 * Fix initial send sequence always zero issue
 * Use state machine close to RFC 9293. This should make TCP
   transfers more reliable (now we can upload a huge array
   of data from the board to external server)
 * Improve TCP framework a lot. This should make tcp client
   code much more simple.
 * rewrite wget with new tcp stack
 * rewrite fastboot_tcp with new tcp stack

It's quite hard to fix the initial send sequence (ISS) issue
with the separate patch. A naive attempt to fix an issue
inside the tcp_set_tcp_header() function will break tcp packet
retransmit logic in wget and other clients.

  Wget stores tcp_seq_num value before tcp_set_tcp_header() will
  be called and (on failure) retransmit the packet with the stored
  tcp_seq_num value. Thus:
    * the same ISS must allways be used (current case)
    * or tcp clients needs to generate a proper ISS when

A proper ISS fix will require a big redesing comparable with
a this one.

Signed-off-by: Mikhail Kshevetskiy <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
 include/net/tcp.h  | 198 +++++++++--
 include/net/wget.h |   8 -
 net/fastboot_tcp.c | 193 +++++-----
 net/net.c          |   4 +
 net/tcp.c          | 860 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 net/wget.c         | 461 +++++++-----------------
 6 files changed, 1050 insertions(+), 674 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/net/tcp.h b/include/net/tcp.h
index 0694af9d5b1..b0d003bd2d8 100644
--- a/include/net/tcp.h
+++ b/include/net/tcp.h
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ union tcp_build_pkt {
  * @TCP_CLOSING: Rec FIN, sent FIN, ACK waiting for ACK
  * @TCP_FIN_WAIT_1: Sent FIN waiting for response
  * @TCP_FIN_WAIT_2: Rec ACK from FIN sent, waiting for FIN
+ * @TCP_LAST_ACK: Waiting for ACK of the connection termination
 enum tcp_state {
@@ -274,7 +275,20 @@ enum tcp_state {
-       TCP_FIN_WAIT_2
+       TCP_FIN_WAIT_2,
+       TCP_LAST_ACK,
+ * enum tcp_status - TCP stream status for connection
+ * @TCP_ERR_OK: no rx/tx errors
+ * @TCP_ERR_TOUT: rx/tx timeout happened
+ * @TCP_ERR_RST: connection was reset
+ */
+enum tcp_status {
+       TCP_ERR_OK = 0,
+       TCP_ERR_TOUT,
+       TCP_ERR_RST,
@@ -283,51 +297,154 @@ enum tcp_state {
  * @rport:             Remote port, host byte order
  * @lport:             Local port, host byte order
+ * @priv:              User private data (not used by tcp module)
+ *
+ * @max_retry_count:   Maximum retransmit attempts (default 3)
+ * @initial_timeout:   Timeout from initial TX to reTX (default 2 sec)
+ * @rx_inactiv_timeout:        Maximum time from last rx till connection drop
+ *                       (default 30 sec)
+ *
+ * @on_closed:         User callback, called just before destroying TCP stream
+ * @on_established:    User callback, called when TCP stream enters
+ *                       TCP_ESTABLISHED state
+ * @on_rcv_nxt_update: User callback, called when all data in the segment
+ *                       [0..rx_bytes - 1] was received
+ * @on_snd_una_update: User callback, called when all data in the segment
+ *                       [0..tx_bytes - 1] were transferred and acknowledged
+ * @rx:                        User callback, called on receive of segment
+ *                       [rx_offs..rx_offs+len-1]. If NULL -- all incoming data
+ *                       will be ignored. User SHOULD store the segment and
+ *                       return the number of accepted bytes.
+ *                       WARNING: Previous segmengs may not be received yet
+ * @tx:                        User callback, called on transmit/retransmit of 
+ *                       [tx_offs..tx_offs+maxlen-1]. If NULL -- no data will
+ *                       be transmitted. User SHOULD fill provided buffer and
+ *                       return the number of bytes in the buffer.
+ *                       WARNING: do not use tcp_stream_close() from this
+ *                         callback (it will break stream). Better use
+ *                         on_snd_una_update() callback for such purposes.
+ *
+ * @time_last_rx:      Arrival time of last valid incoming package (ticks)
+ * @time_start:                Timeout start time (ticks)
+ * @time_delta:                Timeout duration (ticks)
+ * @time_handler       Timeout handler for a stream
+ *
  * @state:             TCP connection state
+ * @status:            TCP stream status (OK or ERR)
+ * @rx_packets:                total number of received packets
+ * @tx_packets:                total number of transmitted packets
+ *
+ * @fin_rx:            Non-zero if TCP_FIN was received
+ * @fin_rx_seq:                TCP sequence of rx FIN bit
+ * @fin_tx:            Non-zero if TCP_FIN was sent (or planned to send)
+ * @fin_tx_seq:                TCP sequence of tx FIN bit
+ *
+ * @iss:               Initial send sequence number
+ * @snd_una:           Send unacknowledged
+ * @snd_nxt:           Send next
+ * @snd_wnd:           Send window (in bytes)
+ * @snd_wl1:           Segment sequence number used for last window update
+ * @snd_wl2:           Segment acknowledgment number used for last window 
  * @irs:               Initial receive sequence number
  * @rcv_nxt:           Receive next
+ * @rcv_wnd:           Receive window (in bytes)
  * @loc_timestamp:     Local timestamp
  * @rmt_timestamp:     Remote timestamp
+ * @rmt_win_scale:     Remote window scale factor
+ *
  * @lost:              Used for SACK
+ *
+ * @retry_cnt:         Number of retry attempts remaining. Only SYN, FIN
+ *                       or DATA segments are tried to retransmit.
+ * @retry_timeout:     Current retry timeout (ms)
+ * @retry_action:      TCP flags used for sending
+ * @retry_seq_num:     TCP sequence for retransmit
+ * retry_tx_len:       Number of data to transmit
+ * @retry_tx_offs:     Position in the TX stream
 struct tcp_stream {
        struct in_addr  rhost;
        u16             rport;
        u16             lport;
-       /* TCP connection state */
+       void            *priv;
+       int             max_retry_count;
+       int             initial_timeout;
+       int             rx_inactiv_timeout;
+       void            (*on_closed)(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+       void            (*on_established)(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+       void            (*on_rcv_nxt_update)(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 
+       void            (*on_snd_una_update)(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 
+       u32             (*rx)(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 rx_offs, void *buf, 
u32 len);
+       u32             (*tx)(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tx_offs, void *buf, 
u32 maxlen);
+       ulong           time_last_rx;
+       ulong           time_start;
+       ulong           time_delta;
+       void            (*time_handler)(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
        enum tcp_state  state;
+       enum tcp_status status;
+       u32             rx_packets;
+       u32             tx_packets;
+       int             fin_rx;
+       u32             fin_rx_seq;
+       int             fin_tx;
+       u32             fin_tx_seq;
+       u32             iss;
+       u32             snd_una;
+       u32             snd_nxt;
+       u32             snd_wnd;
+       u32             snd_wl1;
+       u32             snd_wl2;
        u32             irs;
        u32             rcv_nxt;
+       u32             rcv_wnd;
        /* TCP option timestamp */
        u32             loc_timestamp;
        u32             rmt_timestamp;
+       /* TCP window scale */
+       u8              rmt_win_scale;
        /* TCP sliding window control used to request re-TX */
        struct tcp_sack_v lost;
+       /* used for data retransmission */
+       int             retry_cnt;
+       int             retry_timeout;
+       u8              retry_action;
+       u32             retry_seq_num;
+       u32             retry_tx_len;
+       u32             retry_tx_offs;
 void tcp_init(void);
-typedef int tcp_incoming_filter(struct in_addr rhost,
-                               u16 rport, u16 sport);
- * This function sets user callback used to accept/drop incoming
- * connections. Callback should:
+ * This function sets user callback called on TCP stream creation.
+ * Callback should:
  *  + Check TCP stream endpoint and make connection verdict
  *    - return non-zero value to accept connection
  *    - return zero to drop connection
+ *  + Setup TCP stream callbacks like: on_closed(), on_established(),
+ *    n_rcv_nxt_update(), on_snd_una_update(), rx() and tx().
+ *  + Setup other stream related data
- * WARNING: If callback is NOT defined, all incoming connections
- *          will be dropped.
+ * WARNING: User MUST setup TCP stream on_create handler. Without it
+ *          no connection (including outgoung) will be created.
-void tcp_set_incoming_filter(tcp_incoming_filter *filter);
+void tcp_stream_set_on_create_handler(int (*on_create)(struct tcp_stream *));
  * tcp_stream_get -- Get or create TCP stream
@@ -351,27 +468,52 @@ struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_get(int is_new, struct 
in_addr rhost,
 struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_connect(struct in_addr rhost, u16 rport);
-enum tcp_state tcp_stream_get_state(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+ * tcp_stream_put -- Return stream to a TCP subsystem. Subsystem will
+ *                   check stream and destroy it (if stream was already
+ *                   closed). Otherwize no stream change will happen.
+ * @tcp:       TCP stream to put
+ */
+void tcp_stream_put(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
-int tcp_set_tcp_header(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt, int payload_len,
-                      u8 action, u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num);
+ * tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer -- Restart RX inactivity timer. Usually there
+ *                                is no needs to call this function. Timer
+ *                                will be restarted on receiving of any valid
+ *                                tcp packet belonging to a stream.
+ *
+ *                                This function may be used to prevent 
+ *                                break in the following case:
+ *                                  - u-boot is busy with very long data 
+ *                                  - remote side waits for u-boot reply
+ *
+ * @tcp:       TCP stream to put
+ */
+void tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
- * rxhand_tcp() - An incoming packet handler.
- * @tcp: TCP stream
- * @pkt: pointer to the application packet
- * @dport: destination TCP port
- * @sip: source IP address
- * @sport: source TCP port
- * @tcp_seq_num: TCP sequential number
- * @tcp_ack_num: TCP acknowledgment number
- * @action: TCP action (SYN, ACK, FIN, etc)
- * @len: packet length
+enum tcp_state  tcp_stream_get_state(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+enum tcp_status tcp_stream_get_status(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+ * tcp_stream_rx_offs(),
+ * tcp_stream_tx_offs()  -- Returns offset of first unacknowledged byte
+ *                          in receive/transmit stream correspondingly.
+ *                          The result is NOT affected by sin/fin flags.
+ * @tcp:       TCP stream
-typedef void rxhand_tcp(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt,
-                       u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num,
-                       u8 action, unsigned int len);
-void tcp_set_tcp_handler(rxhand_tcp *f);
+u32 tcp_stream_rx_offs(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+u32 tcp_stream_tx_offs(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+/* reset tcp stream */
+void tcp_stream_reset(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+/* force TCP stream closing, do NOT use from tcp->tx callback */
+void tcp_stream_close(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+void tcp_streams_poll(void);
+int tcp_set_tcp_header(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt, int payload_len,
+                      u8 action, u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num);
 void rxhand_tcp_f(union tcp_build_pkt *b, unsigned int len);
diff --git a/include/net/wget.h b/include/net/wget.h
index 6714f7ea573..9a423b30414 100644
--- a/include/net/wget.h
+++ b/include/net/wget.h
@@ -8,14 +8,6 @@
 void wget_start(void);
-enum wget_state {
-       WGET_CLOSED,
 #define DEBUG_WGET             0       /* Set to 1 for debug messages */
 #define WGET_RETRY_COUNT       30
 #define WGET_TIMEOUT           2000UL
diff --git a/net/fastboot_tcp.c b/net/fastboot_tcp.c
index 4d34fdc5a45..101d598012e 100644
--- a/net/fastboot_tcp.c
+++ b/net/fastboot_tcp.c
@@ -10,140 +10,109 @@
 #define FASTBOOT_TCP_PORT      5554
-static char command[FASTBOOT_COMMAND_LEN];
-static char response[FASTBOOT_RESPONSE_LEN];
 static const unsigned short handshake_length = 4;
 static const uchar *handshake = "FB01";
-static u32 curr_tcp_seq_num;
-static u32 curr_tcp_ack_num;
-static unsigned int curr_request_len;
-static enum fastboot_tcp_state {
-static void fastboot_tcp_answer(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u8 action,
-                               unsigned int len)
-       const u32 response_seq_num = curr_tcp_ack_num;
-       const u32 response_ack_num = curr_tcp_seq_num +
-                 (curr_request_len > 0 ? curr_request_len : 1);
+static char rxbuf[sizeof(u64) + FASTBOOT_COMMAND_LEN + 1];
+static char txbuf[sizeof(u64) + FASTBOOT_RESPONSE_LEN + 1];
-       net_send_tcp_packet(len, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, tcp->lport,
-                           action, response_seq_num, response_ack_num);
+static u32 data_read;
+static u32 tx_last_offs, tx_last_len;
-static void fastboot_tcp_reset(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+static void tcp_stream_on_rcv_nxt_update(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 rx_bytes)
-       fastboot_tcp_answer(tcp, TCP_RST, 0);
-       state = FASTBOOT_CLOSED;
+       u64     cmd_size;
+       __be64  len_be;
+       char    saved;
+       int     fastboot_command_id, len;
+       if (!data_read && rx_bytes >= handshake_length) {
+               if (memcmp(rxbuf, handshake, handshake_length)) {
+                       printf("fastboot: bad handshake\n");
+                       tcp_stream_close(tcp);
+                       return;
+               }
-static void fastboot_tcp_send_packet(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u8 action,
-                                    const uchar *data, unsigned int len)
-       uchar *pkt = net_get_async_tx_pkt_buf();
+               tx_last_offs = 0;
+               tx_last_len = handshake_length;
+               memcpy(txbuf, handshake, handshake_length);
+               data_read += handshake_length;
+               rx_bytes -= handshake_length;
+               if (rx_bytes > 0)
+                       memmove(rxbuf, rxbuf + handshake_length, rx_bytes);
+               return;
+       }
-       memset(pkt, '\0', PKTSIZE);
-       pkt += net_eth_hdr_size() + IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE + TCP_TSOPT_SIZE + 2;
-       memcpy(pkt, data, len);
-       fastboot_tcp_answer(tcp, action, len);
-       memset(pkt, '\0', PKTSIZE);
+       if (rx_bytes < sizeof(u64))
+               return;
+       memcpy(&cmd_size, rxbuf, sizeof(u64));
+       cmd_size = __be64_to_cpu(cmd_size);
+       if (rx_bytes < sizeof(u64) + cmd_size)
+               return;
+       saved = rxbuf[sizeof(u64) + cmd_size];
+       rxbuf[sizeof(u64) + cmd_size] = '\0';
+       fastboot_command_id = fastboot_handle_command(rxbuf + sizeof(u64),
+                                                     txbuf + sizeof(u64));
+       fastboot_handle_boot(fastboot_command_id,
+                            strncmp("OKAY", txbuf + sizeof(u64), 4) != 0);
+       rxbuf[sizeof(u64) + cmd_size] = saved;
+       len = strlen(txbuf + sizeof(u64));
+       len_be = __cpu_to_be64(len);
+       memcpy(txbuf, &len_be, sizeof(u64));
+       tx_last_offs += tx_last_len;
+       tx_last_len = len + sizeof(u64);
+       data_read += sizeof(u64) + cmd_size;
+       rx_bytes -= sizeof(u64) + cmd_size;
+       if (rx_bytes > 0)
+               memmove(rxbuf, rxbuf + sizeof(u64) + cmd_size, rx_bytes);
-static void fastboot_tcp_send_message(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
-                                     const char *message, unsigned int len)
+static u32 tcp_stream_rx(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 rx_offs, void *buf, u32 
-       __be64 len_be = __cpu_to_be64(len);
-       uchar *pkt = net_get_async_tx_pkt_buf();
-       memset(pkt, '\0', PKTSIZE);
-       pkt += net_eth_hdr_size() + IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE + TCP_TSOPT_SIZE + 2;
-       // Put first 8 bytes as a big endian message length
-       memcpy(pkt, &len_be, 8);
-       pkt += 8;
-       memcpy(pkt, message, len);
-       fastboot_tcp_answer(tcp, TCP_ACK | TCP_PUSH, len + 8);
-       memset(pkt, '\0', PKTSIZE);
+       memcpy(rxbuf + rx_offs - data_read, buf, len);
+       return len;
-static void fastboot_tcp_handler_ipv4(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt,
-                                     u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num,
-                                     u8 action, unsigned int len)
+static u32 tcp_stream_tx(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tx_offs, void *buf, u32 
-       int fastboot_command_id;
-       u64 command_size;
-       u8 tcp_fin = action & TCP_FIN;
-       u8 tcp_push = action & TCP_PUSH;
-       curr_tcp_seq_num = tcp_seq_num;
-       curr_tcp_ack_num = tcp_ack_num;
-       curr_request_len = len;
-       switch (state) {
-       case FASTBOOT_CLOSED:
-               if (tcp_push) {
-                       if (len != handshake_length ||
-                           strlen(pkt) != handshake_length ||
-                           memcmp(pkt, handshake, handshake_length) != 0) {
-                               fastboot_tcp_reset(tcp);
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       fastboot_tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_ACK | TCP_PUSH,
-                                                handshake, handshake_length);
-                       state = FASTBOOT_CONNECTED;
-               }
-               break;
-               if (tcp_fin) {
-                       fastboot_tcp_answer(tcp, TCP_FIN | TCP_ACK, 0);
-                       state = FASTBOOT_DISCONNECTING;
-                       break;
-               }
-               if (tcp_push) {
-                       // First 8 bytes is big endian message length
-                       command_size = __be64_to_cpu(*(u64 *)pkt);
-                       len -= 8;
-                       pkt += 8;
-                       // Only single packet messages are supported ATM
-                       if (strlen(pkt) != command_size) {
-                               fastboot_tcp_reset(tcp);
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       strlcpy(command, pkt, len + 1);
-                       fastboot_command_id = fastboot_handle_command(command, 
-                       fastboot_tcp_send_message(tcp, response, 
-                       fastboot_handle_boot(fastboot_command_id,
-                                            strncmp("OKAY", response, 4) == 0);
-               }
-               break;
-               if (tcp_push)
-                       state = FASTBOOT_CLOSED;
-               break;
-       }
+       /* by design: tx_offs >= tx_last_offs */
+       if (tx_offs >= tx_last_offs + tx_last_len)
+               return 0;
-       memset(command, 0, FASTBOOT_COMMAND_LEN);
-       memset(response, 0, FASTBOOT_RESPONSE_LEN);
-       curr_tcp_seq_num = 0;
-       curr_tcp_ack_num = 0;
-       curr_request_len = 0;
+       maxlen = tx_last_offs + tx_last_len - tx_offs;
+       memcpy(buf, txbuf + (tx_offs - tx_last_offs), maxlen);
+       return maxlen;
-static int incoming_filter(struct in_addr rhost, u16 rport, u16 lport)
+static int tcp_stream_on_create(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       return (lport == FASTBOOT_TCP_PORT);
+       if (tcp->lport != FASTBOOT_TCP_PORT)
+               return 0;
+       data_read = 0;
+       tx_last_offs = 0;
+       tx_last_len = 0;
+       tcp->on_rcv_nxt_update = tcp_stream_on_rcv_nxt_update;
+       tcp->rx = tcp_stream_rx;
+       tcp->tx = tcp_stream_tx;
+       return 1;
 void fastboot_tcp_start_server(void)
+       memset(net_server_ethaddr, 0, 6);
+       tcp_stream_set_on_create_handler(tcp_stream_on_create);
        printf("Using %s device\n", eth_get_name());
        printf("Listening for fastboot command on tcp %pI4\n", &net_ip);
-       tcp_set_incoming_filter(incoming_filter);
-       tcp_set_tcp_handler(fastboot_tcp_handler_ipv4);
diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index c95a40f1a2b..4b0b0061ba7 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -651,6 +651,9 @@ restart:
                 *      errors that may have happened.
+#if defined(CONFIG_PROT_TCP)
+               tcp_streams_poll();
                 *      Abort if ctrl-c was pressed.
@@ -957,6 +960,7 @@ int net_send_ip_packet(uchar *ether, struct in_addr dest, 
int dport, int sport,
                        + tcp_set_tcp_header(tcp, pkt + eth_hdr_size,
                                             payload_len, action, tcp_seq_num,
+               tcp_stream_put(tcp);
diff --git a/net/tcp.c b/net/tcp.c
index 7e445eaffd6..6bb68a04c5d 100644
--- a/net/tcp.c
+++ b/net/tcp.c
@@ -24,9 +24,26 @@
 #include <net.h>
 #include <net/tcp.h>
-static int tcp_activity_count;
+ * The start sequence number increment for the two sequently created
+ * connections within the same timer tick. This number must be:
+ *  - prime (to increase the time before the same number will be generated)
+ *  - larger than typical MTU (to avoid similar numbers for two sequently
+ *    created connections)
+ */
+#define TCP_START_SEQ_INC      2153    /* just large prime number */
+#define TCP_SEND_RETRY         3
+#define TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT       2000UL
+#define TCP_RX_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT        30000UL
+#define TCP_PACKET_OK          0
+#define TCP_PACKET_DROP                1
 static struct tcp_stream tcp_stream;
-static tcp_incoming_filter *incoming_filter;
+static int (*tcp_stream_on_create)(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
  * TCP lengths are stored as a rounded up number of 32 bit words.
@@ -35,12 +52,10 @@ static tcp_incoming_filter *incoming_filter;
 #define LEN_B_TO_DW(x) ((x) >> 2)
 #define ROUND_TCPHDR_LEN(x) (LEN_B_TO_DW((x) + 3))
+#define ROUND_TCPHDR_BYTES(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)
 #define SHIFT_TO_TCPHDRLEN_FIELD(x) ((x) << 4)
 #define GET_TCP_HDR_LEN_IN_BYTES(x) ((x) >> 2)
-/* Current TCP RX packet handler */
-static rxhand_tcp *tcp_packet_handler;
 #define RANDOM_PORT_START 1024
 #define RANDOM_PORT_RANGE 0x4000
@@ -62,6 +77,22 @@ static inline s32 tcp_seq_cmp(u32 a, u32 b)
        return (s32)(a - b);
+static inline u32 tcp_get_start_seq(void)
+       static u32      tcp_seq_inc;
+       u32             tcp_seq;
+       tcp_seq = (get_timer(0) & 0xffffffff) + tcp_seq_inc;
+       tcp_seq_inc += TCP_START_SEQ_INC;
+       return tcp_seq;
+static inline ulong msec_to_ticks(ulong msec)
+       return msec * CONFIG_SYS_HZ / 1000;
  * tcp_stream_get_state() - get TCP stream state
  * @tcp: tcp stream
@@ -84,31 +115,90 @@ static void tcp_stream_set_state(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
        tcp->state = new_state;
-void tcp_init(void)
+ * tcp_stream_get_status() - get TCP stream status
+ * @tcp: tcp stream
+ *
+ * Return: TCP stream status
+ */
+enum tcp_status tcp_stream_get_status(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       incoming_filter = NULL;
-       tcp_stream.state = TCP_CLOSED;
+       return tcp->status;
-void tcp_set_incoming_filter(tcp_incoming_filter *filter)
+ * tcp_stream_set_status() - set TCP stream state
+ * @tcp: tcp stream
+ * @new_satus: new TCP stream status
+ */
+static void tcp_stream_set_status(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
+                                 enum tcp_state new_status)
-       incoming_filter = filter;
+       tcp->status = new_status;
-static struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_add(struct in_addr rhost,
-                                        u16 rport, u16 lport)
+void tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       struct tcp_stream *tcp = &tcp_stream;
-       if (tcp->state != TCP_CLOSED)
-               return NULL;
+       tcp->time_last_rx = get_timer(0);
+static void tcp_stream_init(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
+                           struct in_addr rhost, u16 rport, u16 lport)
        memset(tcp, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_stream));
        tcp->rhost.s_addr = rhost.s_addr;
        tcp->rport = rport;
        tcp->lport = lport;
        tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
        tcp->lost.len = TCP_OPT_LEN_2;
+       tcp->rcv_wnd = TCP_RCV_WND_SIZE;
+       tcp->max_retry_count = TCP_SEND_RETRY;
+       tcp->initial_timeout = TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT;
+       tcp->rx_inactiv_timeout = TCP_RX_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT;
+       tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(tcp);
+static void tcp_stream_destroy(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       if (tcp->on_closed)
+               tcp->on_closed(tcp);
+       memset(tcp, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_stream));
+void tcp_init(void)
+       static int initialized;
+       struct tcp_stream *tcp = &tcp_stream;
+       tcp_stream_on_create = NULL;
+       if (!initialized) {
+               initialized = 1;
+               memset(tcp, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_stream));
+       }
+       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+       tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_RST);
+       tcp_stream_destroy(tcp);
+void tcp_stream_set_on_create_handler(int (*on_create)(struct tcp_stream *))
+       tcp_stream_on_create = on_create;
+static struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_add(struct in_addr rhost,
+                                        u16 rport, u16 lport)
+       struct tcp_stream *tcp = &tcp_stream;
+       if (!tcp_stream_on_create ||
+           tcp->state != TCP_CLOSED)
+               return NULL;
+       tcp_stream_init(tcp, rhost, rport, lport);
+       if (!tcp_stream_on_create(tcp))
+               return NULL;
        return tcp;
@@ -122,30 +212,206 @@ struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_get(int is_new, struct 
in_addr rhost,
            tcp->lport == lport)
                return tcp;
-       if (!is_new || !incoming_filter) ||
-           !incoming_filter(rhost, rport, lport))
-               return NULL;
+       return is_new ? tcp_stream_add(rhost, rport, lport) : NULL;
-       return tcp_stream_add(rhost, rport, lport);
+void tcp_stream_put(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       if (tcp->state == TCP_CLOSED)
+               tcp_stream_destroy(tcp);
-static void dummy_handler(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt,
-                         u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num,
-                         u8 action, unsigned int len)
+u32 tcp_stream_rx_offs(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       u32 ret;
+       switch (tcp->state) {
+       case TCP_CLOSED:
+       case TCP_SYN_SENT:
+       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
+               return 0;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       ret = tcp->rcv_nxt - tcp->irs - 1;
+       if (tcp->fin_rx && (tcp->rcv_nxt == tcp->fin_rx_seq))
+               ret--;
+       return ret;
- * tcp_set_tcp_handler() - set a handler to receive data
- * @f: handler
- */
-void tcp_set_tcp_handler(rxhand_tcp *f)
+u32 tcp_stream_tx_offs(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "--- net_loop TCP handler set (%p)\n", f);
-       if (!f)
-               tcp_packet_handler = dummy_handler;
-       else
-               tcp_packet_handler = f;
+       u32 ret;
+       switch (tcp->state) {
+       case TCP_CLOSED:
+       case TCP_SYN_SENT:
+       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
+               return 0;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       ret = tcp->snd_una - tcp->iss - 1;
+       if (tcp->fin_tx && (tcp->snd_una == tcp->fin_tx_seq + 1))
+               ret--;
+       return ret;
+static void tcp_stream_set_time_handler(struct tcp_stream *tcp, ulong msec,
+                                       void (*handler)(struct tcp_stream *))
+       if (!msec) {
+               tcp->time_handler = NULL;
+               return;
+       }
+       tcp->time_handler = handler;
+       tcp->time_start = get_timer(0);
+       tcp->time_delta = msec_to_ticks(msec);
+static void tcp_send_packet(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u8 action,
+                           u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num, u32 tx_len)
+       tcp->tx_packets++;
+       net_send_tcp_packet(tx_len, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport,
+                           tcp->lport, action, tcp_seq_num,
+                           tcp_ack_num);
+static void tcp_send_repeat(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       uchar *ptr;
+       u32 tcp_opts_size;
+       if (!tcp->retry_cnt) {
+               puts("\nTCP: send retry counter exceeded\n");
+               tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp->retry_seq_num,
+                               tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+               tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_TOUT);
+               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+               tcp_stream_destroy(tcp);
+               return;
+       }
+       tcp->retry_cnt--;
+       tcp->retry_timeout += tcp->initial_timeout;
+       if (tcp->retry_tx_len > 0) {
+               tcp_opts_size = ROUND_TCPHDR_BYTES(TCP_TSOPT_SIZE +
+                                                  tcp->lost.len);
+               ptr = net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() +
+                       IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE + tcp_opts_size;
+               if (tcp->retry_tx_len > TCP_MSS - tcp_opts_size)
+                       tcp->retry_tx_len = TCP_MSS - tcp_opts_size;
+               /* refill packet data */
+               tcp->tx(tcp, tcp->retry_tx_offs, ptr, tcp->retry_tx_len);
+       }
+       tcp_send_packet(tcp, tcp->retry_action, tcp->retry_seq_num,
+                       tcp->rcv_nxt, tcp->retry_tx_len);
+       tcp_stream_set_time_handler(tcp, tcp->retry_timeout, tcp_send_repeat);
+static void tcp_send_packet_with_retry(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u8 action,
+                                      u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tx_len, u32 tx_offs)
+       tcp->retry_cnt = tcp->max_retry_count;
+       tcp->retry_timeout = tcp->initial_timeout;
+       tcp->retry_action = action;
+       tcp->retry_seq_num = tcp_seq_num;
+       tcp->retry_tx_len = tx_len;
+       tcp->retry_tx_offs = tx_offs;
+       tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp_seq_num, tcp->rcv_nxt, tx_len);
+       tcp_stream_set_time_handler(tcp, tcp->retry_timeout, tcp_send_repeat);
+static inline u8 tcp_stream_fin_needed(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tcp_seq_num)
+       return (tcp->fin_tx && (tcp_seq_num == tcp->fin_tx_seq)) ? TCP_FIN : 0;
+static void tcp_steam_tx_try(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       uchar *ptr;
+       u32 tx_offs, tx_len, tcp_opts_size;
+       if (tcp->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED ||
+           tcp->time_handler ||
+           !tcp->tx)
+               return;
+       tcp_opts_size = ROUND_TCPHDR_BYTES(TCP_TSOPT_SIZE + tcp->lost.len);
+       tx_len = TCP_MSS - tcp_opts_size;
+       if (tcp->fin_tx) {
+               /* do not try to send beyonds FIN packet limits */
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una, tcp->fin_tx_seq) >= 0)
+                       return;
+               tx_len = tcp->fin_tx_seq - tcp->snd_una;
+               if (tx_len > TCP_MSS - tcp_opts_size)
+                       tx_len = TCP_MSS - tcp_opts_size;
+       }
+       tx_offs = tcp_stream_tx_offs(tcp);
+       ptr = net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() +
+               IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE + tcp_opts_size;
+       /* fill packet data and adjust size */
+       tx_len = tcp->tx(tcp, tx_offs, ptr, tx_len);
+       if (!tx_len)
+               return;
+       if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una + tx_len, tcp->snd_nxt) > 0)
+               tcp->snd_nxt = tcp->snd_una + tx_len;
+       tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_ACK | TCP_PUSH,
+                                  tcp->snd_una, tx_len, tx_offs);
+static void tcp_stream_poll(struct tcp_stream *tcp, ulong time)
+       ulong   delta;
+       void    (*handler)(struct tcp_stream *tcp);
+       if (tcp->state == TCP_CLOSED)
+               return;
+       /* handle rx inactivity timeout */
+       delta = msec_to_ticks(tcp->rx_inactiv_timeout);
+       if (time - tcp->time_last_rx >= delta) {
+               puts("\nTCP: rx inactivity timeout exceeded\n");
+               tcp_stream_reset(tcp);
+               tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_TOUT);
+               tcp_stream_destroy(tcp);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* handle retransmit timeout */
+       if (tcp->time_handler &&
+           time - tcp->time_start >= tcp->time_delta) {
+               handler = tcp->time_handler;
+               tcp->time_handler = NULL;
+               handler(tcp);
+       }
+       tcp_steam_tx_try(tcp);
+void tcp_streams_poll(void)
+       ulong                   time;
+       struct tcp_stream       *tcp;
+       time = get_timer(0);
+       tcp = &tcp_stream;
+       tcp_stream_poll(tcp, time);
@@ -240,7 +506,6 @@ int net_set_ack_options(struct tcp_stream *tcp, union 
tcp_build_pkt *b)
         * This returns the actual rounded up length of the
         * TCP header to add to the total packet length
        return GET_TCP_HDR_LEN_IN_BYTES(b->sack.hdr.tcp_hlen);
@@ -300,18 +565,8 @@ int tcp_set_tcp_header(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt, 
int payload_len,
                           "TCP Hdr:SYN (%pI4, %pI4, sq=%u, ak=%u)\n",
                           &tcp->rhost, &net_ip,
                           tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               tcp_activity_count = 0;
                net_set_syn_options(tcp, b);
-               tcp_seq_num = 0;
-               tcp_ack_num = 0;
                pkt_hdr_len = IP_TCP_O_SIZE;
-               if (tcp->state == TCP_SYN_SENT) {  /* Too many SYNs */
-                       action = TCP_FIN;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_FIN_WAIT_1;
-               } else {
-                       tcp->lost.len = TCP_OPT_LEN_2;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_SYN_SENT;
-               }
        case TCP_SYN | TCP_ACK:
        case TCP_ACK:
@@ -328,21 +583,16 @@ int tcp_set_tcp_header(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar 
*pkt, int payload_len,
                           &tcp->rhost, &net_ip, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
                payload_len = 0;
                pkt_hdr_len = IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE;
-               tcp->state = TCP_FIN_WAIT_1;
        case TCP_RST | TCP_ACK:
        case TCP_RST:
                           "TCP Hdr:RST  (%pI4, %pI4, s=%u, a=%u)\n",
                           &tcp->rhost, &net_ip, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
        /* Notify connection closing */
        case (TCP_FIN | TCP_ACK):
        case (TCP_FIN | TCP_ACK | TCP_PUSH):
-               if (tcp->state == TCP_CLOSE_WAIT)
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSING;
                           "TCP Hdr:FIN ACK PSH(%pI4, %pI4, s=%u, a=%u, 
                           &tcp->rhost, &net_ip,
@@ -382,7 +632,7 @@ int tcp_set_tcp_header(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt, 
int payload_len,
         * it is, then the u-boot tftp or nfs kernel netboot should be
         * considered.
-       b->ip.hdr.tcp_win = htons(PKTBUFSRX * TCP_MSS >> TCP_SCALE);
+       b->ip.hdr.tcp_win = htons(tcp->rcv_wnd >> TCP_SCALE);
        b->ip.hdr.tcp_xsum = 0;
        b->ip.hdr.tcp_ugr = 0;
@@ -501,6 +751,7 @@ void tcp_hole(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 
 void tcp_parse_options(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *o, int o_len)
        struct tcp_t_opt  *tsopt;
+       struct tcp_scale  *wsopt;
        uchar *p = o;
@@ -515,10 +766,13 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *o, 
int o_len)
                case TCP_O_END:
                case TCP_O_MSS:
-               case TCP_O_SCL:
                case TCP_P_SACK:
                case TCP_V_SACK:
+               case TCP_O_SCL:
+                       wsopt = (struct tcp_scale *)p;
+                       tcp->rmt_win_scale = wsopt->scale;
+                       break;
                case TCP_O_TS:
                        tsopt = (struct tcp_t_opt *)p;
                        tcp->rmt_timestamp = tsopt->t_snd;
@@ -533,129 +787,333 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar 
*o, int o_len)
-static u8 tcp_state_machine(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u8 tcp_flags,
-                           u32 tcp_seq_num, int payload_len)
+static int tcp_seg_in_wnd(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
+                         u32 tcp_seq_num, int payload_len)
+       if (!payload_len && !tcp->rcv_wnd) {
+               if (tcp_seq_num == tcp->rcv_nxt)
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       if (!payload_len && tcp->rcv_wnd > 0) {
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->rcv_nxt, tcp_seq_num) <= 0 &&
+                   tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_seq_num, tcp->rcv_nxt + tcp->rcv_wnd) < 0)
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       if (payload_len > 0 && tcp->rcv_wnd > 0) {
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->rcv_nxt, tcp_seq_num) <= 0 &&
+                   tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_seq_num, tcp->rcv_nxt + tcp->rcv_wnd) < 0)
+                       return 1;
+               tcp_seq_num += payload_len - 1;
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->rcv_nxt, tcp_seq_num) <= 0 &&
+                   tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_seq_num, tcp->rcv_nxt + tcp->rcv_wnd) < 0)
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int tcp_rx_check_ack_num(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tcp_seq_num,
+                               u32 tcp_ack_num, u32 tcp_win_size)
-       u8 tcp_fin = tcp_flags & TCP_FIN;
-       u8 tcp_syn = tcp_flags & TCP_SYN;
-       u8 tcp_rst = tcp_flags & TCP_RST;
-       u8 tcp_push = tcp_flags & TCP_PUSH;
-       u8 tcp_ack = tcp_flags & TCP_ACK;
-       u8 action = TCP_DATA;
+       u32 old_offs, new_offs;
+       u8 action;
+       switch (tcp->state) {
+       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una, tcp_ack_num) >= 0 ||
+                   tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_ack_num, tcp->snd_nxt) > 0) {
+                       // segment acknowledgment is not acceptable
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp_ack_num, 0, 0);
+                       return TCP_PACKET_DROP;
+               }
+               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_ESTABLISHED);
+               tcp->snd_wnd = tcp_win_size;
+               tcp->snd_wl1 = tcp_seq_num;
+               tcp->snd_wl2 = tcp_ack_num;
+               if (tcp->on_established)
+                       tcp->on_established(tcp);
+               fallthrough;
+       case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
+       case TCP_CLOSE_WAIT:
+       case TCP_CLOSING:
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_ack_num, tcp->snd_nxt) > 0) {
+                       // ACK acks something not yet sent
+                       action = tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una) | 
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp->snd_una, 
tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+                       return TCP_PACKET_DROP;
+               }
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una, tcp_ack_num) < 0) {
+                       old_offs = tcp_stream_tx_offs(tcp);
+                       tcp->snd_una = tcp_ack_num;
+                       new_offs = tcp_stream_tx_offs(tcp);
+                       if (tcp->time_handler &&
+                           tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una, tcp->retry_seq_num) > 0) {
+                               tcp_stream_set_time_handler(tcp, 0, NULL);
+                       }
+                       if (tcp->on_snd_una_update &&
+                           old_offs != new_offs)
+                               tcp->on_snd_una_update(tcp, new_offs);
+               }
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_una, tcp_ack_num) <= 0) {
+                       if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_wl1, tcp_seq_num) < 0 ||
+                           (tcp->snd_wl1 == tcp_seq_num &&
+                            tcp_seq_cmp(tcp->snd_wl2, tcp_seq_num) <= 0)) {
+                               tcp->snd_wnd = tcp_win_size;
+                               tcp->snd_wl1 = tcp_seq_num;
+                               tcp->snd_wl2 = tcp_ack_num;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (tcp->state == TCP_FIN_WAIT_1) {
+                       if (tcp->snd_una == tcp->snd_nxt)
+                               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_FIN_WAIT_2);
+               }
+               if (tcp->state == TCP_CLOSING) {
+                       if (tcp->snd_una == tcp->snd_nxt)
+                               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+               }
+               return TCP_PACKET_OK;
+       case TCP_LAST_ACK:
+               if (tcp_ack_num == tcp->snd_nxt)
+                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+               return TCP_PACKET_OK;
+       default:
+               return TCP_PACKET_DROP;
+       }
+static int tcp_rx_user_data(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tcp_seq_num,
+                           char *buf, int len)
+       u32 tmp_len, buf_offs, old_offs, new_offs;
+       u8 action;
+       if (!len)
+               return TCP_PACKET_OK;
+       switch (tcp->state) {
+       case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
+               break;
+       default:
+               return TCP_PACKET_DROP;
+       }
+       tmp_len = len;
+       old_offs = tcp_stream_rx_offs(tcp);
+       buf_offs = tcp_seq_num - tcp->irs - 1;
+       if (tcp->rx)
+               tmp_len = tcp->rx(tcp, buf_offs, buf, len);
+       if (tmp_len)
+               tcp_hole(tcp, tcp_seq_num, tmp_len);
+       new_offs = tcp_stream_rx_offs(tcp);
+       if (tcp->on_rcv_nxt_update && old_offs != new_offs)
+               tcp->on_rcv_nxt_update(tcp, new_offs);
+       action = tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una) | TCP_ACK;
+       tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp->snd_una, tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+       return TCP_PACKET_OK;
+void tcp_rx_state_machine(struct tcp_stream *tcp,
+                         union tcp_build_pkt *b, unsigned int pkt_len)
+       int tcp_len = pkt_len - IP_HDR_SIZE;
+       u32 tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, tcp_win_size;
+       int tcp_hdr_len, payload_len;
+       u8  tcp_flags, action;
+       tcp_hdr_len = GET_TCP_HDR_LEN_IN_BYTES(b->ip.hdr.tcp_hlen);
+       payload_len = tcp_len - tcp_hdr_len;
+       if (tcp_hdr_len > TCP_HDR_SIZE)
+               tcp_parse_options(tcp, (uchar *)b + IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE,
+                                 tcp_hdr_len - TCP_HDR_SIZE);
-        * tcp_flags are examined to determine TX action in a given state
-        * tcp_push is interpreted to mean "inform the app"
-        * urg, ece, cer and nonce flags are not supported.
-        *
-        * exe and crw are use to signal and confirm knowledge of congestion.
-        * This TCP only sends a file request and acks. If it generates
-        * congestion, the network is broken.
+        * Incoming sequence and ack numbers are server's view of the numbers.
+        * The app must swap the numbers when responding.
-       debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP STATE ENTRY %x\n", action);
-       if (tcp_rst) {
-               action = TCP_DATA;
-               tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
-               net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP Reset %x\n", tcp_flags);
-               return TCP_RST;
-       }
+       tcp_seq_num = ntohl(b->ip.hdr.tcp_seq);
+       tcp_ack_num = ntohl(b->ip.hdr.tcp_ack);
+       tcp_win_size = ntohs(b->ip.hdr.tcp_win) << tcp->rmt_win_scale;
-       switch  (tcp->state) {
+       tcp_flags = b->ip.hdr.tcp_flags;
+//     printf("pkt: seq=%d, ack=%d, flags=%x, len=%d\n",
+//             tcp_seq_num - tcp->irs, tcp_ack_num - tcp->iss, tcp_flags, 
+//     printf("tcp: rcv_nxt=%d, snd_una=%d, snd_nxt=%d\n\n",
+//             tcp->rcv_nxt - tcp->irs, tcp->snd_una - tcp->iss, tcp->snd_nxt 
- tcp->iss);
+       switch (tcp->state) {
        case TCP_CLOSED:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP CLOSED %x\n", tcp_flags);
-               if (tcp_syn) {
-                       action = TCP_SYN | TCP_ACK;
-                       tcp->irs = tcp_seq_num;
-                       tcp->rcv_nxt = tcp_seq_num + 1;
-                       tcp->lost.len = TCP_OPT_LEN_2;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_SYN_RECEIVED;
-               } else if (tcp_ack || tcp_fin) {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_RST)
+                       return;
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_ACK) {
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp_ack_num, 0, 0);
+                       return;
-               break;
-       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
+               if (!(tcp_flags & TCP_SYN))
+                       return;
+               tcp->irs = tcp_seq_num;
+               tcp->rcv_nxt = tcp->irs + 1;
+               tcp->iss = tcp_get_start_seq();
+               tcp->snd_una = tcp->iss;
+               tcp->snd_nxt = tcp->iss + 1;
+               tcp->snd_wnd = tcp_win_size;
+               tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(tcp);
+               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_SYN_RECEIVED);
+               tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_SYN | TCP_ACK,
+                                          tcp->iss, 0, 0);
+               return;
        case TCP_SYN_SENT:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_SYN_SENT | TCP_SYN_RECEIVED 
%x, %u\n",
-                          tcp_flags, tcp_seq_num);
-               if (tcp_fin) {
-                       action = action | TCP_PUSH;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSE_WAIT;
-               } else if (tcp_ack || (tcp_syn && tcp_ack)) {
-                       action |= TCP_ACK;
-                       tcp->irs = tcp_seq_num;
-                       tcp->rcv_nxt = tcp_seq_num + 1;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
-                       if (tcp_syn && tcp_ack)
-                               action |= TCP_PUSH;
-               } else {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
+               if (!(tcp_flags & TCP_ACK))
+                       return;
+               if (tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_ack_num, tcp->iss) <= 0 ||
+                   tcp_seq_cmp(tcp_ack_num, tcp->snd_nxt) > 0) {
+                       if (!(tcp_flags & TCP_RST))
+                               tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp_ack_num, 0, 
+                       return;
-               break;
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_RST) {
+                       tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_RST);
+                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (!(tcp_flags & TCP_SYN))
+                       return;
+               /* stop retransmit of SYN */
+               tcp_stream_set_time_handler(tcp, 0, NULL);
+               tcp->irs = tcp_seq_num;
+               tcp->rcv_nxt = tcp->irs + 1;
+               tcp->snd_una = tcp_ack_num;
+               tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(tcp);
+               /* our SYN has been ACKed */
+               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_ESTABLISHED);
+               if (tcp->on_established)
+                       tcp->on_established(tcp);
+               action = tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una) | TCP_ACK;
+               tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp->snd_una, tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+               tcp_rx_user_data(tcp, tcp_seq_num,
+                                ((char *)b) + pkt_len - payload_len,
+                                payload_len);
+               return;
+       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
        case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_ESTABLISHED %x\n", tcp_flags);
-               if (payload_len > 0) {
-                       tcp_hole(tcp, tcp_seq_num, payload_len);
-                       tcp_fin = TCP_DATA;  /* cause standalone FIN */
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
+       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
+       case TCP_CLOSE_WAIT:
+       case TCP_CLOSING:
+       case TCP_LAST_ACK:
+               if (!tcp_seg_in_wnd(tcp, tcp_seq_num, payload_len)) {
+                       if (tcp_flags & TCP_RST)
+                               return;
+                       action = tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una) | 
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp->snd_una, 
tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+                       return;
-               if ((tcp_fin) &&
-                   (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_PROT_TCP_SACK) ||
-                    tcp->lost.len <= TCP_OPT_LEN_2)) {
-                       action = action | TCP_FIN | TCP_PUSH | TCP_ACK;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSE_WAIT;
-               } else if (tcp_ack) {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
+               tcp_stream_restart_rx_timer(tcp);
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_RST) {
+                       tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_RST);
+                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+                       return;
-               if (tcp_syn)
-                       action = TCP_ACK + TCP_RST;
-               else if (tcp_push)
-                       action = action | TCP_PUSH;
-               break;
-       case TCP_CLOSE_WAIT:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_CLOSE_WAIT (%x)\n", tcp_flags);
-               action = TCP_DATA;
-               break;
-       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_FIN_WAIT_2 (%x)\n", tcp_flags);
-               if (tcp_ack) {
-                       action = TCP_PUSH | TCP_ACK;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
-                       puts("\n");
-               } else if (tcp_syn) {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
-               } else if (tcp_fin) {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_SYN) {
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp_ack_num, 0, 0);
+                       tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_RST);
+                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+                       return;
-               break;
-       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_FIN_WAIT_1 (%x)\n", tcp_flags);
-               if (tcp_fin) {
-                       tcp->rcv_nxt++;
-                       action = TCP_ACK | TCP_FIN;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_FIN_WAIT_2;
+               if (!(tcp_flags & TCP_ACK))
+                       return;
+               if (tcp_rx_check_ack_num(tcp, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num,
+                                        tcp_win_size) == TCP_PACKET_DROP) {
+                       return;
-               if (tcp_syn)
-                       action = TCP_RST;
-               if (tcp_ack)
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
-               break;
-       case TCP_CLOSING:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "TCP_CLOSING (%x)\n", tcp_flags);
-               if (tcp_ack) {
-                       action = TCP_PUSH;
-                       tcp->state = TCP_CLOSED;
-                       puts("\n");
-               } else if (tcp_syn) {
-                       action = TCP_RST;
-               } else if (tcp_fin) {
-                       action = TCP_DATA;
+               if (tcp_rx_user_data(tcp, tcp_seq_num,
+                                    ((char *)b) + pkt_len - payload_len,
+                                    payload_len) == TCP_PACKET_DROP) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (tcp_flags & TCP_FIN) {
+                       tcp->fin_rx = 1;
+                       tcp->fin_rx_seq = tcp_seq_num + payload_len + 1;
+                       tcp_hole(tcp, tcp_seq_num + payload_len, 1);
+                       action = tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una) | 
+                       tcp_send_packet(tcp, action, tcp->snd_una, 
tcp->rcv_nxt, 0);
+               }
+               if (tcp->fin_rx &&
+                   tcp->fin_rx_seq == tcp->rcv_nxt) {
+                       /* all rx data were processed */
+                       switch (tcp->state) {
+                       case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
+                               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_LAST_ACK);
+                               tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_ACK | 
+                                                          tcp->snd_nxt, 0, 0);
+                               tcp->snd_nxt++;
+                               break;
+                       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
+                               if (tcp_ack_num == tcp->snd_nxt)
+                                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+                               else
+                                       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSING);
+                               break;
+                       case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
+                               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (tcp->state == TCP_FIN_WAIT_1 &&
+                   tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una)) {
+                       /* all tx data were acknowledged */
+                       tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_ACK | TCP_FIN,
+                                                  tcp->snd_una, 0, 0);
-               break;
-       return action;
@@ -667,9 +1125,6 @@ void rxhand_tcp_f(union tcp_build_pkt *b, unsigned int 
        int tcp_len = pkt_len - IP_HDR_SIZE;
        u16 tcp_rx_xsum = b->ip.hdr.ip_sum;
-       u8  tcp_action = TCP_DATA;
-       u32 tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num;
-       int tcp_hdr_len, payload_len;
        struct tcp_stream *tcp;
        struct in_addr src;
@@ -713,54 +1168,59 @@ void rxhand_tcp_f(union tcp_build_pkt *b, unsigned int 
        if (!tcp)
-       tcp_hdr_len = GET_TCP_HDR_LEN_IN_BYTES(b->ip.hdr.tcp_hlen);
-       payload_len = tcp_len - tcp_hdr_len;
+       tcp->rx_packets++;
+       tcp_rx_state_machine(tcp, b, pkt_len);
+       tcp_stream_put(tcp);
-       if (tcp_hdr_len > TCP_HDR_SIZE)
-               tcp_parse_options(tcp, (uchar *)b + IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE,
-                                 tcp_hdr_len - TCP_HDR_SIZE);
-       /*
-        * Incoming sequence and ack numbers are server's view of the numbers.
-        * The app must swap the numbers when responding.
-        */
-       tcp_seq_num = ntohl(b->ip.hdr.tcp_seq);
-       tcp_ack_num = ntohl(b->ip.hdr.tcp_ack);
+struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_connect(struct in_addr rhost, u16 rport)
+       struct tcp_stream *tcp;
-       /* Packets are not ordered. Send to app as received. */
-       tcp_action = tcp_state_machine(tcp, b->ip.hdr.tcp_flags,
-                                      tcp_seq_num, payload_len);
+       tcp = tcp_stream_add(rhost, rport, random_port());
+       if (!tcp)
+               return NULL;
-       tcp_activity_count++;
-       if (tcp_activity_count > TCP_ACTIVITY) {
-               puts("| ");
-               tcp_activity_count = 0;
-       }
+       tcp->iss = tcp_get_start_seq();
+       tcp->snd_una = tcp->iss;
+       tcp->snd_nxt = tcp->iss + 1;
-       if ((tcp_action & TCP_PUSH) || payload_len > 0) {
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_DEV_PKT,
-                          "TCP Notify (action=%x, Seq=%u,Ack=%u,Pay%d)\n",
-                          tcp_action, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, payload_len);
+       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_SYN_SENT);
+       tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_SYN, tcp->snd_una, 0, 0);
-               (*tcp_packet_handler) (tcp, (uchar *)b + pkt_len - payload_len,
-                                      tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, tcp_action,
-                                      payload_len);
+       return tcp;
-       } else if (tcp_action != TCP_DATA) {
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_DEV_PKT,
-                          "TCP Action (action=%x,Seq=%u,Ack=%u,Pay=%d)\n",
-                          tcp_action, tcp_ack_num, tcp->rcv_nxt, payload_len);
-               /*
-                * Warning: Incoming Ack & Seq sequence numbers are transposed
-                * here to outgoing Seq & Ack sequence numbers
-                */
-               net_send_tcp_packet(0, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, tcp->lport,
-                                   (tcp_action & (~TCP_PUSH)),
-                                   tcp_ack_num, tcp->rcv_nxt);
-       }
+void tcp_stream_reset(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       if (tcp->state == TCP_CLOSED)
+               return;
+       tcp_stream_set_time_handler(tcp, 0, NULL);
+       tcp_send_packet(tcp, TCP_RST, tcp->snd_una, 0, 0);
+       tcp_stream_set_status(tcp, TCP_ERR_RST);
+       tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_CLOSED);
-struct tcp_stream *tcp_stream_connect(struct in_addr rhost, u16 rport)
+void tcp_stream_close(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       return tcp_stream_add(rhost, rport, random_port());
+       switch (tcp->state) {
+       case TCP_SYN_SENT:
+               tcp_stream_reset(tcp);
+               break;
+       case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
+       case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
+               tcp->fin_tx = 1;
+               tcp->fin_tx_seq = tcp->snd_nxt;
+               if (tcp_stream_fin_needed(tcp, tcp->snd_una)) {
+                       /* all tx data were acknowledged */
+                       tcp_send_packet_with_retry(tcp, TCP_ACK | TCP_FIN,
+                                                  tcp->snd_una, 0, 0);
+               }
+               tcp_stream_set_state(tcp, TCP_FIN_WAIT_1);
+               tcp->snd_nxt++;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
diff --git a/net/wget.c b/net/wget.c
index 9c68a9d43cc..b8c5e240537 100644
--- a/net/wget.c
+++ b/net/wget.c
@@ -22,48 +22,25 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 /* The default, change with environment variable 'httpdstp' */
 #define SERVER_PORT            80
+#define HASHES_PER_LINE                65
+#define HTTP_MAX_HDR_LEN       2048
 static const char bootfile1[] = "GET ";
 static const char bootfile3[] = " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
 static const char http_eom[] = "\r\n\r\n";
-static const char http_ok[] = "200";
-static const char content_len[] = "Content-Length";
+static const char http_ok[] = " 200 ";
+static const char content_len[] = "Content-Length:";
 static const char linefeed[] = "\r\n";
-static int wget_timeout_count;
-struct tcp_stream *tcp;
-struct pkt_qd {
-       uchar *pkt;
-       unsigned int tcp_seq_num;
-       unsigned int len;
- * This is a control structure for out of order packets received.
- * The actual packet bufers are in the kernel space, and are
- * expected to be overwritten by the downloaded image.
- */
-#define PKTQ_SZ (PKTBUFSRX / 4)
-static struct pkt_qd pkt_q[PKTQ_SZ];
-static int pkt_q_idx;
+static struct in_addr web_server_ip;
+static unsigned int server_port;
 static unsigned long content_length;
-static unsigned int packets;
-static unsigned int initial_data_seq_num;
-static unsigned int next_data_seq_num;
-static enum  wget_state current_wget_state;
+static u32 http_hdr_size;
+static int wget_tsize_num_hash;
 static char *image_url;
-static unsigned int wget_timeout = WGET_TIMEOUT;
 static enum net_loop_state wget_loop_state;
-/* Timeout retry parameters */
-static u8 retry_action;                        /* actions for TCP retry */
-static unsigned int retry_tcp_ack_num; /* TCP retry acknowledge number*/
-static unsigned int retry_tcp_seq_num; /* TCP retry sequence number */
-static int retry_len;                  /* TCP retry length */
  * store_block() - store block in memory
  * @src: source of data
@@ -73,7 +50,6 @@ static int retry_len;                 /* TCP retry length */
 static inline int store_block(uchar *src, unsigned int offset, unsigned int 
        ulong store_addr = image_load_addr + offset;
-       ulong newsize = offset + len;
        uchar *ptr;
        if (CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(LMB)) {
@@ -89,324 +65,157 @@ static inline int store_block(uchar *src, unsigned int 
offset, unsigned int len)
        memcpy(ptr, src, len);
-       if (net_boot_file_size < (offset + len))
-               net_boot_file_size = newsize;
        return 0;
- * wget_send_stored() - wget response dispatcher
- *
- * WARNING, This, and only this, is the place in wget.c where
- * SEQUENCE NUMBERS are swapped between incoming (RX)
- * and outgoing (TX).
- * Procedure wget_handler() is correct for RX traffic.
- */
-static void wget_send_stored(void)
+static void show_block_marker(u32 packets)
-       u8 action = retry_action;
-       int len = retry_len;
-       unsigned int tcp_ack_num = retry_tcp_seq_num + (len == 0 ? 1 : len);
-       unsigned int tcp_seq_num = retry_tcp_ack_num;
-       uchar *ptr, *offset;
-       switch (current_wget_state) {
-       case WGET_CLOSED:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: send SYN\n");
-               current_wget_state = WGET_CONNECTING;
-               net_send_tcp_packet(0, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, tcp->lport, 
-                                   tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               packets = 0;
-               break;
-       case WGET_CONNECTING:
-               pkt_q_idx = 0;
-               net_send_tcp_packet(0, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, tcp->lport, 
-                                   tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               ptr = net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() +
-                       IP_TCP_HDR_SIZE + TCP_TSOPT_SIZE + 2;
-               offset = ptr;
-               memcpy(offset, &bootfile1, strlen(bootfile1));
-               offset += strlen(bootfile1);
-               memcpy(offset, image_url, strlen(image_url));
-               offset += strlen(image_url);
-               memcpy(offset, &bootfile3, strlen(bootfile3));
-               offset += strlen(bootfile3);
-               net_send_tcp_packet((offset - ptr), tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, 
-                                   TCP_PUSH, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               current_wget_state = WGET_CONNECTED;
-               break;
-       case WGET_CONNECTED:
-       case WGET_TRANSFERRED:
-               net_send_tcp_packet(0, tcp->rhost, tcp->rport, tcp->lport, 
-                                   tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               break;
+       int cnt;
+       if (content_length != -1) {
+               if (net_boot_file_size > content_length)
+                       content_length = net_boot_file_size;
+               cnt = net_boot_file_size * 50 / content_length;
+               while (wget_tsize_num_hash < cnt) {
+                       putc('#');
+                       wget_tsize_num_hash++;
+               }
+       } else {
+               if ((packets % 10) == 0)
+                       putc('#');
+               else if (((packets + 1) % (10 * HASHES_PER_LINE)) == 0)
+                       puts("\n");
-static void wget_send(u8 action, unsigned int tcp_seq_num,
-                     unsigned int tcp_ack_num, int len)
+static void tcp_stream_on_closed(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
-       retry_action = action;
-       retry_tcp_ack_num = tcp_ack_num;
-       retry_tcp_seq_num = tcp_seq_num;
-       retry_len = len;
+       if (tcp->status != TCP_ERR_OK)
+               wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
-       wget_send_stored();
+       net_set_state(wget_loop_state);
+       if (wget_loop_state != NETLOOP_SUCCESS) {
+               printf("\nwget: Transfer Fail, TCP status - %d\n", tcp->status);
+               return;
+       }
-void wget_fail(char *error_message, unsigned int tcp_seq_num,
-              unsigned int tcp_ack_num, u8 action)
-       printf("wget: Transfer Fail - %s\n", error_message);
-       net_set_timeout_handler(0, NULL);
-       wget_send(action, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, 0);
+       printf("\nPackets received %d, Transfer Successful\n", tcp->rx_packets);
+       efi_set_bootdev("Net", "", image_url,
+                       map_sysmem(image_load_addr, 0),
+                       net_boot_file_size);
- * Interfaces of U-BOOT
- */
-static void wget_timeout_handler(void)
+static void tcp_stream_on_rcv_nxt_update(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 rx_bytes)
-       if (++wget_timeout_count > WGET_RETRY_COUNT) {
-               puts("\nRetry count exceeded; starting again\n");
-               wget_send(TCP_RST, 0, 0, 0);
-               net_start_again();
-       } else {
-               puts("T ");
-               net_set_timeout_handler(wget_timeout +
-                                       WGET_TIMEOUT * wget_timeout_count,
-                                       wget_timeout_handler);
-               wget_send_stored();
+       char    *pos, *tail;
+       uchar   saved, *ptr;
+       int i;
+       if (http_hdr_size) {
+               net_boot_file_size = rx_bytes - http_hdr_size;
+               show_block_marker(tcp->rx_packets);
+               return;
-#define PKT_QUEUE_OFFSET 0x20000
-#define PKT_QUEUE_PACKET_SIZE 0x800
+       ptr = map_sysmem(image_load_addr, rx_bytes + 1);
-static void wget_connected(uchar *pkt, unsigned int tcp_seq_num,
-                          u8 action, unsigned int tcp_ack_num, unsigned int 
-       uchar *pkt_in_q;
-       char *pos;
-       int hlen, i;
-       uchar *ptr1;
+       saved = ptr[rx_bytes];
+       ptr[rx_bytes] = '\0';
+       pos = strstr((char *)ptr, http_eom);
+       ptr[rx_bytes] = saved;
-       pkt[len] = '\0';
-       pos = strstr((char *)pkt, http_eom);
+       if (!pos) {
+               if (rx_bytes < HTTP_MAX_HDR_LEN &&
+                   tcp->state == TCP_ESTABLISHED)
+                       goto end;
+               printf("ERROR: misssed HTTP header\n");
+               tcp_stream_close(tcp);
+               wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
+               goto end;
+       }
+       http_hdr_size = pos - (char *)ptr + strlen(http_eom);
+       *pos = '\0';
+       pos = strstr((char *)ptr, linefeed);
+       if (pos)
+               i = pos - (char *)ptr;
+       else
+               i = http_hdr_size - strlen(http_eom);
+       printf("%.*s\n", i,  ptr);
+       if (!strstr((char *)ptr, http_ok)) {
+               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: Connected Bad Xfer\n");
+               tcp_stream_close(tcp);
+               wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
+               goto end;
+       }
+       debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: Connctd pkt %p  hlen %x\n",
+                  ptr, http_hdr_size);
+       pos = strstr((char *)ptr, content_len);
        if (!pos) {
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                          "wget: Connected, data before Header %p\n", pkt);
-               pkt_in_q = (void *)image_load_addr + PKT_QUEUE_OFFSET +
-                       (pkt_q_idx * PKT_QUEUE_PACKET_SIZE);
+               content_length = -1;
+       } else {
+               pos += strlen(content_len) + 1;
+               content_length = simple_strtoul(pos, &tail, 10);
+               if (*tail != '\r' && *tail != '\n' && *tail != '\0')
+                       content_length = -1;
+               printf("%s %d\n", content_len, (int)content_length);
+       }
-               ptr1 = map_sysmem((ulong)pkt_in_q, len);
-               memcpy(ptr1, pkt, len);
-               unmap_sysmem(ptr1);
+       net_boot_file_size = rx_bytes - http_hdr_size;
+       memmove(ptr, ptr + http_hdr_size, net_boot_file_size);
-               pkt_q[pkt_q_idx].pkt = pkt_in_q;
-               pkt_q[pkt_q_idx].tcp_seq_num = tcp_seq_num;
-               pkt_q[pkt_q_idx].len = len;
-               pkt_q_idx++;
+       unmap_sysmem(ptr);
-               if (pkt_q_idx >= PKTQ_SZ) {
-                       printf("wget: Fatal error, queue overrun!\n");
-                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
+       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
-                       return;
-               }
-       } else {
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: Connected HTTP Header %p\n", pkt);
-               /* sizeof(http_eom) - 1 is the string length of (http_eom) */
-               hlen = pos - (char *)pkt + sizeof(http_eom) - 1;
-               pos = strstr((char *)pkt, linefeed);
-               if (pos > 0)
-                       i = pos - (char *)pkt;
-               else
-                       i = hlen;
-               printf("%.*s", i,  pkt);
-               current_wget_state = WGET_TRANSFERRING;
-               initial_data_seq_num = tcp_seq_num + hlen;
-               next_data_seq_num    = tcp_seq_num + len;
-               if (strstr((char *)pkt, http_ok) == 0) {
-                       debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                  "wget: Connected Bad Xfer\n");
-                       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
-                       wget_send(action, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, len);
-               } else {
-                       debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                  "wget: Connctd pkt %p  hlen %x\n",
-                                  pkt, hlen);
-                       pos = strstr((char *)pkt, content_len);
-                       if (!pos) {
-                               content_length = -1;
-                       } else {
-                               pos += sizeof(content_len) + 2;
-                               strict_strtoul(pos, 10, &content_length);
-                               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                          "wget: Connected Len %lu\n",
-                                          content_length);
-                       }
-                       net_boot_file_size = 0;
-                       if (len > hlen) {
-                               if (store_block(pkt + hlen, 0, len - hlen) != 
0) {
-                                       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
-                                       wget_fail("wget: store error\n", 
tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, action);
-                                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
+static u32 tcp_stream_rx(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 rx_offs, void *buf, u32 
+       store_block(buf, rx_offs - http_hdr_size, len);
-                       debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                  "wget: Connected Pkt %p hlen %x\n",
-                                  pkt, hlen);
-                       for (i = 0; i < pkt_q_idx; i++) {
-                               int err;
-                               ptr1 = map_sysmem((ulong)pkt_q[i].pkt,
-                                                 pkt_q[i].len);
-                               err = store_block(ptr1,
-                                         pkt_q[i].tcp_seq_num -
-                                         initial_data_seq_num,
-                                         pkt_q[i].len);
-                               unmap_sysmem(ptr1);
-                               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                          "wget: Connctd pkt Q %p len %x\n",
-                                          pkt_q[i].pkt, pkt_q[i].len);
-                               if (err) {
-                                       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
-                                       wget_fail("wget: store error\n", 
tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, action);
-                                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       wget_send(action, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, len);
+       return len;
- * wget_handler() - TCP handler of wget
- * @tcp: TCP stream
- * @pkt: pointer to the application packet
- * @tcp_seq_num: TCP sequential number
- * @tcp_ack_num: TCP acknowledgment number
- * @action: TCP action (SYN, ACK, FIN, etc)
- * @len: packet length
- *
- * In the "application push" invocation, the TCP header with all
- * its information is pointed to by the packet pointer.
- */
-static void wget_handler(struct tcp_stream *tcp, uchar *pkt,
-                        u32 tcp_seq_num, u32 tcp_ack_num,
-                        u8 action, unsigned int len)
+static u32 tcp_stream_tx(struct tcp_stream *tcp, u32 tx_offs, void *buf, u32 
-       enum tcp_state wget_tcp_state = tcp_stream_get_state(tcp);
-       net_set_timeout_handler(wget_timeout, wget_timeout_handler);
-       packets++;
-       switch (current_wget_state) {
-       case WGET_CLOSED:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: Handler: Error!, State wrong\n");
-               break;
-       case WGET_CONNECTING:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                          "wget: Connecting In len=%x, Seq=%u, Ack=%u\n",
-                          len, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num);
-               if (!len) {
-                       if (wget_tcp_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED) {
-                               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                                          "wget: Cting, send, len=%x\n", len);
-                               wget_send(action, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num,
-                                         len);
-                       } else {
-                               printf("%.*s", len,  pkt);
-                               wget_fail("wget: Handler Connected Fail\n",
-                                         tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, action);
-                       }
-               }
-               break;
-       case WGET_CONNECTED:
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: Connected seq=%u, len=%x\n",
-                          tcp_seq_num, len);
-               if (!len) {
-                       wget_fail("Image not found, no data returned\n",
-                                 tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, action);
-               } else {
-                       wget_connected(pkt, tcp_seq_num, action, tcp_ack_num, 
-               }
-               break;
-               debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET,
-                          "wget: Transferring, seq=%x, ack=%x,len=%x\n",
-                          tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, len);
-               if (next_data_seq_num != tcp_seq_num) {
-                       debug_cond(DEBUG_WGET, "wget: seq=%x packet was 
lost\n", next_data_seq_num);
-                       return;
-               }
-               next_data_seq_num = tcp_seq_num + len;
+       int ret;
-               if (store_block(pkt, tcp_seq_num - initial_data_seq_num, len) 
!= 0) {
-                       wget_fail("wget: store error\n",
-                                 tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, action);
-                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
-                       return;
-               }
+       if (tx_offs)
+               return 0;
-               switch (wget_tcp_state) {
-               case TCP_FIN_WAIT_2:
-                       wget_send(TCP_ACK, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, len);
-                       fallthrough;
-               case TCP_SYN_SENT:
-               case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED:
-               case TCP_CLOSING:
-               case TCP_FIN_WAIT_1:
-               case TCP_CLOSED:
-                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
-                       break;
-               case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
-                       wget_send(TCP_ACK, tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num,
-                                 len);
-                       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
-                       break;
-               case TCP_CLOSE_WAIT:     /* End of transfer */
-                       current_wget_state = WGET_TRANSFERRED;
-                       wget_send(action | TCP_ACK | TCP_FIN,
-                                 tcp_seq_num, tcp_ack_num, len);
-                       break;
-               }
-               break;
-       case WGET_TRANSFERRED:
-               printf("Packets received %d, Transfer Successful\n", packets);
-               net_set_state(wget_loop_state);
-               efi_set_bootdev("Net", "", image_url,
-                               map_sysmem(image_load_addr, 0),
-                               net_boot_file_size);
-               break;
-       }
+       ret = snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s%s%s", bootfile1, image_url, bootfile3);
+       return ret;
+static int tcp_stream_on_create(struct tcp_stream *tcp)
+       if (tcp->rhost.s_addr != web_server_ip.s_addr ||
+           tcp->rport != server_port)
+               return 0;
+       tcp->max_retry_count = WGET_RETRY_COUNT;
+       tcp->initial_timeout = WGET_TIMEOUT;
+       tcp->on_closed = tcp_stream_on_closed;
+       tcp->on_rcv_nxt_update = tcp_stream_on_rcv_nxt_update;
+       tcp->rx = tcp_stream_rx;
+       tcp->tx = tcp_stream_tx;
+       return 1;
 #define BLOCKSIZE 512
 void wget_start(void)
-       struct in_addr web_server_ip;
-       unsigned int server_port;
+       struct tcp_stream *tcp;
        image_url = strchr(net_boot_file_name, ':');
        if (image_url > 0) {
@@ -445,12 +254,6 @@ void wget_start(void)
                   "\nwget:Load address: 0x%lx\nLoading: *\b", image_load_addr);
-       net_set_timeout_handler(wget_timeout, wget_timeout_handler);
-       tcp_set_tcp_handler(wget_handler);
-       wget_timeout_count = 0;
-       current_wget_state = WGET_CLOSED;
         * Zero out server ether to force arp resolution in case
         * the server ip for the previous u-boot command, for example dns
@@ -459,14 +262,20 @@ void wget_start(void)
        memset(net_server_ethaddr, 0, 6);
+       net_boot_file_size = 0;
+       http_hdr_size = 0;
+       wget_tsize_num_hash = 0;
+       wget_loop_state = NETLOOP_FAIL;
        server_port = env_get_ulong("httpdstp", 10, SERVER_PORT) & 0xffff;
+       tcp_stream_set_on_create_handler(tcp_stream_on_create);
        tcp = tcp_stream_connect(web_server_ip, server_port);
-       if (tcp == NULL) {
+       if (!tcp) {
+               printf("No free tcp streams\n");
-       wget_send(TCP_SYN, 0, 0, 0);
+       tcp_stream_put(tcp);

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