First try dropping this was with commit 37434db29be4 ("spi: atmel: Drop
atmel_spi.h") back in 2018 which was reverted not much later with commit
5270df283676 ("Revert "spi: atmel: Drop atmel_spi.h"").

Second try dropping this was in 2020 with commit beeb34ac0cc6 ("spi:
atmel: Drop atmel_spi.h"), but that only moved all the definitions into
the source file and did not remove the header file.

Currently all of the definitions in the header file are (still)
contained in the source file, and the header file is include nowhere.

Fixes: beeb34ac0cc6 ("spi: atmel: Drop atmel_spi.h")
Signed-off-by: Alexander Dahl <>

    Build tested for all upstream atmel boards.  This is no complete build
    coverage, but should be safe to remove, because it is not included

 drivers/spi/atmel_spi.h | 86 -----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 86 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/spi/atmel_spi.h

diff --git a/drivers/spi/atmel_spi.h b/drivers/spi/atmel_spi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9663cca5e66..00000000000
--- a/drivers/spi/atmel_spi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Register definitions for the Atmel AT32/AT91 SPI Controller
- */
-/* Register offsets */
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CR                   0x0000
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR                   0x0004
-#define ATMEL_SPI_RDR                  0x0008
-#define ATMEL_SPI_TDR                  0x000c
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR                   0x0010
-#define ATMEL_SPI_IER                  0x0014
-#define ATMEL_SPI_IDR                  0x0018
-#define ATMEL_SPI_IMR                  0x001c
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSR(x)               (0x0030 + 4 * (x))
-#define ATMEL_SPI_VERSION              0x00fc
-/* Bits in CR */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CR_SPIEN             BIT(0)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CR_SPIDIS            BIT(1)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CR_SWRST             BIT(7)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CR_LASTXFER          BIT(24)
-/* Bits in MR */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_MSTR              BIT(0)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_PS                        BIT(1)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_PCSDEC            BIT(2)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_FDIV              BIT(3)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_MODFDIS           BIT(4)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_WDRBT             BIT(5)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_LLB               BIT(7)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_PCS(x)            (((x) & 15) << 16)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_MR_DLYBCS(x)         ((x) << 24)
-/* Bits in RDR */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_RDR_RD(x)            (x)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_RDR_PCS(x)           ((x) << 16)
-/* Bits in TDR */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_TDR_TD(x)            (x)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_TDR_PCS(x)           ((x) << 16)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_TDR_LASTXFER         BIT(24)
-/* Bits in SR/IER/IDR/IMR */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_RDRF              BIT(0)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_TDRE              BIT(1)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_MODF              BIT(2)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_OVRES             BIT(3)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_ENDRX             BIT(4)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_ENDTX             BIT(5)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_RXBUFF            BIT(6)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_TXBUFE            BIT(7)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_NSSR              BIT(8)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_TXEMPTY           BIT(9)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_SR_SPIENS            BIT(16)
-/* Bits in CSRx */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_CPOL            BIT(0)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_NCPHA           BIT(1)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_CSAAT           BIT(3)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_BITS(x)         ((x) << 4)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_SCBR(x)         ((x) << 8)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_SCBR_MAX                GENMASK(7, 0)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_DLYBS(x)                ((x) << 16)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_CSRx_DLYBCT(x)       ((x) << 24)
-/* Bits in VERSION */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_VERSION_REV(x)       ((x) & 0xfff)
-#define ATMEL_SPI_VERSION_MFN(x)       ((x) << 16)
-/* Constants for CSRx:BITS */
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_8               0
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_9               1
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_10              2
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_11              3
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_12              4
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_13              5
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_14              6
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_15              7
-#define ATMEL_SPI_BITS_16              8
-/* Register access macros */
-#define spi_readl(as, reg)                                     \
-       readl(as->regs + ATMEL_SPI_##reg)
-#define spi_writel(as, reg, value)                             \
-       writel(value, as->regs + ATMEL_SPI_##reg)

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