This series of patches greatly improve TCP support.

The benefits:
 * a lot of bug was fixed
 * tcp cliens becomes smaller/simpler
 * fix data uploading (now it's possible to transmit a huge
   array of data from the board to external server)
 * data downloading/uploading with netcat over tcp was added

Mikhail Kshevetskiy (9):
  net/tcp: fix TCP options processing
  net/tcp: fix selective acknowledge
  net/tcp: put connection specific data into a tcp_stream structure
  net/tcp: add connection info to tcp_stream structure
  net/tcp: rename ack_edge and seq_init to more common rcv_nxt and irs
  net/tcp: improve tcp framework, use better state machine
  net/tcp: simplify tcp header filling code
  net/tcp: define a fallback value for rcv_wnd size
  net/netcat: add netcat over tcp support

 cmd/Kconfig          |    7 +
 cmd/net.c            |   34 +-
 include/net.h        |    7 +-
 include/net/netcat.h |   20 +
 include/net/tcp.h    |  227 +++++++-
 include/net/wget.h   |    8 -
 net/Makefile         |    1 +
 net/fastboot_tcp.c   |  190 +++----
 net/net.c            |   30 +-
 net/netcat.c         |  159 ++++++
 net/tcp.c            | 1253 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 net/wget.c           |  479 +++++-----------
 12 files changed, 1538 insertions(+), 877 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/net/netcat.h
 create mode 100644 net/netcat.c


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