Am Dienstag, den 12.04.2011, 16:15 +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Denk:
> Dear Andreas Pretzsch,
> In message <> you wrote:
> >
> > True, but it would pollute the env with transient variables like
> > fileaddr, filesize and serveraddr. Nothing serious, of course.
> Do you really care to delete these before each and every saveenv?
> Or is your environment so small that you have to worry about 20 or 30
> additional bytes?

Neither. As stated, pure, irrelevant cosmetics.

> > But in case of bootlimit enabled, it would also save "bootcount", which
> > might be a bad idea...
> Why?  It does not matter at all.

ACK. Looked at the code, bootcount is initialized via board-specific
bootcount_load(), not from env. So again, pure cosmetics. Sorry for the


carpe noctem engineering
Ingenieurbuero fuer Hard- & Software-Entwicklung Andreas Pretzsch
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Pretzsch          Tel. +49-(0)731-5521572
Hahnengasse 3                             Fax: +49-(0)731-5521573
89073 Ulm, Germany                        email:

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