On 9/17/24 8:21 AM, Lothar Rubusch wrote:
Introduce the support for three variants of Enclustra's Intel Mercury AA1 (with
Intel Arria10) SoMs and additional configs. This is supposed to be the first
step to upstream several of Enclustras SoC FPGA Modules. There are still things
to be modified. So, this is supposed to start the discussion and also to
clarify some of my open issues.
On the DT approach: I can agree that in parallel I may go for upstreaming
the kernel DT. There is a fundamental difference, still: In order to
represent the combination of module + baseboard + bootmode for the kernel
DT we have to use a mechanism like DTO. For u-boot this can be simpler.
Currently the few adjustments needed will be represented by the DT files as
are. I propose to keep them, and in case remove them later, which I doubt,
since the full DT for the kernel will cover more details. In case
refactoring is needed I can update the DT also in u-boot.
I assume after the LPC discussion, there will be a V3 ?