Add N1213 cpu core (N12 Core family) support for NDS32 arch.
This patch includes start.S for the initialize procedure of N1213.

NDS32 Core N1213 has the following hardware features.

  - 16-/32-bit mixable instruction format
  - 32 general-purpose 32-bit registers
  - 8-stage pipeline
  - Dynamic branch prediction
  - 32/64/128/256 BTB
  - Return address stack (RAS)
  - Vector interrupts for internal/external
  - 3 HW-level nested interruptions
  - User and super-user mode support
  - Memory-mapped I/O
  - Address space up to 4GB

 Memory Management Unit:
  - TLB
  - Optional hardware page table walker
  - Two groups of page size support

 Memory Subsystem:
  - I & D cache
  - I & D local memory (LM)

 Bus Interface:
  - Synchronous/Asynchronous AHB bus: 0, 1 or 2 ports

Start procedure:
 start.S will start up the N1213 CPU core at first,
 then jump to SoC dependent "lowlevel_init.S" and
 "watchdog.S" to configure peripheral devices.

Signed-off-by: Macpaul Lin <>

Changes v1 to v6:
  - Style clean up and reorganize code
Changes v7-v9:
  - No Change.
 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/Makefile   |   50 +++++
 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.S    |  447 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/ |   68 ++++++
 3 files changed, 565 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/Makefile
 create mode 100644 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.S
 create mode 100644 arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/

diff --git a/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/Makefile b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..111d14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2000-2006
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Andes Technology Corporation
+# Shawn Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
+# Macpaul Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB    = $(obj)lib$(CPU).o
+START  = start.o
+SRCS   := $(START:.o=.S) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
+OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS) $(SOBJS))
+START  := $(addprefix $(obj),$(START))
+all:   $(obj).depend $(START) $(LIB)
+$(LIB):        $(OBJS)
+       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS)
+# defines $(obj).depend target
+include $(SRCTREE)/
+sinclude $(obj).depend
diff --git a/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.S b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04f3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.S
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ *     Andesboot - Startup Code for Whitiger core
+ *
+ *     Copyright (C) 2006      Andes Technology Corporation
+ *     Copyright (C) 2006      Shawn Lin <>
+ *     Copyright (C) 2011      Macpaul <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <version.h>
+ * Jump vector table for EVIC mode
+ */
+#define ENA_DCAC               2UL
+#define DIS_DCAC               ~ENA_DCAC
+#define ICAC_MEM_KBF_ISET      (0x07)          ! I Cache sets per way
+#define ICAC_MEM_KBF_IWAY      (0x07<<3)       ! I cache ways
+#define ICAC_MEM_KBF_ISZ       (0x07<<6)       ! I cache line size
+#define DCAC_MEM_KBF_DSET      (0x07)          ! D Cache sets per way
+#define DCAC_MEM_KBF_DWAY      (0x07<<3)       ! D cache ways
+#define DCAC_MEM_KBF_DSZ       (0x07<<6)       ! D cache line size
+#define PSW                    $ir0
+#define EIT_INTR_PSW           $ir1            ! interruption $PSW
+#define EIT_PREV_IPSW          $ir2            ! previous $IPSW
+#define EIT_IVB                        $ir3            ! intr vector base 
+#define EIT_EVA                        $ir4            ! MMU related Exception 
Virtual Address register */
+#define EIT_PREV_EVA           $ir5            ! previous $eva
+#define EIT_ITYPE              $ir6            ! interruption type
+#define EIT_PREV_ITYPE         $ir7            ! prev intr type
+#define EIT_MACH_ERR           $ir8            ! machine error log
+#define EIT_INTR_PC            $ir9            ! Interruption PC
+#define EIT_PREV_IPC           $ir10           ! previous $IPC
+#define EIT_OVL_INTR_PC                $ir11           ! overflow interruption 
+#define EIT_PREV_P0            $ir12           ! prev $P0
+#define EIT_PREV_P1            $ir13           ! prev $p1
+#define CR_ICAC_MEM            $cr1            ! I-cache/memory config reg
+#define CR_DCAC_MEM            $cr2            ! D-cache/memory config reg
+#define MR_CAC_CTL             $mr8
+.globl _start
+_start:        b       reset
+       b       tlb_fill
+       b       tlb_not_present
+       b       tlb_misc
+       b       tlb_vlpt_miss
+       b       cache_parity_error
+       b       debug
+       b       general_exception
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H0I
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H1I
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H2I
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H3I
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H4I
+       b       internal_interrupt              ! H5I
+       .balign 16
+! Andesboot Startup Code (reset vector)
+!      1.      bootstrap
+!              1.1 reset - start of Andesboot
+!              1.2 to superuser mode - as is when reset
+!              1.4 Do lowlevel_init
+!                      - (this will jump out to lowlevel_init.S in SoC)
+!                      - (lowlevel_init)
+!              1.3 Turn off watchdog timer
+!                      - (this will jump out to watchdog.S in SoC)
+!                      - (turnoff_watchdog)
+!      2.      Do critical init when reboot (not from mem)
+!      3.      Relocate andesboot to ram
+!      4.      Setup stack
+!      5.      Jump to second stage (start_andesboot)
+! Note: TEXT_BASE is defined by the (board-dependent) linker script
+       .word   CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE
+.globl _andesboot_start
+       .word _start
+! Note: andesboot_end is defined by the (board-dependent) linker script
+.globl _andesboot_end
+       .word andesboot_end
+! _andesboot_real_end is the first usable RAM address behind Andesboot
+! and the various stacks
+.globl _andesboot_real_end
+       .word 0x0badc0de
+! The bootstrap code of Andesboot
+       jal     load_lowlevel_init
+       jral    $p0
+! Set the Whitiger core to superuser mode
+! According to spec, it is already when reset
+       jal     load_turnoff_watchdog
+       jral    $p0
+! Do CPU critical regs init only at reboot, not when booting from ram
+       bal     cpu_init_crit                   ! Do CPU critical regs init
+       .align 2
+       ! relocate andesboot to RAM
+       jal     2f
+       !la     $r0, _start                     ! $r0 = source start addr
+       !l.w    $r2, _andesboot_start           ! Andesboot start address
+       !l.w    $r3, _andesboot_end             ! Andesboot end address
+       !sub    $r2, $r3, $r2                   ! $r2 = size of Andesboot
+       !l.w    $r1, _TEXT_BASE                 ! $r1 = destination start addr
+       move    $r0, $lp
+       la      $p0, _start
+       la      $p1, relocate+4
+       sub     $p0, $p1, $p0
+       sub     $r0, $r0, $p0
+       la      $p0, _andesboot_end
+       sub     $p0, $p0, $p1
+       move    $r3, $lp
+       lw      $r3, [$r3+$p0]                  ! _andesboot_end
+       addi    $p0, $p0, -4
+       move    $r2, $lp
+       lw      $r2, [$r2+$p0]                  ! _andesboot_start
+       sub     $r2, $r3, $r2
+       addi    $p0, $p0, -4
+       move    $r1, $lp
+       lw      $r1, [$r1+$p0]                  ! _TEXT_BASE
+       ! $r0 = source address
+       ! $r1 = destination address
+       ! $r2 = size to copy
+       lmw.bim $r3, [$r0], $r10
+       smw.bim $r3, [$r1], $r10
+       addi    $r2, $r2, -32
+       bgez    $r2, copy_loop
+       ! Set up the stack
+       l.w     $p0, _andesboot_end             ! Defined by board linker script
+       li      $p1, CONFIG_STACKSIZE           ! (128*1024) defined in config.h
+       add     $sp, $p0, $p1
+       bal     flib_init_bss_memory
+       ! Jump to start_andesboot (2nd phase)
+       l.w     $p0, __start_andesboot
+       br      $p0
+__start_andesboot:     .word start_andesboot
+! Initialize CPU critical registers
+!      1.      Setup control registers
+!              1.1 Mask all IRQs
+!              1.2 Flush cache and TLB
+!              1.3 Disable MMU and cache
+!      2.      Setup memory timing
+       !push   ra
+       move    $r0, $lp
+       ! Disable Interrupts by clear GIE in $PSW reg
+       setgie.d
+       ! Flush caches and TLB
+       ! Invalidate caches
+       bal     invalidate_icac
+       bal     invalidate_dcac
+       ! Flush TLB
+       mfsr    $p0, $MMU_CFG
+       andi    $p0, $p0, 0x3                   ! MMPS
+       li      $p1, 0x2                        ! TLB MMU
+       bne     $p0, $p1, 1f
+       tlbop   FlushAll                        ! Flush TLB
+       ! Disable MMU, Dcache
+       ! Whitiger is MMU disabled when reset
+       ! Disable the D$
+       mfsr    $p0, MR_CAC_CTL                 ! Get the $CACHE_CTL reg
+       li      $p1, DIS_DCAC
+       and     $p0, $p0, $p1                   ! Set DC_EN bit
+       mtsr    $p0, MR_CAC_CTL                 ! write back the $CACHE_CTL reg
+       isb
+       ! RAM is initialized in the dram_init()(board/nds32/cpe.c)
+       ! Remove the memsetup.S in the board directory.
+       !pop    ra
+       move    $lp, $r0
+       ret
+       smw.adm $r4, [$sp], $r6, #0x1
+       la      $r4, __bss_start
+       la      $r5, __bss_end
+       move    $r6, #0
+       swi.p    $r6, [$r4], #4
+       blt      $r4, $r5, 1b                   ! Check if done..
+       lmw.bim $r4, [$sp], $r6, #0x1
+       ret
+       la  $r6, lowlevel_init
+       la  $r7, load_lli + 4
+       sub $p0, $r6, $r7
+       add $p0, $p0, $lp
+       la  $r6, turnoff_watchdog
+       la  $r7, turnoff_wtdog + 4
+       sub $p0, $r6, $r7
+       add $p0, $p0, $lp
+! Invalidate I$
+       mfsr    $t0, CR_ICAC_MEM                ! read $cr1(I CAC/MEM cfg. 
reg.) configuration
+       andi    $p0, $t0, ICAC_MEM_KBF_ISZ      ! Get the ISZ field
+       beqz    $p0, end_flush_icache           ! if $p0=0, then no I CAC 
+       srli    $p0, $p0, 6                     ! get $p0 the index of I$ block
+       addi    $t1, $p0, 2                     ! $t1= bit width of I cache 
line size(ISZ)
+       li      $t4, 1
+       sll     $t5, $t4, $t1                   ! get $t5 cache line size
+       andi    $p1, $t0, ICAC_MEM_KBF_ISET     ! get the ISET field
+       addi    $t2, $p1, 6                     ! $t2= bit width of ISET
+       andi    $p1, $t0, ICAC_MEM_KBF_IWAY     ! get bitfield of Iway
+       srli    $p1, $p1, 3
+       addi    $p1, $p1, 1                     ! then $p1 is I way number
+       add     $t3, $t2, $t1                   ! SHIFT
+       sll     $p1, $p1, $t3                   ! GET the total cache size
+       sub     $p1, $p1, $t5
+       cctl    $p1, L1I_IX_INVAL
+       bnez    $p1, ICAC_LOOP
+       ret
+! Invalidate D$
+       mfsr    $t0, CR_DCAC_MEM                ! read $cr2(D CAC/MEM cfg. 
reg.) configuration
+       andi    $p0, $t0, DCAC_MEM_KBF_DSZ      ! Get the DSZ field
+       beqz    $p0, end_flush_dcache           ! if $p0=0, then no D CAC 
+       srli    $p0, $p0, 6                     ! get $p0 the index of D$ block
+       addi    $t1, $p0, 2                     ! $t1= bit width of D cache 
line size(DSZ)
+       li      $t4, 1
+       sll     $t5, $t4, $t1                   ! get $t5 cache line size
+       andi    $p1, $t0, DCAC_MEM_KBF_DSET     ! get the DSET field
+       addi    $t2, $p1, 6                     ! $t2= bit width of DSET
+       andi    $p1, $t0, DCAC_MEM_KBF_DWAY     ! get bitfield of D way
+       srli    $p1, $p1, 3
+       addi    $p1, $p1, 1                     ! then $p1 is D way number
+       add     $t3, $t2, $t1                   ! SHIFT
+       sll     $p1, $p1, $t3                   ! GET the total cache size
+       sub     $p1, $p1, $t5
+       cctl    $p1, L1D_IX_INVAL
+       bnez    $p1, DCAC_LOOP
+       ret
+! Interrupt handling
+ * exception handlers
+ */
+       .align  5
+               .macro  SAVE_ALL
+       ! FIXME: Other way to get PC?
+       ! FIXME: Update according to the newest spec!!
+1:     la       $r28, 1
+       push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, PSW                  ! $PSW
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_EVA              ! $ir1 $EVA
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_ITYPE            ! $ir2 $ITYPE
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_MACH_ERR         ! $ir3 Mach Error
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_INTR_PSW         ! $ir5 $IPSW
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_PREV_IPSW        ! $ir6 prev $IPSW
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_PREV_EVA         ! $ir7 prev $EVA
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_PREV_ITYPE       ! $ir8 prev $ITYPE
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_INTR_PC          ! $ir9 Interruption PC
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_PREV_IPC         ! $ir10 prev INTR_PC
+               push $r28
+               mfsr $r28, EIT_OVL_INTR_PC      ! $ir11 Overflowed INTR_PC
+               push $r28
+               mfusr $r28, $d1.lo
+               push $r28
+               mfusr $r28, $d1.hi
+               push $r28
+               mfusr $r28, $d0.lo
+               push $r28
+               mfusr $r28, $d0.hi
+               push $r28
+               pushm $r0,$r30                  /* we will also store $sp-$r31, 
ra-$r30, $gp-$r29, $r28-$fp */
+               addi    $sp, $sp, -4            ! make room for implicit 
pt_regs parameters
+               .endm
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 1                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 2                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 3                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 4                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 5                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 6                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 7                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+       SAVE_ALL
+       move    $r0, $sp                        ! To get the kernel stack
+       li      $r1, 8                          ! Determine interruption type
+       bal     do_interruption
+       .align  5
+!void reset_cpu(ulong addr);
+!      $r0: input address to jump to
+.globl reset_cpu
+! No need to disable MMU because we never enable it!
+       bal     invalidate_icac
+       bal     invalidate_dcac
+       mfsr    $p0, $MMU_CFG
+       andi    $p0, $p0, 0x3                   ! MMPS
+       li      $p1, 0x2                        ! TLB MMU
+       bne     $p0, $p1, 1f
+       tlbop   FlushAll                        ! Flush TLB
+       mfsr    $p0, MR_CAC_CTL                 ! Get the $CACHE_CTL reg
+       li      $p1, DIS_DCAC
+       and     $p0, $p0, $p1                   ! Clear the DC_EN bit
+       mtsr    $p0, MR_CAC_CTL                 ! Write back the $CACHE_CTL reg
+       br      $r0                             ! Jump to the input address
diff --git a/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/ b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824d05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2000
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Andes Technology Corporation
+ * Shawn Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
+ * Macpaul Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-nds32", "elf32-nds32", "elf32-nds32")
+       . = 0x00000000;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .text :
+       {
+               arch/nds32/cpu/n1213/start.o    (.text)
+               *(.text)
+       }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .rodata : { *(.rodata) }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .data : { *(.data) }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .got : { *(.got) }
+       . = .;
+       __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+       .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+       __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       __bss_start = .;
+       .bss : { *(.bss) }
+       __bss_end = .;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .rela.text : { *(.rela.text .rela.text.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.t.*) }
+       andesboot_end = .;
+       . = 0x02000000;
+       .u_boot_ohci_data_st : { *(.u_boot_ohci_data_st) }

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