Hi Matthias,

Le 12/04/2011 09:49, Matthias Weißer a écrit :

> Well, as the patch is only slightly related to my original one I thought
> it is better to start a new patch as I had to change the subject also.
> The only relation between them would be the reference in the mail
> header. Maybe Wolfgang can bring some light into this situation.
> What would be the right way to post this patch?

Never mind with the previous patch, then; but please keep history of 
this one (maybe including a patchwork URL pointing to the previous patch 
with the other name) and tag its V2 in the subject line.

> And what would be the
> right way to post a patch doing exactly the same to the ARM optimized
> version of memcpy?

Simply submit a separate patch.

> Regards,
> Matthias

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