On 2025/1/7 05:39, Jonas Karlman wrote:
The pinmux bits for GPIO2-B0 to GPIO2-B6 actually have 2 bits width,
correct the bank flag for GPIO2-B. The pinmux bits for GPIO2-B7 is
recalculated so it remain unchanged. Add missing GPIO3-B1 to GPIO3-B7
pinmux data to rk3328_mux_recalced_data as mux register offset for these
pins does not follow rockchip convention.

This matches changes in following Linux commits:
- e8448a6c817c ("pinctrl: rockchip: fix pinmux bits for RK3328 GPIO2-B pins")
- 5ef6914e0bf5 ("pinctrl: rockchip: fix pinmux bits for RK3328 GPIO3-B pins")
- 128f71fe014f ("pinctrl: rockchip: correct RK3328 iomux width flag for GPIO2-B 

Signed-off-by: Jonas Karlman <jo...@kwiboo.se>
Reviewed-by: Kever Yang <kever.y...@rock-chips.com>

- Kever
  drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl-rk3328.c | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++---
  1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl-rk3328.c 
index 47c2e923a1bb..dd0dc2eff270 100644
--- a/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl-rk3328.c
+++ b/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl-rk3328.c
@@ -14,23 +14,68 @@
static struct rockchip_mux_recalced_data rk3328_mux_recalced_data[] = {
-               .num = 2,
-               .pin = 12,
-               .reg = 0x24,
-               .bit = 8,
-               .mask = 0x3
-       }, {
+               /* gpio2_b7_sel */
                .num = 2,
                .pin = 15,
                .reg = 0x28,
                .bit = 0,
                .mask = 0x7
        }, {
+               /* gpio2_c7_sel */
                .num = 2,
                .pin = 23,
                .reg = 0x30,
                .bit = 14,
                .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b1_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 9,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 2,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b2_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 10,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 4,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b3_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 11,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 6,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b4_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 12,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 8,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b5_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 13,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 10,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b6_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 14,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 12,
+               .mask = 0x3
+       }, {
+               /* gpio3_b7_sel */
+               .num = 3,
+               .pin = 15,
+               .reg = 0x44,
+               .bit = 14,
+               .mask = 0x3
@@ -275,7 +320,7 @@ static struct rockchip_pin_bank rk3328_pin_banks[] = {
        PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(0, 32, "gpio0", 0, 0, 0, 0),
        PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(1, 32, "gpio1", 0, 0, 0, 0),
        PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(2, 32, "gpio2", 0,
-                            IOMUX_WIDTH_3BIT,
+                            IOMUX_8WIDTH_2BIT,
        PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(3, 32, "gpio3",

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