Hi Joy,

On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 5:57 AM Joy Zou <joy....@nxp.com> wrote:
> support rtc PCF2131 for imx93.

Please improve the commit log:

- Start with a capital letter.
- You are adding the RTC support for the imx93-evk board, not for imx93.

> +
> +       aliases {
> +               rtc0 = &pcf2131;
> +       };
> +

There is no need for this extra blank line. Please drop it.

BTW, you should also add the alias in the patch you sent to Linux.

> +       pcf2131: rtc@53 {
> +               compatible = "nxp,pcf2131";
> +               reg = <0x53>;
> +               interrupt-parent = <&pcal6524>;
> +               interrupts = <1 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
> +               status = "okay";

The status should be dropped as per the feedback you received in the
kernel submission.

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