Am 2. März 2025 09:11:34 MEZ schrieb Heinrich Schuchardt <>:
>Dear Tom,
>The following changes since commit b78f8677cde8b1dde31b66f5b780f2e9b62fba7f:
>  arch: arm: dts: k3-am642-phycore-som-binman: Add custMpk to overlays
>(2025-02-27 08:07:38 -0600)
>are available in the Git repository at:
>for you to fetch changes up to 32a6c5eac0004bcfbb75d7ff9e9d627aca0e2852:
>  legacy-net: wget: fix wget_info handling after new tcp legacy stack
>(2025-02-28 15:26:05 +0100)
>Gitlab CI showed no issues:

Hello Tom,

these bug fixes shold go into origin/master. But it seems you created a branch 
for next (WIP/02MAR2025-next).

Best regards


>Pull request efi-2025-04-rc4
>* let efi_net_set_dp properly update the device path
>* avoid buffer overflows in wget_info with legacy TCP stack
>Adriano Cordova (2):
>      efi_loader: efi_net: let efi_net_set_dp properly update the
>device path
>      legacy-net: wget: fix wget_info handling after new tcp legacy stack
> lib/efi_loader/efi_net.c | 61
> net/wget.c               | 18 ++++++++------
> 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

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