On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 11:22:20AM -0600, Tom Rini wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 02:57:21PM +0200, Jerome Forissier wrote:
> > This is a rework of a patch series by Maxim Uvarov: "net/lwip: add lwip
> > library for the network stack" [1]. The goal is to introduce the lwIP TCP/IP
> > stack [2] [3] as an alternative to the current implementation in net/,
> > selectable with Kconfig, and ultimately keep only lwIP if possible. Some
> > reasons for doing so are:
> > - Make the support of HTTPS in the wget command easier. Javier T. and
> > Raymond M. (CC'd) have some additional lwIP and Mbed TLS patches to do
> > so. With that it becomes possible to fetch and launch a distro installer
> > such as Debian etc. using a secure, authenticated connection directly
> > from the U-Boot shell. Several use cases:
> >   * Authentication: prevent MITM attack (third party replacing the
> > binary with a different one)
> >   * Confidentiality: prevent third parties from grabbing a copy of the
> > image as it is being downloaded
> >   * Allow connection to servers that do not support plain HTTP anymore
> > (this is becoming more and more common on the Internet these days)
> > - Possibly benefit from additional features implemented in lwIP
> > - Less code to maintain in U-Boot
> > 
> > Prior to applying this series, the lwIP stack needs to be added as a
> > Git subtree with the following command:
> > 
> >  $  git subtree add --squash --prefix lib/lwip/lwip 
> > https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/lwip.git STABLE-2_2_0_RELEASE
> This is better than v4, and on the hardware platforms I could build and
> boot on (which was most of mine except the am62x_beagleplay), the tests
> ran and completed, including the tftp+boot a Linux kernel.
> The bad news is CI blows up, a lot:
> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/pipelines/21764
> And:
> https://dev.azure.com/u-boot/a1096300-2999-4ec4-a21a-4c22075e3771/_apis/build/builds/9014/logs/106
> which is another Kconfig dependency problem. I don't _think_ I
> introduced that, but since this wasn't against top of tree, I had to
> apply the cmd/Kconfig patch manually.
> I have my world build running still and may have more comments based on
> that.

First, with NET_LWIP being default rather than NET, there's a lot of
other Kconfig dependency issues. Unfortunately I don't see an easy tool
for making sure this is all clean aside from a shell loop like:
for C in `(cd configs;ls)`;do make -s $C;done

Once those are fixed, this is feeling pretty OK I think. I assume PXE
support is high on the follow-up TODO list? That said, after taking
tiger-rk3588 as an example platform and hacking out PXE related stuff and
turning on lwIP:
   aarch64: (for 1/1 boards) all +10144.0 bss -4040.0 data -64.0 rodata -100.0 
text +14348.0
            tiger-rk3588   : all +10144 bss -4040 data -64 rodata -100 text 
               u-boot: add: 161/-115, grow: 8/-6 bytes: 24552/-14382 (10170)
                 function                                   old     new   delta
                 dhcp_recv                                    -    1296   +1296
                 tftp_recv                                    -    1152   +1152
                 ip4_input                                    -     596    +596
                 new_netif                                    -     556    +556
                 etharp_query                                 -     552    +552
                 udp_input                                    -     540    +540
                 etharp_input                                 -     532    +532
                 distro_efi_read_bootflow_net                 -     516    +516
                 dhcp_loop                                    -     512    +512
                 ip4addr_aton                                 -     492    +492
                 static.dhcp_select                           -     484    +484
                 ip4_output_if_src                            -     436    +436
                 udp_sendto_if_src                            -     408    +408
                 static.dhcp_reboot                           -     400    +400
                 etharp_output                                -     400    +400
                 dhcp_create_msg                              -     384    +384
                 etharp_find_entry                            -     376    +376
                 dhcp_bind                                    -     364    +364
                 send_request                                 -     352    +352
                 dhcp_discover                                -     352    +352
                 raw_sendto_if_src                            -     328    +328
                 pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf                       -     328    +328
                 netif_add                                    -     324    +324
                 do_tftpb                                   544     868    +324
                 pbuf_alloc                                   -     308    +308
                 dhcp_release_and_stop                        -     308    +308
                 net_lwip_rx                                  -     292    +292
                 raw_input                                    -     288    +288
                 udp_bind                                     -     284    +284
                 ethernet_input                               -     284    +284
                 etharp_raw                                   -     284    +284
                 static.dhcp_handle_ack                       -     272    +272
                 ping_send                                    -     248    +248
                 ip4addr_ntoa_r                               -     220    +220
                 inet_chksum_pseudo                           -     216    +216
                 ping_recv                                    -     212    +212
                 etharp_output_to_arp_index                   -     208    +208
                 netif_set_addr                               -     204    +204
                 do_ping                                    124     328    +204
                 dhcp_start                                   -     204    +204
                 send_data                                    -     192    +192
                 dhcp_fine_tmr                                -     192    +192
                 pbuf_copy_partial                            -     184    +184
                 tftp_close                                   -     176    +176
                 script_read_bootflow                       420     596    +176
                 linkoutput                                   -     176    +176
                 ethernet_output                              -     176    +176
                 tftp_write                                   -     172    +172
                 pbuf_memcmp                                  -     168    +168
                 static.send_error                            -     164    +164
                 netif_remove                                 -     164    +164
                 raw_sendto                                   -     160    +160
                 arp_table                                    -     160    +160
                 tftp_init_common                             -     156    +156
                 pbuf_realloc                                 -     152    +152
                 dhcp_inc_pcb_refcount                        -     152    +152
                 tftp_tmr                                     -     148    +148
                 pbuf_free                                    -     148    +148
                 udp_sendto                                   -     144    +144
                 udp_connect                                  -     144    +144
                 sys_timeout_abs                              -     140    +140
                 ip4_route                                    -     136    +136
                 static.resend_data                           -     132    +132
                 pbuf_memfind                                 -     128    +128
                 pbuf_add_header_impl                         -     128    +128
                 boot_file_name                               -     128    +128
                 static.netif_do_set_ipaddr                   -     124    +124
                 lwip_standard_chksum                         -     124    +124
                 sys_check_timeouts                           -     120    +120
                 tftp_error                                   -     116    +116
                 etharp_free_entry                            -     116    +116
                 tftp_get                                     -     112    +112
                 dhcp_run                                     -     112    +112
                 static.send_ack                              -     108    +108
                 eth_start_udev                               -     104    +104
                 close_handle                                 -      96     +96
                 sys_untimeout                                -      92     +92
                 ip4_addr_isbroadcast_u32                     -      92     +92
                 init_packet                                  -      92     +92
                 etharp_cleanup_netif                         -      92     +92
                 raw_new                                      -      88     +88
                 pbuf_remove_header                           -      88     +88
                 net_lwip_get_netif                           -      88     +88
                 dhcp_option_trailer                          -      88     +88
                 udp_sendto_if                                -      84     +84
                 pbuf_alloc_reference                         -      84     +84
                 udp_remove                                   -      80     +80
                 ip4_input_accept                             -      80     +80
                 netif_set_link_up                            -      76     +76
                 udp_netif_ip_addr_changed                    -      72     +72
                 raw_remove                                   -      72     +72
                 raw_netif_ip_addr_changed                    -      72     +72
                 dhcp_option_long                             -      68     +68
                 dhcp_dec_pcb_refcount                        -      68     +68
                 udp_new                                      -      64     +64
                 sys_timeout                                  -      60     +60
                 pbuf_try_get_at                              -      60     +60
                 pbuf_clone                                   -      60     +60
                 dhcp_network_changed_link_up                 -      60     +60
                 tftp_cleanup                                 -      56     +56
                 pbuf_cat                                     -      56     +56
                 netif_get_by_index                           -      56     +56
                 _u_boot_list_2_cmd_2_dhcp                    -      56     +56
                 tftp_state                                   4      56     +52
                 pbuf_skip_const                              -      48     +48
                 net_lwip_if_init                             -      48     +48
                 dhcp_supplied_address                        -      48     +48
                 netif_issue_reports                          -      44     +44
                 tftp_context                                 -      40     +40
                 ip_data                                      -      40     +40
                 etharp_request                               -      40     +40
                 raw_bind                                     -      36     +36
                 net_lwip_remove_netif                        -      36     +36
                 memp_malloc                                  -      36     +36
                 ip4_output_if                                -      36     +36
                 dhcp_option_short                            -      36     +36
                 call_lwip_dhcp_fine_tmr                      -      36     +36
                 netif_set_up                                 -      32     +32
                 netif_set_down                               -      32     +32
                 inet_chksum                                  -      32     +32
                 dhcp_set_state                               -      32     +32
                 dhcp_rx_options_val                          -      32     +32
                 pbuf_get_at                                  -      28     +28
                 distro_efi_read_bootflow                    60      88     +28
                 distro_efi_boot                            360     388     +28
                 tftp_client_set_blksize                      -      24     +24
                 sys_now                                      -      24     +24
                 pbuf_copy                                    -      24     +24
                 pbuf_chain                                   -      24     +24
                 memp_free                                    -      24     +24
                 eth_bootdev_hunt                            44      68     +24
                 do_dhcp                                      -      24     +24
                 pbuf_ref                                     -      20     +20
                 netif_input                                  -      20     +20
                 do_net_stats                               328     348     +20
                 static.str                                   -      16     +16
                 ip4addr_ntoa                                 -      16     +16
                 udp_recv                                     -      12     +12
                 tftp_init_client                             -      12     +12
                 netif_set_default                            -      12     +12
                 udp_pcbs                                     -       8      +8
                 tftp_read                                    -       8      +8
                 tftp_open                                    -       8      +8
                 raw_recv                                     -       8      +8
                 raw_pcbs                                     -       8      +8
                 pbuf_add_header                              -       8      +8
                 next_timeout                                 -       8      +8
                 netif_null_output_ip4                        -       8      +8
                 netif_list                                   -       8      +8
                 netif_default                                -       8      +8
                 net_lwip_new_netif_noip                      -       8      +8
                 net_lwip_new_netif                           -       8      +8
                 lwip_htons                                   -       8      +8
                 lwip_htonl                                   -       8      +8
                 dhcp_rx_options_given                        -       8      +8
                 dhcp_pcb                                     -       8      +8
                 udp_new_ip_type                              -       4      +4
                 static.xid                                   -       4      +4
                 mem_trim                                     -       4      +4
                 mem_malloc                                   -       4      +4
                 mem_free                                     -       4      +4
                 ip_chksum_pseudo                             -       4      +4
                 current_timeout_due_time                     -       4      +4
                 udp_port                                     -       2      +2
                 ip_id                                        -       2      +2
                 static.called                                -       1      +1
                 netif_num                                    -       1      +1
                 etharp_cached_entry                          -       1      +1
                 dhcp_pcb_refcount                            -       1      +1
                 net_boot_file_name_explicit                  1       -      -1
                 tftp_windowsize                              2       -      -2
                 tftp_window_size_option                      2       -      -2
                 tftp_next_ack                                2       -      -2
                 tftp_last_nack                               2       -      -2
                 tftp_block_size_option                       2       -      -2
                 tftp_block_size                              2       -      -2
                 ping_seq_number                              2       -      -2
                 net_our_vlan                                 2       -      -2
                 net_native_vlan                              2       -      -2
                 env_flags_vartype_rep                        7       5      -2
                 timeout_count_max                            4       -      -4
                 timeout_count                                4       -      -4
                 tftp_timeout_count_max                       4       -      -4
                 tftp_remote_port                             4       -      -4
                 tftp_remote_ip                               4       -      -4
                 tftp_our_port                                4       -      -4
                 static.first_call                            4       -      -4
                 saved_tftp_block_size_option                 4       -      -4
                 net_try_count                                4       -      -4
                 net_state                                    4       -      -4
                 net_server_ip                                4       -      -4
                 net_rx_packet_len                            4       -      -4
                 net_restarted                                4       -      -4
                 net_ping_ip                                  4       -      -4
                 net_netmask                                  4       -      -4
                 net_ip_id                                    4       -      -4
                 net_ip                                       4       -      -4
                 net_gateway                                  4       -      -4
                 net_dns_server                               4       -      -4
                 net_dev_exists                               4       -      -4
                 net_boot_file_size                           4       -      -4
                 net_boot_file_expected_size_in_blocks        4       -      -4
                 net_arp_wait_reply_ip                        4       -      -4
                 net_arp_wait_packet_ip                       4       -      -4
                 dummy_handler                                4       -      -4
                 arp_wait_tx_packet_size                      4       -      -4
                 arp_wait_try                                 4       -      -4
                 net_server_ethaddr                           6       -      -6
                 net_ethaddr                                  6       -      -6
                 udp_packet_handler                           8       -      -8
                 timeout_ms                                   8       -      -8
                 time_handler                                 8       -      -8
                 time_delta                                   8       -      -8
                 tftp_prev_block                              8       -      -8
                 tftp_load_size                               8       -      -8
                 tftp_load_addr                               8       -      -8
                 tftp_cur_block                               8       -      -8
                 tftp_block_wrap_offset                       8       -      -8
                 tftp_block_wrap                              8       -      -8
                 net_tx_packet                                8       -      -8
                 net_rx_packet                                8       -      -8
                 arp_wait_timer_start                         8       -      -8
                 arp_wait_packet_ethaddr                      8       -      -8
                 arp_tx_packet                                8       -      -8
                 arp_packet_handler                           8       -      -8
                 net_get_arp_handler                         12       -     -12
                 default_filename                            13       -     -13
                 time_start                                  16       -     -16
                 start_again_timeout_handler                 16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_vlan              16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_serverip          16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_nvlan             16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_netmask           16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_ipaddr            16       -     -16
                 _u_boot_list_2_env_clbk_2_gatewayip         16       -     -16
                 arp_is_waiting                              20       -     -20
                 net_set_udp_handler                         24       -     -24
                 ip_checksum_ok                              28       -     -28
                 ping_timeout_handler                        32       -     -32
                 net_clear_handlers                          36       -     -36
                 ip_to_string                                36       -     -36
                 is_serverip_in_cmd                          40       -     -40
                 net_send_udp_packet                         44       -     -44
                 net_get_async_tx_pkt_buf                    44       -     -44
                 eth_halt_state_only                         44       -     -44
                 on_vlan                                     48       -     -48
                 on_serverip                                 48       -     -48
                 on_nvlan                                    48       -     -48
                 on_netmask                                  48       -     -48
                 on_ipaddr                                   48       -     -48
                 on_gatewayip                                48       -     -48
                 net_eth_hdr_size                            56       -     -56
                 arp_init                                    56       -     -56
                 net_init_loop                               60       -     -60
                 eth_init                                   300     232     -68
                 env_flags_validate                         644     576     -68
                 copy_filename                               76       -     -76
                 net_init                                   112      32     -80
                 string_to_vlan                              84       -     -84
                 net_set_timeout_handler                     84       -     -84
                 compute_ip_checksum                         92       -     -92
                 tftp_init_load_addr                        100       -    -100
                 skip_num                                   104       -    -104
                 tftp_filename                              128       -    -128
                 arp_request                                128       -    -128
                 tftp_timeout_handler                       132       -    -132
                 lmb_get_free_size                          136       -    -136
                 net_set_udp_header                         144       -    -144
                 arp_timeout_check                          148       -    -148
                 net_update_ether                           152       -    -152
                 eth_validate_ethaddr_str                   152       -    -152
                 string_to_ip                               156       -    -156
                 net_parse_bootfile                         160       -    -160
                 net_set_ether                              180       -    -180
                 net_set_ip_header                          184       -    -184
                 arp_raw_request                            228       -    -228
                 ping_start                                 276       -    -276
                 net_send_ip_packet                         292       -    -292
                 net_check_prereq                           308       -    -308
                 ping_receive                               332       -    -332
                 net_start_again                            336       -    -336
                 net_loop                                   544       -    -544
                 arp_receive                                560       -    -560
                 tftp_send                                  584       -    -584
                 net_process_received_packet                764       4    -760
                 tftp_start                                 908       -    -908
                 net_boot_file_name                        1024       -   -1024
                 tftp_handler                              1308       -   -1308
                 net_pkt_buf                               7744    6208   -1536
                 arp_tx_packet_buf                         1600       -   -1600

Although I'm not 100% sure that config is functionally equivalent, so
perhaps it would be helpful if you could take a board or two and
reconfigure them with the legacy stack, but equivalent functionality to
with lwIP, for comparison sake? Thanks!


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