On 16:56-20240709, Scaria Kochidanadu wrote:
> I wanted to reuse the sound card DT node in the upstream kernel
> device-tree. The U-boot upstrem repo does not have the node as it is
> using an older version of DT.

Please DONOT do this. migrate to OF_UPSTREAM is it is not done (and as I
recollect I have now spend close to an year getting u-boot TI dts to get
to kernel.org dts and OF_UPSTREAM should now be enabled on master for
am625), so what are you talking about? be specific what node is missing
- contribute upstream kernel to enable the node and then do the changes.

> But if using the simple-audio-card node is not preferred, then can we
> create TI specific compatible and a separate DT node?

Nishanth Menon
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