To prevent some IT hiccups in the future, let's just migrate important
URLs and the mail addresses to ones people "should" be using right now.

This should be unnecessary but let's play it safe.

for the press release.

Signed-off-by: Quentin Schulz <>
Quentin Schulz (3):
      .mailmap: redirect Philipp Tomsich Theobroma address to Vrull
      migrate Theobroma Systems mail addresses to CHERRY Embedded Solutions
      rockchip: theobroma: update URLs to point to CHERRY website

 .mailmap                                          | 5 +++++
 board/hardkernel/odroid_go2/MAINTAINERS           | 2 +-
 board/theobroma-systems/jaguar_rk3588/MAINTAINERS | 8 ++++----
 board/theobroma-systems/lion_rk3368/MAINTAINERS   | 4 ++--
 board/theobroma-systems/puma_rk3399/MAINTAINERS   | 8 ++++----
 board/theobroma-systems/ringneck_px30/MAINTAINERS | 7 ++++---
 6 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
base-commit: 377e91c162ab09ec20f96f966f380cb55c590edd
change-id: 20240524-tsd-to-cherry-8f9e69a89607

Best regards,
Quentin Schulz <>

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