>> > I want to get rid of the device argument in all these calls.
>> So the the mmc read would becomes "mmc read [ram address] [mmc sector
>> start] [sector num]"?
> Right.  That's what we use on other storage devices, too.

Right now, getting rid of all of those is a bit of a chore.
Personally, I'd prefer if we did it in such a way that we still *can*
provide the argument on the command line. In my personal experience, I
far more often think verb, object, rather than the other way around.
The way I did the mdio command for phylib, one could do either one:

mii device foo
mdio read 0 0


mdio read foo 0 0

(and, as a side bonus, from then on, mdio read 0 0 will work, too).

Though I can't for the life of me remember why I left the device
identifier as a simple integer.

My 2 cents,
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