Add test cases for sf commands to verify various SPI flash operations
such as erase, write and read. It also adds qspi lock unlock cases.
This test relies on boardenv_* configurations to run it for different
SPI flash family such as single SPI, QSPI, and OSPI.

Signed-off-by: Love Kumar <>
Changes in v2:
 - Fix the pylint errors
 - Re-order/organize the tests
Changes in v3:
 - Spelling correction
 - Describe the boardenv params
 test/py/tests/ | 696 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 696 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/py/tests/

diff --git a/test/py/tests/ b/test/py/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c81eca5fba6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# (C) Copyright 2024, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+Note: This test relies on boardenv_* containing configuration values to define
+spi minimum and maximum frequencies at which the flash part can operate on and
+these tests run at different spi frequency randomised values in the range
+multiple times based on the user defined iteration value.
+It also defines the SPI bus number containing the SPI-flash chip, SPI
+chip-select, SPI mode, SPI flash part name and timeout parameters. If minimum
+and maximum frequency is not defined, it will run on freq 0 by default.
+Without the boardenv_* configuration, this test will be automatically skipped.
+It also relies on configuration values for supported flashes for lock and
+unlock cases for SPI family flash. It will run lock-unlock cases only for the
+supported flash parts.
+For Example:
+# Details of SPI device test parameters required for SPI device testing:
+# bus - SPI bus number to init the flash device
+# chip_select - SPI chip select number to init the flash device
+# min_freq - Minimum frequency in hz at which the flash part can operate, set 0
+# or None for default frequency
+# max_freq - Maximum frequency in hz at which the flash part can operate, set 0
+# or None for default frequency
+# mode - SPI mode to init the flash device
+# part_name - SPI flash part name to be detected
+# timeout - Default timeout to run the sf commands
+# iteration - No of iteration to run SPI flash test
+env__spi_device_test = {
+    'bus': 0,
+    'chip_select': 0,
+    'min_freq': 10000000,
+    'max_freq': 100000000,
+    'mode': 0,
+    'part_name': 'n25q00a',
+    'timeout': 100000,
+    'iteration': 5,
+# supported_flash - Flash parts name which support lock-unlock functionality
+env__spi_lock_unlock = {
+    'supported_flash': 'mt25qu512a, n25q00a, n25q512ax3',
+import random
+import re
+import pytest
+import u_boot_utils
+SPI_DATA = {}
+    'Erase operation failed',
+    'Attempted to modify a protected sector',
+    'Erased: ERROR',
+    'is protected and cannot be erased',
+    'ERROR: flash area is locked',
+    'ERROR: flash area is locked',
+    'Program operation failed',
+    'Attempted to modify a protected sector',
+    'Written: ERROR',
+def get_params_spi(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Get SPI device test parameters from boardenv file '''
+    f = u_boot_console.config.env.get('env__spi_device_test', None)
+    if not f:
+        pytest.skip('No env file to read for SPI family device test')
+    bus = f.get('bus', 0)
+    cs = f.get('chip_select', 0)
+    mode = f.get('mode', 0)
+    part_name = f.get('part_name', None)
+    timeout = f.get('timeout', None)
+    if not part_name:
+        pytest.skip('No env file to read SPI family flash part name')
+    return bus, cs, mode, part_name, timeout
+def spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console):
+    '''Find out minimum and maximum frequnecies that SPI device can operate'''
+    f = u_boot_console.config.env.get('env__spi_device_test', None)
+    if not f:
+        pytest.skip('No env file to read for SPI family device test')
+    min_f = f.get('min_freq', None)
+    max_f = f.get('max_freq', None)
+    iterations = f.get('iteration', 1)
+    if not min_f:
+        min_f = 0
+    if not max_f:
+        max_f = 0
+    max_f = max(max_f, min_f)
+    return min_f, max_f, iterations
+def spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, freq):
+    ''' Find out SPI family flash memory parameters '''
+    bus, cs, mode, part_name, timeout = get_params_spi(u_boot_console)
+    output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf probe {bus}:{cs} {freq} {mode}')
+    if not 'SF: Detected' in output:
+'No SPI device available')
+    if not part_name in output:
+'SPI flash part name not recognized')
+    m ='page size (.+?) Bytes', output)
+    if m:
+        try:
+            page_size = int(
+        except ValueError:
+  'SPI page size not recognized')
+    m ='erase size (.+?) KiB', output)
+    if m:
+        try:
+            erase_size = int(
+        except ValueError:
+  'SPI erase size not recognized')
+        erase_size *= 1024
+    m ='total (.+?) MiB', output)
+    if m:
+        try:
+            total_size = int(
+        except ValueError:
+  'SPI total size not recognized')
+        total_size *= 1024 * 1024
+    m ='Detected (.+?) with', output)
+    if m:
+        try:
+            flash_part =
+            assert flash_part == part_name
+        except ValueError:
+  'SPI flash part not recognized')
+    global SPI_DATA
+    SPI_DATA = {
+        'page_size': page_size,
+        'erase_size': erase_size,
+        'total_size': total_size,
+        'flash_part': flash_part,
+        'timeout': timeout,
+    }
+def get_page_size():
+    ''' Get the SPI page size from spi data '''
+    return SPI_DATA['page_size']
+def get_erase_size():
+    ''' Get the SPI erase size from spi data '''
+    return SPI_DATA['erase_size']
+def get_total_size():
+    ''' Get the SPI total size from spi data '''
+    return SPI_DATA['total_size']
+def get_flash_part():
+    ''' Get the SPI flash part name from spi data '''
+    return SPI_DATA['flash_part']
+def get_timeout():
+    ''' Get the SPI timeout from spi data '''
+    return SPI_DATA['timeout']
+def spi_erase_block(u_boot_console, erase_size, total_size):
+    ''' Erase SPI flash memory block wise '''
+    for start in range(0, total_size, erase_size):
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf erase {hex(start)} 
+        assert EXPECTED_ERASE in output
+def test_spi_erase_block(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test case to check SPI erase functionality by erasing memory regions
+    block-wise '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        spi_erase_block(u_boot_console, get_erase_size(), get_total_size())
+        i = i + 1
+def spi_write_twice(u_boot_console, page_size, erase_size, total_size, 
+    ''' Random write till page size, random till size and full size '''
+    addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+    old_size = 0
+    for size in (
+        random.randint(4, page_size),
+        random.randint(page_size, total_size),
+        total_size,
+    ):
+        offset = random.randint(4, page_size)
+        offset = offset & ~3
+        size = size & ~3
+        size = size - old_size
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'crc32 {hex(addr + total_size)} 
+        m ='==> (.+?)$', output)
+        if not m:
+  'CRC32 failed')
+        expected_crc32 =
+        if old_size % page_size:
+            old_size = int(old_size / page_size)
+            old_size *= page_size
+        if size % erase_size:
+            erasesize = int(size / erase_size + 1)
+            erasesize *= erase_size
+        eraseoffset = int(old_size / erase_size)
+        eraseoffset *= erase_size
+        timeout = 100000000
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf erase {hex(eraseoffset)} {hex(erasesize)}'
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_ERASE in output
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf write {hex(addr + total_size)} {hex(old_size)} 
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_WRITE in output
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf read {hex(addr + total_size + offset)} {hex(old_size)} 
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_READ in output
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+            f'crc32 {hex(addr + total_size + offset)} {hex(size)}'
+        )
+        assert expected_crc32 in output
+        old_size = size
+def test_spi_write_twice(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test to write data with random size twice for SPI '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        spi_write_twice(
+            u_boot_console,
+            get_page_size(),
+            get_erase_size(),
+            get_total_size(),
+            get_timeout()
+        )
+        i = i + 1
+def spi_write_continues(u_boot_console, page_size, erase_size, total_size, 
+    ''' Write with random size of data to continue SPI write case '''
+    spi_erase_block(u_boot_console, erase_size, total_size)
+    addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+    output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'crc32 {hex(addr + 0x10000)} 
+    m ='==> (.+?)$', output)
+    if not m:
+'CRC32 failed')
+    expected_crc32 =
+    old_size = 0
+    for size in (
+        random.randint(4, page_size),
+        random.randint(page_size, total_size),
+        total_size,
+    ):
+        size = size & ~3
+        size = size - old_size
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf write {hex(addr + 0x10000 + old_size)} {hex(old_size)} 
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_WRITE in output
+        old_size += size
+    with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+            f'sf read {hex(addr + 0x10000 + total_size)} 0 {hex(total_size)}'
+        )
+        assert EXPECTED_READ in output
+    output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+        f'crc32 {hex(addr + 0x10000 + total_size)} {hex(total_size)}'
+    )
+    assert expected_crc32 in output
+def test_spi_write_continues(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test to write more random size data for SPI '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        spi_write_twice(
+            u_boot_console,
+            get_page_size(),
+            get_erase_size(),
+            get_total_size(),
+            get_timeout(),
+        )
+        i = i + 1
+def spi_read_twice(u_boot_console, page_size, total_size, timeout):
+    ''' Read the whole SPI flash twice, random_size till full flash size,
+    random till page size '''
+    for size in random.randint(4, page_size), random.randint(4, total_size), 
+        addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+        size = size & ~3
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf read {hex(addr + total_size)} 0 {hex(size)}'
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_READ in output
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'crc32 {hex(addr + total_size)} 
+        m ='==> (.+?)$', output)
+        if not m:
+  'CRC32 failed')
+        expected_crc32 =
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf read {hex(addr + total_size + 10)} 0 {hex(size)}'
+            )
+            assert EXPECTED_READ in output
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+            f'crc32 {hex(addr + total_size + 10)} {hex(size)}'
+        )
+        assert expected_crc32 in output
+def test_spi_read_twice(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test to read random data twice from SPI '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        spi_read_twice(u_boot_console, get_page_size(), get_total_size(), 
+        i = i + 1
+def spi_erase_all(u_boot_console, total_size, timeout):
+    ''' Erase the full chip SPI '''
+    start = 0
+    with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf erase {start} 
+        assert EXPECTED_ERASE in output
+def test_spi_erase_all(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test to check full chip erase for SPI '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        spi_erase_all(u_boot_console, get_total_size(), get_timeout())
+        i = i + 1
+def flash_ops(
+    u_boot_console, ops, start, size, offset=0, exp_ret=0, exp_str='', 
+    ''' Flash operations: erase, write and read '''
+    f = u_boot_console.config.env.get('env__spi_device_test', None)
+    if not f:
+        timeout = 1000000
+    timeout = f.get('timeout', 1000000)
+    if ops == 'erase':
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf erase {hex(start)} 
+    else:
+        with u_boot_console.temporary_timeout(timeout):
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+                f'sf {ops} {hex(offset)} {hex(start)} {hex(size)}'
+            )
+    if exp_str:
+        assert exp_str in output
+    if not_exp_str:
+        assert not_exp_str not in output
+    ret_code = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+    if exp_ret >= 0:
+        assert ret_code.endswith(str(exp_ret))
+    return output, ret_code
+def spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, addr, size):
+    ''' Unlock the flash before making it fail '''
+    u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf protect unlock {hex(addr)} {hex(size)}')
+    assert False, 'FAIL: Flash lock is unable to protect the data!'
+def find_prot_region(lock_addr, lock_size):
+    ''' Get the protected and un-protected region of flash '''
+    total_size = get_total_size()
+    erase_size = get_erase_size()
+    if lock_addr < (total_size // 2):
+        sect_num = (lock_addr + lock_size) // erase_size
+        x = 1
+        while x < sect_num:
+            x *= 2
+        prot_start = 0
+        prot_size = x * erase_size
+        unprot_start = prot_start + prot_size
+        unprot_size = total_size - unprot_start
+    else:
+        sect_num = (total_size - lock_addr) // erase_size
+        x = 1
+        while x < sect_num:
+            x *= 2
+        prot_start = total_size - (x * erase_size)
+        prot_size = total_size - prot_start
+        unprot_start = 0
+        unprot_size = prot_start
+    return prot_start, prot_size, unprot_start, unprot_size
+def protect_ops(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size, ops="unlock"):
+    ''' Run the command to lock or Unlock the flash '''
+    u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf protect {ops} {hex(lock_addr)} 
+    output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+    if ops == "lock" and not output.endswith('0'):
+        u_boot_console.run_command(f'sf protect unlock {hex(lock_addr)} 
+        assert False, "sf protect lock command exits with non-zero return code"
+    assert output.endswith('0')
+def erase_write_ops(u_boot_console, start, size):
+    ''' Basic erase and write operation for flash '''
+    addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+    flash_ops(u_boot_console, 'erase', start, size, 0, 0, EXPECTED_ERASE)
+    flash_ops(u_boot_console, 'write', start, size, addr, 0, EXPECTED_WRITE)
+def spi_lock_unlock(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size):
+    ''' Lock unlock operations for SPI family flash '''
+    addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+    erase_size = get_erase_size()
+    # Find the protected/un-protected region
+    prot_start, prot_size, unprot_start, unprot_size = 
find_prot_region(lock_addr, lock_size)
+    # Check erase/write operation before locking
+    erase_write_ops(u_boot_console, prot_start, prot_size)
+    # Locking the flash
+    protect_ops(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size, 'lock')
+    # Check erase/write operation after locking
+    output, ret_code = flash_ops(u_boot_console, 'erase', prot_start, 
prot_size, 0, -1)
+    if not any(error in output for error in EXPECTED_ERASE_ERRORS) or 
+        '0'
+    ):
+        spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+    output, ret_code = flash_ops(
+        u_boot_console, 'write', prot_start, prot_size, addr, -1
+    )
+    if not any(error in output for error in EXPECTED_WRITE_ERRORS) or 
+        '0'
+    ):
+        spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+    # Check locked sectors
+    sect_lock_start = random.randrange(prot_start, (prot_start + prot_size), 
+    if prot_size > erase_size:
+        sect_lock_size = random.randrange(
+            erase_size, (prot_start + prot_size - sect_lock_start), erase_size
+        )
+    else:
+        sect_lock_size = erase_size
+    sect_write_size = random.randint(1, sect_lock_size)
+    output, ret_code = flash_ops(
+        u_boot_console, 'erase', sect_lock_start, sect_lock_size, 0, -1
+    )
+    if not any(error in output for error in EXPECTED_ERASE_ERRORS) or 
+        '0'
+    ):
+        spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+    output, ret_code = flash_ops(
+        u_boot_console, 'write', sect_lock_start, sect_write_size, addr, -1
+    )
+    if not any(error in output for error in EXPECTED_WRITE_ERRORS) or 
+        '0'
+    ):
+        spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+    # Check unlocked sectors
+    if unprot_size != 0:
+        sect_unlock_start = random.randrange(
+            unprot_start, (unprot_start + unprot_size), erase_size
+        )
+        if unprot_size > erase_size:
+            sect_unlock_size = random.randrange(
+                erase_size, (unprot_start + unprot_size - sect_unlock_start), 
+            )
+        else:
+            sect_unlock_size = erase_size
+        sect_write_size = random.randint(1, sect_unlock_size)
+        output, ret_code = flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', sect_unlock_start, sect_unlock_size, 0, -1
+        )
+        if EXPECTED_ERASE not in output or ret_code.endswith('1'):
+            spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+        output, ret_code = flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'write', sect_unlock_start, sect_write_size, addr, 
+        )
+        if EXPECTED_WRITE not in output or ret_code.endswith('1'):
+            spi_unlock_exit(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+    # Unlocking the flash
+    protect_ops(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size, 'unlock')
+    # Check erase/write operation after un-locking
+    erase_write_ops(u_boot_console, prot_start, prot_size)
+    # Check previous locked sectors
+    sect_lock_start = random.randrange(prot_start, (prot_start + prot_size), 
+    if prot_size > erase_size:
+        sect_lock_size = random.randrange(
+            erase_size, (prot_start + prot_size - sect_lock_start), erase_size
+        )
+    else:
+        sect_lock_size = erase_size
+    sect_write_size = random.randint(1, sect_lock_size)
+    flash_ops(
+        u_boot_console, 'erase', sect_lock_start, sect_lock_size, 0, 0, 
+    )
+    flash_ops(
+        u_boot_console,
+        'write',
+        sect_lock_start,
+        sect_write_size,
+        addr,
+        0,
+    )
+def test_spi_lock_unlock(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Test to check the lock-unlock functionality for SPI family flash '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    flashes = u_boot_console.config.env.get('env__spi_lock_unlock', False)
+    if not flashes:
+        pytest.skip('No supported flash list for lock/unlock provided')
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+        total_size = get_total_size()
+        flash_part = get_flash_part()
+        flashes_list = flashes.get('supported_flash', None).split(',')
+        flashes_list = [x.strip() for x in flashes_list]
+        if flash_part not in flashes_list:
+            pytest.skip('Detected flash does not support lock/unlock')
+        # For lower half of memory
+        lock_addr = random.randint(0, (total_size // 2) - 1)
+        lock_size = random.randint(1, ((total_size // 2) - lock_addr))
+        spi_lock_unlock(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+        # For upper half of memory
+        lock_addr = random.randint((total_size // 2), total_size - 1)
+        lock_size = random.randint(1, (total_size - lock_addr))
+        spi_lock_unlock(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+        # For entire flash
+        lock_addr = random.randint(0, total_size - 1)
+        lock_size = random.randint(1, (total_size - lock_addr))
+        spi_lock_unlock(u_boot_console, lock_addr, lock_size)
+        i = i + 1
+def test_spi_negative(u_boot_console):
+    ''' Negative tests for SPI '''
+    min_f, max_f, loop = spi_find_freq_range(u_boot_console)
+    spi_pre_commands(u_boot_console, random.randint(min_f, max_f))
+    total_size = get_total_size()
+    erase_size = get_erase_size()
+    page_size = get_page_size()
+    addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+    i = 0
+    while i < loop:
+        # Erase negative test
+        start = random.randint(0, total_size)
+        esize = erase_size
+        # If erasesize is not multiple of flash's erase size
+        while esize % erase_size == 0:
+            esize = random.randint(0, total_size - start)
+        error_msg = 'Erased: ERROR'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', start, esize, 0, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # If eraseoffset exceeds beyond flash size
+        eoffset = random.randint(total_size, (total_size + int(0x1000000)))
+        error_msg = 'Offset exceeds device limit'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', eoffset, esize, 0, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # If erasesize exceeds beyond flash size
+        esize = random.randint((total_size - start), (total_size + 
+        error_msg = 'ERROR: attempting erase past flash size'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', start, esize, 0, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # If erase size is 0
+        esize = 0
+        error_msg = 'ERROR: Invalid size 0'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', start, esize, 0, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # If erasesize is less than flash's page size
+        esize = random.randint(0, page_size)
+        start = random.randint(0, (total_size - page_size))
+        error_msg = 'Erased: ERROR'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'erase', start, esize, 0, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # Write/Read negative test
+        # if Write/Read size exceeds beyond flash size
+        offset = random.randint(0, total_size)
+        size = random.randint((total_size - offset), (total_size + 
+        error_msg = 'Size exceeds partition or device limit'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'write', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'read', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # if Write/Read offset exceeds beyond flash size
+        offset = random.randint(total_size, (total_size + int(0x1000000)))
+        size = random.randint(0, total_size)
+        error_msg = 'Offset exceeds device limit'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'write', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'read', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        # if Write/Read size is 0
+        offset = random.randint(0, 2)
+        size = 0
+        error_msg = 'ERROR: Invalid size 0'
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'write', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        flash_ops(
+            u_boot_console, 'read', offset, size, addr, 1, error_msg, 
+        )
+        i = i + 1

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