Rasmus Villemoes <rasmus.villem...@prevas.dk> writes:

> The commit mentioned in Fixes broke the
> CONFIG_DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES feature, with the result that any board
> setting any non-empty value for that fails to build.

FWIW, it's quite easy to reproduce, though I don't know if it makes
sense to pollute, say, sandbox_defconfig with this to keep it from
regressing. Anyway, just add include/h2g2.dtsi containing

/ {
        config {
                question = "Life, the Universe and Everything";
                answer = <42>;

and add "h2g2.dtsi" to CONFIG_DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES. Or put the file in
/tmp and add the absolute path "/tmp/h2g2.dtsi" to

I know we're close to release date, but I'd really appreciate if this
could make it into 2024.10. Yes, it's my fault for not noticing and
reporting sooner; the timing just happened to mean I had several
customers end up using 2023.10 (making use of
CONFIG_DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES), the breakage happened in 2024.01, and I
hadn't had occasion to use this with newer u-boots since, until just


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