Hi Ahmad,

On Mon, 2025-02-03 at 13:08 +0100, Ahmad Fatoum wrote:
> Hi,
> On 30.01.25 14:55, Ferenc Fejes wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is it possible to use the serial port for u-boot networking? For example,
> > given
> > a restricted environment where the FIT image is available with ethernet
> > firmware
> > and drivers, so it is not possible to boot it with DHCP boot since there is
> > no
> > networking. Or simply the ethernet NIC has no u-boot driver at all. For such
> > cases, I assume ymodem is recommended to download and boot the FIT image.
> > 
> > However, experimenting with different images and debugging, it would be more
> > convenient if serial could be used as both data and console channel. Is this
> > possible?
> > 
> > A simple example:
> > 1. ppp on the host machine, with IP forward, NAT, etc.
> > 2. u-boot establish a ppp connection over serial to the host
> > 3. u-boot starts a netconsole session to the host
> > 4. user can use netconsole and wget to download images
> > 
> > I was thinking of PPP, but that's probably not supported by u-boot. Anything
> > similar with RNDIS and USB CDC ACM?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any hint!
> If you are willing to implement it, there's RFC 916 (RATP), which
> addresses the use case of establishing a reliable communication link over
> serial. We use it in barebox to mount remote file systems via serial.

Thank you for the pointer, good to know barebox have such a feature! I assume
the license permit what you suggest here, right?

> If you were to implement the same support in U-Boot, you could reuse
> the host-side bits without change (and take inspiration from the barebox
> implementation of the target-side bits).
> https://github.com/barebox/barebox/blob/master/fs/ratpfs.c
> https://www.barebox.org/doc/latest/user/remote-control.html

I'll look into this. This looks like an interesting challenge or even better,
add SoC bits to barebox (probably that is more work).

BTW I have a MT7986 based router and I wanted to install Debian on it. In the
process I encountered even though the ETH PHY supported by upstream, and linux-
firmware have the required bits as well, none of them included in the installer.
So I facing the same issue on Linux side as well :-) On FOSDEM '25 I noticed
usb9pfs contribution from you, I really like that idea as well!

> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Ahmad


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