY reset on the XM works inverse than for
>>> the BeagleBoard w/o XM. Haven't known this, when I've written that patch.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexander
>> We checked what you mentioned but found that the PHY reset is identical
>> between XM and C4. The reset signal is ok. That is what we saw on an
>> oscilloscope.
>> We also found that the USB2HS_CLK initialization does not work, also
>> with the oscilloscope. I am going to check the CLK initialization
>> sequence in beagle.c/ehci_hcd_init.
> It seems the PHY reset was only inverted for XM-A and XM-B and got again 
> the same as in the C4 with XM-C.
> I've looked up in my mailbox and found a quick and dirty hack from Koen 
> Kooi with which he comes at least through the initialization on the XM:
> http://dominion.thruhere.net/koen/angstrom/beagleboard/uboot/hacks.diff
> But I think he stopped working on that topic, waiting for feedback from 
> other people.
> You might ask on the mailing list for the BeagleBoard about the status.
> Regards,
> Alexander

Hi Alexander, hi Koen,

Thanks for your input! I could not find any difference in the schematics
between C4, xM-A2, xM-A3 (which should be the same as xM-B, see
http://beagleboard.org/hardware/design!). Anyway, I'll check the lines:

MUX_VAL(CP(UART2_RX),           (IDIS | PTU | EN  | M4)) /*GPIO_147*/

in the defines of MUX_BEAGLE_C and MUX_BEAGLE_XM
(board/ti/beagle/beagle.h) on Monday. I'am not sure if PTU is correct if
a pull down resistor is used.

@Koen: We tried your hack


for a proper initialization of the omap3 ehci with both versions of PHY
reset levels. Thus we removed the soft reset and the following
initialization of the USBTLL. The result: U-boot hangs at the first
writel after invoking "usb start".
We assume the reason for that is a faulty initialization of the usb clk
for the DM3730 at lines 377-388 in board/ti/beagle/beagle.cpp. We also
inserted an udelay after the CLK initialization with no result.

Did you have any luck with your efforts on the xM? What was the reason
for removing the USBTLL soft reset and initialization?


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