On 18.04.24 17:36, Ilias Apalodimas wrote:
Hi Mark,

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 18:15, Mark Kettenis <mark.kette...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

From: Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:54:52 +0300

Hi Illias,

Previous patches enabled SetVariableRT using a RAM backend.
Although EBBR [0] defines a variable format we can teach userspace tools
and write the altered variables, it's better if we skip the ABI
requirements completely.

So let's add a new variable, in its own namespace called "VarToFile"
which contains a binary dump of the updated RT, BS and, NV variables
and will be updated when GetVariable is called.

Some adjustments are needed to do that.
Currently we discard BS-only variables in EBS(). We need to preserve
those on the RAM backend that exposes the variables. Since BS-only
variables can't appear at runtime we need to move the memory masking
checks from efi_var_collect() to efi_get_next_variable_name_mem()/
efi_get_variable_mem() and do the filtering at runtime.

We also need an efi_var_collect() variant available at runtime, in order
to construct the "VarToFile" buffer on the fly.

All users and applications (for linux) have to do when updating a variable
is dd that variable in the file described by "RTStorageVolatile".

I simehow missed your reply to the issue I raised with picking the
right ESP to write variables back to.

No worries, I did send v3 quickly myself...

  I'm not convinced that the ESP
that was used to install Linux on is necessarily th right one.  In
particular, consider a system with multiple disks, say eMMC and an
NVMe disk.  Suppose U-Boot is installed on eMMC and picks the ESP on
that disk to store the EFI variables.

And who creates ESP on the eMMC? I assume you have one OS installed in
the eMMC and another one in the nvme?

E.g. you have a naked NVMe. At first boot there will be an ESP on the installation medium. The installer may create an ESP on the NVMe drive and put GRUB there.

Later the user will typically remove the installation module if U-Boot is on SPI flash.

U-Boot has no chance to know this beforehand.

Best regards


Now I install Linux on the NVMe
disk, which creates an ESP to store its bootloader.  With your
proposed changes, Linux will probably end up writing the variables to
the ESP on the NVMe.  Now you reboot and U-Boot still reads the EFI
variables from eMMC and you've lost any changes...

I understand the problem, but my concern is that using a DP just
delegates the problem -- it doesn't solve it.

To use the 'correct' partition, U-Boot has to *decide* which ESP is
going to be used and inject it in RTVolatileStorage.
But if U-Boot decides about the 'correct' ESP the relative path would
work as well. So what's needed here is a mechanism to correlate the
booted OS with the ESP it will use and force the variable loading from
that file. Am I missing anything?


Linux efivarfs uses a first 4 bytes of the output to represent attributes
in little-endian format. So, storing variables works like this:

$~ efibootmgr -n 0001
$~ dd 
of=/boot/efi/ubootefi.var skip=4 bs=1


Suggested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <a...@kernel.org> # dumping all variables to a 
Co-developed-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schucha...@canonical.com> # 
contributed on efi_var_collect_mem()
Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schucha...@canonical.com>
Signed-off-by: Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org>
  include/efi_variable.h            |  16 +++-
  lib/charset.c                     |   2 +-
  lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c      |  25 +++++
  lib/efi_loader/efi_var_common.c   |   6 +-
  lib/efi_loader/efi_var_mem.c      | 151 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
  lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c     |   6 +-
  lib/efi_loader/efi_variable_tee.c |   5 -
  7 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/efi_variable.h b/include/efi_variable.h
index 42a2b7c52bef..223bb9a4a5bd 100644
--- a/include/efi_variable.h
+++ b/include/efi_variable.h
@@ -271,13 +271,16 @@ const efi_guid_t *efi_auth_var_get_guid(const u16 *name);
   * @variable_name_size:      size of variable_name buffer in bytes
   * @variable_name:   name of uefi variable's name in u16
+ * @mask:            bitmask with required attributes of variables to be 
+ *                      variables are only collected if all of the required
+ *                      attributes match. Use 0 to skip matching
   * @vendor:          vendor's guid
   * Return: status code
  efi_status_t __efi_runtime
  efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(efi_uintn_t *variable_name_size, u16 
-                            efi_guid_t *vendor);
+                            efi_guid_t *vendor, u32 mask);
   * efi_get_variable_mem() - Runtime common code across efi variable
   *                          implementations for GetVariable() from
@@ -289,12 +292,15 @@ efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(efi_uintn_t 
*variable_name_size, u16 *variable_na
   * @data_size:               size of the buffer to which the variable value 
is copied
   * @data:            buffer to which the variable value is copied
   * @timep:           authentication time (seconds since start of epoch)
+ * @mask:            bitmask with required attributes of variables to be 
+ *                      variables are only collected if all of the required
+ *                      attributes match. Use 0 to skip matching
   * Return:           status code
  efi_status_t __efi_runtime
  efi_get_variable_mem(const u16 *variable_name, const efi_guid_t *vendor,
                    u32 *attributes, efi_uintn_t *data_size, void *data,
-                  u64 *timep);
+                  u64 *timep, u32 mask);

   * efi_get_variable_runtime() - runtime implementation of GetVariable()
@@ -334,4 +340,10 @@ efi_get_next_variable_name_runtime(efi_uintn_t 
  void efi_var_buf_update(struct efi_var_file *var_buf);

+efi_status_t __efi_runtime efi_var_collect_mem(struct efi_var_file *buf,
+                                            efi_uintn_t *lenp,
+                                            u32 check_attr_mask);
+u32 efi_var_entry_len(struct efi_var_entry *var);
diff --git a/lib/charset.c b/lib/charset.c
index df4f04074852..182c92a50c48 100644
--- a/lib/charset.c
+++ b/lib/charset.c
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ int u16_strcasecmp(const u16 *s1, const u16 *s2)
   *           > 0 if the first different u16 in s1 is greater than the
   *           corresponding u16 in s2
-int u16_strncmp(const u16 *s1, const u16 *s2, size_t n)
+int __efi_runtime u16_strncmp(const u16 *s1, const u16 *s2, size_t n)
       int ret = 0;

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c
index c8f7a88ba8db..73831c527e00 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ efi_status_t efi_init_runtime_supported(void)

+             u8 s = 0;
               ret = efi_set_variable_int(u"RTStorageVolatile",
                                          EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
@@ -141,6 +143,29 @@ efi_status_t efi_init_runtime_supported(void)
                       log_err("Failed to set RTStorageVolatile\n");
                       return ret;
+             /*
+              * This variable needs to be visible so users can read it,
+              * but the real contents are going to be filled during
+              * GetVariable
+              */
+             ret = efi_set_variable_int(u"VarToFile",
+                                        &efi_guid_efi_rt_var_file,
+                                        EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                        EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS |
+                                        EFI_VARIABLE_READ_ONLY,
+                                        sizeof(s),
+                                        &s, false);
+             if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+                     log_err("Failed to set VarToFile\n");
+                     efi_set_variable_int(u"RTStorageVolatile",
+                                          &efi_guid_efi_rt_var_file,
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS |
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_READ_ONLY,
+                                          0, NULL, false);
+                     return ret;
+             }
               rt_table->runtime_services_supported |= 

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_common.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_common.c
index aa8feffd3ec1..7862f2d6ce8a 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_common.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_common.c
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ efi_get_variable_runtime(u16 *variable_name, const 
efi_guid_t *guid,
       efi_status_t ret;

-     ret = efi_get_variable_mem(variable_name, guid, attributes, data_size, 
data, NULL);
+     ret = efi_get_variable_mem(variable_name, guid, attributes, data_size,
+                                data, NULL, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS);

       /* Remove EFI_VARIABLE_READ_ONLY flag */
       if (attributes)
@@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ efi_status_t __efi_runtime EFIAPI
  efi_get_next_variable_name_runtime(efi_uintn_t *variable_name_size,
                                  u16 *variable_name, efi_guid_t *guid)
-     return efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(variable_name_size, variable_name, 
+     return efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(variable_name_size, variable_name,
+                                           guid, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS);

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_mem.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_mem.c
index 6c21cec5d457..940ab6638823 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_mem.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_var_mem.c
@@ -61,6 +61,23 @@ efi_var_mem_compare(struct efi_var_entry *var, const 
efi_guid_t *guid,
       return match;

+ * efi_var_entry_len() - Get the entry len including headers & name
+ *
+ * @var:     pointer to variable start
+ *
+ * Return:   8-byte aligned variable entry length
+ */
+u32 __efi_runtime efi_var_entry_len(struct efi_var_entry *var)
+     if (!var)
+             return 0;
+     return ALIGN((sizeof(u16) * (u16_strlen(var->name) + 1)) +
+                  var->length + sizeof(*var), 8);
  struct efi_var_entry __efi_runtime
  *efi_var_mem_find(const efi_guid_t *guid, const u16 *name,
                 struct efi_var_entry **next)
@@ -184,53 +201,6 @@ u64 __efi_runtime efi_var_mem_free(void)
              sizeof(struct efi_var_entry);

- * efi_var_mem_bs_del() - delete boot service only variables
- */
-static void efi_var_mem_bs_del(void)
-     struct efi_var_entry *var = efi_var_buf->var;
-     for (;;) {
-             struct efi_var_entry *last;
-             last = (struct efi_var_entry *)
-                    ((uintptr_t)efi_var_buf + efi_var_buf->length);
-             if (var >= last)
-                     break;
-             if (var->attr & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
-                     u16 *data;
-                     /* skip variable */
-                     for (data = var->name; *data; ++data)
-                             ;
-                     ++data;
-                     var = (struct efi_var_entry *)
-                           ALIGN((uintptr_t)data + var->length, 8);
-             } else {
-                     /* delete variable */
-                     efi_var_mem_del(var);
-             }
-     }
- * efi_var_mem_notify_exit_boot_services() - ExitBootService callback
- *
- * @event:   callback event
- * @context: callback context
- */
-static void EFIAPI
-efi_var_mem_notify_exit_boot_services(struct efi_event *event, void *context)
-     EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p", event, context);
-     /* Delete boot service only variables */
-     efi_var_mem_bs_del();
   * efi_var_mem_notify_exit_boot_services() - SetVirtualMemoryMap callback
@@ -261,11 +231,7 @@ efi_status_t efi_var_mem_init(void)
       efi_var_buf->magic = EFI_VAR_FILE_MAGIC;
       efi_var_buf->length = (uintptr_t)efi_var_buf->var -
-     /* crc32 for 0 bytes = 0 */

-     ret = efi_create_event(EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, TPL_CALLBACK,
-                            efi_var_mem_notify_exit_boot_services, NULL,
-                            NULL, &event);
       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
               return ret;
@@ -276,10 +242,71 @@ efi_status_t efi_var_mem_init(void)
       return ret;

+ * efi_var_collect_mem() - Copy EFI variables matching attributes mask from
+ *                         efi_var_buf
+ *
+ * @buf:     buffer containing variable collection
+ * @lenp:    buffer length
+ * @mask:    mask of matched attributes
+ *
+ * Return:   Status code
+ */
+efi_status_t __efi_runtime
+efi_var_collect_mem(struct efi_var_file *buf, efi_uintn_t *lenp, u32 mask)
+     static struct efi_var_file __efi_runtime_data hdr = {
+             .magic = EFI_VAR_FILE_MAGIC,
+     };
+     struct efi_var_entry *last, *var, *var_to;
+     hdr.length = sizeof(struct efi_var_file);
+     var = efi_var_buf->var;
+     last = (struct efi_var_entry *)
+            ((uintptr_t)efi_var_buf + efi_var_buf->length);
+     if (buf)
+             var_to = buf->var;
+     while (var < last) {
+             u32 len = efi_var_entry_len(var);
+             if ((var->attr & mask) != mask) {
+                     var = (void *)((uintptr_t)var + len);
+                     continue;
+             }
+             hdr.length += len;
+             if (buf && hdr.length <= *lenp) {
+                     efi_memcpy_runtime(var_to, var, len);
+                     var_to = (void *)var_to + len;
+             }
+             var = (void *)var + len;
+     }
+     if (!buf && hdr.length <= *lenp) {
+             *lenp = hdr.length;
+             return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+     }
+     if (!buf || hdr.length > *lenp) {
+             *lenp = hdr.length;
+             return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+     }
+     hdr.crc32 = crc32(0, (u8 *)buf->var,
+                       hdr.length - sizeof(struct efi_var_file));
+     efi_memcpy_runtime(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+     *lenp = hdr.length;
+     return EFI_SUCCESS;
  efi_status_t __efi_runtime
  efi_get_variable_mem(const u16 *variable_name, const efi_guid_t *vendor,
                    u32 *attributes, efi_uintn_t *data_size, void *data,
-                  u64 *timep)
+                  u64 *timep, u32 mask)
       efi_uintn_t old_size;
       struct efi_var_entry *var;
@@ -291,11 +318,22 @@ efi_get_variable_mem(const u16 *variable_name, const 
efi_guid_t *vendor,
       if (!var)
               return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

+     /*
+      * This function is used at runtime to dump EFI variables.
+      * The memory backend we keep around has BS-only variables as
+      * well. At runtime we filter them here
+      */
+     if (mask && !((var->attr & mask) == mask))
+             return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
       if (attributes)
               *attributes = var->attr;
       if (timep)
               *timep = var->time;

+     if (!u16_strcmp(variable_name, u"VarToFile"))
+             return efi_var_collect_mem(data, data_size, 
       old_size = *data_size;
       *data_size = var->length;
       if (old_size < var->length)
@@ -315,7 +353,8 @@ efi_get_variable_mem(const u16 *variable_name, const 
efi_guid_t *vendor,

  efi_status_t __efi_runtime
  efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(efi_uintn_t *variable_name_size,
-                            u16 *variable_name, efi_guid_t *vendor)
+                            u16 *variable_name, efi_guid_t *vendor,
+                            u32 mask)
       struct efi_var_entry *var;
       efi_uintn_t len, old_size;
@@ -324,6 +363,7 @@ efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(efi_uintn_t 
       if (!variable_name_size || !variable_name || !vendor)
               return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

       len = *variable_name_size >> 1;
       if (u16_strnlen(variable_name, len) == len)
               return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
@@ -347,6 +387,11 @@ efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(efi_uintn_t 
       efi_memcpy_runtime(variable_name, var->name, *variable_name_size);
       efi_memcpy_runtime(vendor, &var->guid, sizeof(efi_guid_t));

+     if (mask && !((var->attr & mask) == mask)) {
+             *variable_name_size = old_size;
+             goto skip;
+     }
       return EFI_SUCCESS;

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c
index 47bb79920575..0cbed53d1dbf 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c
@@ -209,14 +209,16 @@ efi_get_variable_int(const u16 *variable_name, const 
efi_guid_t *vendor,
                    u32 *attributes, efi_uintn_t *data_size, void *data,
                    u64 *timep)
-     return efi_get_variable_mem(variable_name, vendor, attributes, data_size, 
data, timep);
+     return efi_get_variable_mem(variable_name, vendor, attributes, data_size,
+                                 data, timep, 0);

  efi_status_t __efi_runtime
  efi_get_next_variable_name_int(efi_uintn_t *variable_name_size,
                              u16 *variable_name, efi_guid_t *vendor)
-     return efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(variable_name_size, variable_name, 
+     return efi_get_next_variable_name_mem(variable_name_size, variable_name,
+                                           vendor, 0);

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable_tee.c 
index dde135fd9f81..4f1aa298da13 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable_tee.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_variable_tee.c
@@ -959,11 +959,6 @@ void efi_variables_boot_exit_notify(void)
               log_err("Unable to notify the MM partition for 

-     /*
-      * Populate the list for runtime variables.
-      * asking EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS is redundant, since
-      * efi_var_mem_notify_exit_boot_services will clean those, but that's fine
-      */
       ret = efi_var_collect(&var_buf, &len, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS);
       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
               log_err("Can't populate EFI variables. No runtime variables will be 

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